Closed Bug 694193 Opened 13 years ago Closed 13 years ago

design for list that's filtered by tag


( :: Knowledge Base Software, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: cbeasley, Assigned: rrosario)



(Keywords: ux-control)


(2 files)

Attached image screenshot
A list that's filtered by tags should share the tag css from the sidebar of forum posts.

Currently, the tags are links which take you to a list that's filtered to that tag. Desired, delete the tag.

On hover, the X becomes red, borrowing from the sidebar css and the background changes to pink (#FCEBEB). The entire tag button area should be clickable.
Attached image delete tag hover
You only want to make this change in the top spot (list of active tag filters), right?
James - where else is filter by tag used in this way?
Could we "simplify" the bug and make the behavior equivalent? Including a box where you can add tags to the filter? At the moment that's not possible.
(In reply to Ibai from comment #4)
> Could we "simplify" the bug and make the behavior equivalent?

Sorry, can you explain that?

> Including a
> box where you can add tags to the filter? At the moment that's not possible.

That's true but probably a separate issue.

(In reply to Crystal Beasley [:skinny, :crystal] from comment #3)
> James - where else is filter by tag used in this way?

The tag adding/removing UI for contributors (with permission, let me know if you need permission on a staging server). It's not "filter by tag" but it's managing adding and removing them from an list.
My proposal is to make the behavior of the "tags" in the "Filter by tag" feature exactly the same way as what you describe in the answer to Crystal: the adding and removing UI for contributors.

What we are discussing here it's only how we are removing tags, maybe I'm missing the part where we are discussing how to add tags to the "Filter by tag" feature.
Ibai is right. As someone answering questions in the forum, you need to be able to see the list of all tags and then be able to select the ones you want to filter the questions by (e.g. mac, Firefox 7.0.1). Otherwise you're still left with hacking the url.
(In reply to Verdi from comment #7)
> Ibai is right. As someone answering questions in the forum, you need to be
> able to see the list of all tags and then be able to select the ones you
> want to filter the questions by (e.g. mac, Firefox 7.0.1).

Let's tackle that in a different bug and just deal with comment 0 here. now has a link to the prototype I just made for adding tags
(In reply to Crystal Beasley [:skinny, :crystal] from comment #9)
> now has a link to the
> prototype I just made for adding tags

Thanks Crystal! These two together will be great.
Assignee: nobody → rrosario
OS: Mac OS X → All
Hardware: x86 → All
Target Milestone: --- → 2011-11-01
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Thanks Ricky!

You guys rock!
Verified able to filter questions by tag.
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