Closed Bug 692301 Opened 13 years ago Closed 13 years ago

PGO builds not showing up, even though PGO tests are


(Tree Management Graveyard :: TBPL, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jhford, Unassigned)



Example In case that falls off, the Windows build *is* a PGO build, But it doesn't have a B for Win pgo Win optBBm 1 2 3 4 5 oth C J R XT T T T T T T T T T T Win pgo 1 2 3 4 5 oth C J R XT T T T T T T T T T T Win debugB 1 2 3 4 5 oth C J R X This is important to fix soon as it could increase our regression range for a PGO failure from 4h to 24h because PGO build failure will only be indicated by nightly builds
I think this is from them being manually triggered, and having a got_revision but not a revision, and both ends of that, tbpl's "fall back to got_revision" and releng's "set a revision for manually triggered things" are filed, but I may be wrong. Hoping that the scheduled one will show properly.
Yep, looking at the build json, those runs don’t have a proper revision set.
Depends on: 689952
The same is true of regularly scheduled pgo builds, both that they don't show, and that they don't have revision set. Did we do a bad job of reverse engineering, and got_revision is actually the true revision, or are there other jobs I'm not seeing right now, which have a revision but not a got_revision? If both exist, are they always the same?
Ah. Builds have a got_revision, and may or may not have a revision depending on what they are and how they got triggered, tests have a revision and do not have a got_revision.
so... in the default case 'revision' is the revision, if set, from the change source (e.g. HGPoller). Forced builds may or may not have this depending on whether one is inserted. 'got_revision' is a property set by default for all build steps. By default, if you use a source step and are given a revision by the change source, got_revision should equal revision. The short version is that 'revision' is what you asked for, 'got_revision' is what you got. We have a couple places where we do nifty things which change which revision is actually there. This new revision is set in the 'got_revision' property when we do make those changes. If this were python, i'd personally do: revision_to_display = properties.get('got_revision', properties.get('revision'))
Is it possible that this revision/got_revision difference is the reason for bug 692353?
Fixed by bug 689952
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Webtools → Tree Management
Product: Tree Management → Tree Management Graveyard
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