Closed Bug 686549 Opened 13 years ago Closed 10 years ago

[SOP] Inter-community meetup


(Mozilla Reps Graveyard :: Planning, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: Kensie, Assigned: williamq)




Need an SOP describing how to run an inter-community meetup. that is how to hold an event that involves several regions or projects.
Now that the planning component is open, removing the checked groups so that these bugs are open.
Group: mozilla-reps-admins
Assignee: pierros → wquiviger
Summary: [New SOP] Inter-community meetup → [SOP] Inter-community meetup
Whiteboard: [SOP] → [SOP] - clean up
A major update needs to be made to The Balkans Meetup 2012 has shed light on a log of planning shortcomings in the run up to the event. The updates to this SOP will reflect the lessons learned from this inter-community meetup, with the aim of avoiding the same problems in the future. This SOP will be updated the week of May 14th 2012.
Whiteboard: [SOP] - clean up → [SOP] - major overhaul required (pending end of Balkans Meetup 2012)
Whiteboard: [SOP] - major overhaul required (pending end of Balkans Meetup 2012) → [SOP] - major overhaul required
Due Date: 2012-07-25
I will gather feedback and ideas at MozCamp EU 2012
Due Date: 2012-07-25 00:00:00 → 2012-09-12 0:00
Note the Arabic community talk at MozCamp:,_unexplored_areas_and_new_challenges_! We can broaden the discussion there if there is time.
Whiteboard: [SOP] - major overhaul required → [SOP] - major overhaul required #docsprint1212 #remoto12
Whiteboard: [SOP] - major overhaul required #docsprint1212 #remoto12 → u=rep c=planning p=1
Blocks: 841057
any updates on this?
Flags: needinfo?
Update on this William Q? Is this still relevant or shall we close? Thanks
Flags: needinfo?
Whiteboard: u=rep c=planning p=1
Flags: needinfo?(wquiviger)
Actually I'd like to keep this open and let Soumya Deb chime in once the South Asia Meetup is over next week. This meetup is a perfect example of a successful planned and executed inter-community meetup and so it would be great to update the SOP with useful insights from the South Asia meetup.
Flags: needinfo?(wquiviger)
Flags: needinfo?(debloper)
Closed: 10 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(debloper)
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Mozilla Reps → Mozilla Reps Graveyard
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