Closed Bug 700987 Opened 13 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Unable to download mail: An error occurred executing the cmd_getNewMessages.


(MailNews Core :: Networking: POP, defect)

Windows XP
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: a10674168, Unassigned)


(Whiteboard: [CLOSEME 2012-03-31])

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:7.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/7.0.1
Build ID: 20110928134238

Steps to reproduce:

Update Thunderbird 3.X.X to 5.0-8.0

Actual results:

Unable to download mail, waiting to download. Progressbar is running.

Error: An error occurred executing the cmd_getNewMessages command: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x8055000a [nsIMsgIncomingServer.getNewMessages]"  nsresult: "0x8055000a (<unknown>)"  location: "JS frame :: chrome://messenger/content/mailWindowOverlay.js :: GetNewMsgs :: line 2408"  data: no]
Zdrojový súbor: chrome://global/content/globalOverlay.js
Riadok: 100

I have now Thunderbird 8.0.  
When i disable all plugins, error persists since version 5.0
I have 5 mail accounts (automaticaly check every 1 minutes). When I check new program update, download mails work fine to the time when the program restarts.

Please help me.
Does the problem happen also if you start Thunderbird in Safe mode? (Help->Restart with addons disabled)

What is the type of the account? POP? IMAP?
Yes, even in Safe mode.

All my accounts (5 accounts) is: POP3
In warnings is:

Note: Using methods getAttributeNodeNS () for attribute is deprecated. Use your getAttributeNS ().
Source File: chrome: / / messenger / content / messenger.xul
Line: 0
Any idea?
Does it happen every time you press "get new mail"?
So you are now completely unable to download new messages?
Almost every key press (get new mail).
No, sometimes it works. In particular, check the new program updates (search updates).

This is some problem:

Reinstalling does not help me.
Can you attach contents of Help->troubleshooting info?
Component: General → Networking: POP
Product: Thunderbird → MailNews Core
QA Contact: general → networking.pop
  Základné nastavenia aplikácie

    Názov: Thunderbird
    Verzia: 8.0
    Reťazec User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:8.0) Gecko/20111105 Thunderbird/8.0
    Priečinok profilu: Otvoriť priečinok

              (lokálny disk)
    Application Build ID: 20111105021620
    Povolené zásuvné moduly: about:plugins
    Konfigurácia zostavenia: about:buildconfig

  Poštové a diskusné účty
      INCOMING: account1, , (none) Local Folders, plain, passwordCleartext

      INCOMING: account2, , (pop3) XXX:995, SSL, passwordCleartext
      OUTGOING:, SSL, passwordCleartext, true

      INCOMING: account4, , (pop3) XXX:995, SSL, passwordCleartext
      OUTGOING:, SSL, passwordCleartext, true

      INCOMING: account5, , (pop3) XXX:995, SSL, passwordCleartext
      OUTGOING:, SSL, passwordCleartext, true

      INCOMING: account6, , (pop3) XXX:995, SSL, passwordCleartext
      OUTGOING:, SSL, passwordCleartext, true

      INCOMING: account7, , (pop3) XXX:995, SSL, passwordCleartext
      OUTGOING:, SSL, passwordCleartext, true

    CompactHeader, 1.4.5, true, {58D4392A-842E-11DE-B51A-C7B855D89593}
    Display Mail User Agent, 1.6.8, true, {F8147CF4-B9E3-445B-AA87-081ED66548F8}
    Folderpane Tools, 0.6.1, true, {b243fe83-b8a7-47de-855d-21d865243d5d}
    Noia 2.0 eXtreme XT, 3.33, true, noia2_full_xt@gd.noia
    Slovník slovenského pravopisu bez diakritiky,, false,
    Slovník slovenského pravopisu s diakritikou, 2.01-0, false,

  Upravené nastavenia

    Názov: Hodnota

      accessibility.typeaheadfind.flashBar: 0
      extensions.lastAppVersion: 8.0
      font.default.x-central-euro: serif
      gfx.blacklist.direct2d: 2
      gfx.blacklist.layers.direct3d10: 2
      gfx.blacklist.layers.direct3d10-1: 2
      mail.openMessageBehavior.version: 1
      network.cookie.cookieBehavior: 2
      network.cookie.lifetimePolicy: 2
      network.cookie.prefsMigrated: true
      places.database.lastMaintenance: 1321377371
      places.history.expiration.transient_current_max_pages: 53484
      security.disable_button.openCertManager: false
      security.disable_button.openDeviceManager: false
      security.OCSP.disable_button.managecrl: false


    Popis adaptéra: Mobile Intel(R) 965 Express Chipset Family
    Identifikácia dodávateľa: 8086
    Identifikácia zariadenia: 2a02
    Veľkosť pamäte RAM: Unknown
    Ovládače zariadenia: igxprd32
    Verzia ovládača:
    Dátum vytvorenia ovládača: 6-5-2007
    Vykresľovanie WebGL: Blokované kvôli verzii ovládača grafickej karty. Skúste ovládač aktualizovať na verziu alebo novšiu.
    Okná urýchľované pomocou GPU: 0/1. Blokované kvôli verzii ovládača grafickej karty. Skúste ovládač aktualizovať na verziu alebo novšiu.


Here you go. I changed the server name to XXX, for safety.
Any idea?
Can you enable POP3 logging?
Set these environment variables before starting Thunderbird:
set NSPR_LOG_FILE=c:/some/path/to/log/file/name (choose any path and filename you want)

Then attach the logfile here (censor if there is anything private).
0[e2e140]: Setting server busy in nsPop3Protocol::LoadUrl
0[e2e140]: Setting server busy in nsPop3Protocol::LoadUrl
0[e2e140]: Setting server busy in nsPop3Protocol::LoadUrl
0[e2e140]: Setting server busy in nsPop3Protocol::LoadUrl
0[e2e140]: Setting server busy in nsPop3Protocol::LoadUrl
0[e2e140]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 41
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 1
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 2
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 4
0[e2e140]: RECV: +OK <XXX>
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 26
0[e2e140]: SEND: AUTH
0[e2e140]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 44
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 1
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 2
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 4
0[e2e140]: RECV: +OK <XXX>
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 26
0[e2e140]: SEND: AUTH
0[e2e140]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 26
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 3
0[e2e140]: RECV: -ERR authorization first
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 27
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 28
0[e2e140]: SendCapa()
0[e2e140]: SEND: CAPA
0[e2e140]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 26
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 3
0[e2e140]: RECV: -ERR authorization first
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 27
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 28
0[e2e140]: SendCapa()
0[e2e140]: SEND: CAPA
0[e2e140]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 26
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 3
0[e2e140]: RECV: -ERR authorization first
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 29
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 30
0[e2e140]: ProcessAuth()
0[e2e140]: POP auth: server caps 0x4AA, pref 0x1C00, failed 0x0, avail caps 0x400
0[e2e140]: (GSSAPI = 0x100000, CRAM = 0x2000, APOP = 0x4000, NTLM = 0x8000, MSN =  0x10000, PLAIN = 0x1000, LOGIN = 0x800, USER/PASS = 0x400)
0[e2e140]: trying auth method 0x400
0[e2e140]: POP username
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 5
0[e2e140]: OnPromptStart()
0[e2e140]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 0
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 48
0[e2e140]: SendUsername()
0[e2e140]: USER login
0[e2e140]: SEND: USER XXX
0[e2e140]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 26
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 3
0[e2e140]: RECV: -ERR authorization first
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 29
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 30
0[e2e140]: ProcessAuth()
0[e2e140]: POP auth: server caps 0x4AA, pref 0x1C00, failed 0x0, avail caps 0x400
0[e2e140]: (GSSAPI = 0x100000, CRAM = 0x2000, APOP = 0x4000, NTLM = 0x8000, MSN =  0x10000, PLAIN = 0x1000, LOGIN = 0x800, USER/PASS = 0x400)
0[e2e140]: trying auth method 0x400
0[e2e140]: POP username
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 5
0[e2e140]: OnPromptStart()
0[e2e140]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 0
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 48
0[e2e140]: SendUsername()
0[e2e140]: USER login
0[e2e140]: SEND: USER XXX
0[e2e140]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 6
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 3
0[e2e140]: RECV: +OK 
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 31
0[e2e140]: NextAuthStep()
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 6
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 50
0[e2e140]: SendPassword()
0[e2e140]: PASS password
0[e2e140]: Logging suppressed for this command (it probably contained authentication information)
0[e2e140]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 6
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 3
0[e2e140]: RECV: +OK 
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 31
0[e2e140]: NextAuthStep()
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 6
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 50
0[e2e140]: SendPassword()
0[e2e140]: PASS password
0[e2e140]: Logging suppressed for this command (it probably contained authentication information)
0[e2e140]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 6
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 3
0[e2e140]: RECV: +OK 
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 31
0[e2e140]: NextAuthStep()
0[e2e140]: login succeeded
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 7
0[e2e140]: SEND: STAT
0[e2e140]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 6
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 3
0[e2e140]: RECV: +OK 
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 31
0[e2e140]: NextAuthStep()
0[e2e140]: login succeeded
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 7
0[e2e140]: SEND: STAT
0[e2e140]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 38
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 1
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 2
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 4
0[e2e140]: RECV: +OK <XXX>
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 26
0[e2e140]: SEND: AUTH
0[e2e140]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 9
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 3
0[e2e140]: RECV: +OK 0 0
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 8
0[e2e140]: BeginMailDelivery acquiring semaphore
0[e2e140]: Calling ReleaseFolderLock from AbortMailDelivery
0[e2e140]: ReleaseFolderLock haveSemaphore = TRUE
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 22
0[e2e140]: SEND: QUIT
0[e2e140]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 26
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 3
0[e2e140]: RECV: -ERR authorization first
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 27
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 28
0[e2e140]: SendCapa()
0[e2e140]: SEND: CAPA
0[e2e140]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 9
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 3
0[e2e140]: RECV: +OK 0 0
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 8
0[e2e140]: BeginMailDelivery acquiring semaphore
0[e2e140]: Calling ReleaseFolderLock from AbortMailDelivery
0[e2e140]: ReleaseFolderLock haveSemaphore = TRUE
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 22
0[e2e140]: SEND: QUIT
0[e2e140]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 6
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 3
0[e2e140]: RECV: +OK 
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 40
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 23
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 25
0[e2e140]: Clearing server busy in POP3_FREE
0[e2e140]: Clearing running protocol in POP3_FREE
0[e2e140]: Clearing server busy in OnStopRequest
0[e2e140]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 26
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 3
0[e2e140]: RECV: -ERR authorization first
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 29
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 30
0[e2e140]: ProcessAuth()
0[e2e140]: POP auth: server caps 0x4AA, pref 0x1C00, failed 0x0, avail caps 0x400
0[e2e140]: (GSSAPI = 0x100000, CRAM = 0x2000, APOP = 0x4000, NTLM = 0x8000, MSN =  0x10000, PLAIN = 0x1000, LOGIN = 0x800, USER/PASS = 0x400)
0[e2e140]: trying auth method 0x400
0[e2e140]: POP username
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 5
0[e2e140]: OnPromptStart()
0[e2e140]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 0
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 48
0[e2e140]: SendUsername()
0[e2e140]: USER login
0[e2e140]: SEND: USER XXX
0[e2e140]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 6
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 3
0[e2e140]: RECV: +OK 
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 40
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 23
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 25
0[e2e140]: Clearing server busy in POP3_FREE
0[e2e140]: Clearing running protocol in POP3_FREE
0[e2e140]: Clearing server busy in OnStopRequest
0[e2e140]: Calling ReleaseFolderLock from ~nsPop3Sink
0[e2e140]: ReleaseFolderLock haveSemaphore = FALSE
0[e2e140]: Calling ReleaseFolderLock from ~nsPop3Sink
0[e2e140]: ReleaseFolderLock haveSemaphore = FALSE
0[e2e140]: Setting server busy in nsPop3Protocol::LoadUrl
0[e2e140]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 0
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 24
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 25
0[e2e140]: Clearing server busy in POP3_FREE
0[e2e140]: Clearing running protocol in POP3_FREE
0[e2e140]: Calling ReleaseFolderLock from ~nsPop3Sink
0[e2e140]: ReleaseFolderLock haveSemaphore = FALSE
0[e2e140]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 0
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 24
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 25
0[e2e140]: Clearing server busy in POP3_FREE
0[e2e140]: Clearing running protocol in POP3_FREE
0[e2e140]: Calling ReleaseFolderLock from ~nsPop3Sink
0[e2e140]: ReleaseFolderLock haveSemaphore = FALSE
0[e2e140]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 6
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 3
0[e2e140]: RECV: +OK 
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 31
0[e2e140]: NextAuthStep()
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 6
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 50
0[e2e140]: SendPassword()
0[e2e140]: PASS password
0[e2e140]: Logging suppressed for this command (it probably contained authentication information)
0[e2e140]: Setting server busy in nsPop3Protocol::LoadUrl
0[e2e140]: Setting server busy in nsPop3Protocol::LoadUrl
0[e2e140]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 6
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 3
0[e2e140]: RECV: +OK 
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 31
0[e2e140]: NextAuthStep()
0[e2e140]: login succeeded
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 7
0[e2e140]: SEND: STAT
0[e2e140]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 9
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 3
0[e2e140]: RECV: +OK 0 0
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 8
0[e2e140]: BeginMailDelivery acquiring semaphore
0[e2e140]: Calling ReleaseFolderLock from AbortMailDelivery
0[e2e140]: ReleaseFolderLock haveSemaphore = TRUE
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 22
0[e2e140]: SEND: QUIT
0[e2e140]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 44
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 1
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 2
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 4
0[e2e140]: RECV: +OK <XXX>
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 28
0[e2e140]: SendCapa()
0[e2e140]: SEND: CAPA
0[e2e140]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 41
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 1
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 2
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 4
0[e2e140]: RECV: +OK <XXX>
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 28
0[e2e140]: SendCapa()
0[e2e140]: SEND: CAPA
0[e2e140]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 0
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 24
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 25
0[e2e140]: Clearing server busy in POP3_FREE
0[e2e140]: Clearing running protocol in POP3_FREE
0[e2e140]: Calling ReleaseFolderLock from ~nsPop3Sink
0[e2e140]: ReleaseFolderLock haveSemaphore = FALSE
0[e2e140]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 6
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 3
0[e2e140]: RECV: +OK 
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 40
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 23
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 25
0[e2e140]: Clearing server busy in POP3_FREE
0[e2e140]: Clearing running protocol in POP3_FREE
0[e2e140]: Clearing server busy in OnStopRequest
0[e2e140]: Calling ReleaseFolderLock from ~nsPop3Sink
0[e2e140]: ReleaseFolderLock haveSemaphore = FALSE
0[e2e140]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 26
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 3
0[e2e140]: RECV: -ERR authorization first
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 29
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 30
0[e2e140]: ProcessAuth()
0[e2e140]: POP auth: server caps 0x4AA, pref 0x1C00, failed 0x0, avail caps 0x400
0[e2e140]: (GSSAPI = 0x100000, CRAM = 0x2000, APOP = 0x4000, NTLM = 0x8000, MSN =  0x10000, PLAIN = 0x1000, LOGIN = 0x800, USER/PASS = 0x400)
0[e2e140]: trying auth method 0x400
0[e2e140]: POP username
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 5
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 48
0[e2e140]: SendUsername()
0[e2e140]: USER login
0[e2e140]: SEND: USER XXX
0[e2e140]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 6
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 3
0[e2e140]: RECV: +OK 
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 31
0[e2e140]: NextAuthStep()
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 6
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 50
0[e2e140]: SendPassword()
0[e2e140]: PASS password
0[e2e140]: Logging suppressed for this command (it probably contained authentication information)
0[e2e140]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 26
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 3
0[e2e140]: RECV: -ERR authorization first
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 29
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 30
0[e2e140]: ProcessAuth()
0[e2e140]: POP auth: server caps 0x4AA, pref 0x1C00, failed 0x0, avail caps 0x400
0[e2e140]: (GSSAPI = 0x100000, CRAM = 0x2000, APOP = 0x4000, NTLM = 0x8000, MSN =  0x10000, PLAIN = 0x1000, LOGIN = 0x800, USER/PASS = 0x400)
0[e2e140]: trying auth method 0x400
0[e2e140]: POP username
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 5
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 48
0[e2e140]: SendUsername()
0[e2e140]: USER login
0[e2e140]: SEND: USER XXX
0[e2e140]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 6
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 3
0[e2e140]: RECV: +OK 
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 31
0[e2e140]: NextAuthStep()
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 6
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 50
0[e2e140]: SendPassword()
0[e2e140]: PASS password
0[e2e140]: Logging suppressed for this command (it probably contained authentication information)
0[e2e140]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 6
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 3
0[e2e140]: RECV: +OK 
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 31
0[e2e140]: NextAuthStep()
0[e2e140]: login succeeded
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 7
0[e2e140]: SEND: STAT
0[e2e140]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 9
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 3
0[e2e140]: RECV: +OK 0 0
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 8
0[e2e140]: BeginMailDelivery acquiring semaphore
0[e2e140]: Calling ReleaseFolderLock from AbortMailDelivery
0[e2e140]: ReleaseFolderLock haveSemaphore = TRUE
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 22
0[e2e140]: SEND: QUIT
0[e2e140]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 6
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 3
0[e2e140]: RECV: +OK 
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 31
0[e2e140]: NextAuthStep()
0[e2e140]: login succeeded
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 7
0[e2e140]: SEND: STAT
0[e2e140]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 6
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 3
0[e2e140]: RECV: +OK 
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 40
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 23
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 25
0[e2e140]: Clearing server busy in POP3_FREE
0[e2e140]: Clearing running protocol in POP3_FREE
0[e2e140]: Clearing server busy in OnStopRequest
0[e2e140]: Calling ReleaseFolderLock from ~nsPop3Sink
0[e2e140]: ReleaseFolderLock haveSemaphore = FALSE
0[e2e140]: Calling ReleaseFolderLock from AbortMailDelivery
0[e2e140]: ReleaseFolderLock haveSemaphore = FALSE
0[e2e140]: Clearing running protocol in nsPop3Protocol::Abort
0[e2e140]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 0
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 24
0[e2e140]: POP3: Entering state: 25
0[e2e140]: Clearing server busy in POP3_FREE
0[e2e140]: Clearing running protocol in POP3_FREE
0[e2e140]: Calling ReleaseFolderLock from ~nsPop3Sink
0[e2e140]: ReleaseFolderLock haveSemaphore = FALSE
Did you use "get all messages"? It looks like there are several connections mixed in the log. Does it happen also if you check mail for each account individually? Can you attach log of checking mail of only one account where it returns the error?
" Did you use "get all messages"? " - Yes, and the problem persists. When i disabled automatic check all accounts and clicking to "get all messages" again, problem occurs.

When I checked all the accounts individually (when automatic checking is OFF), everything works fine.

When I use version 3.X.X everything worked OK until I upgraded to version 5.X.X
Any idea?
So if you check each account individually, it works fine. If you check all at once (with the "get all messages" button), it fails.
You have censored the server names in comment 9. Are those servers different or do you have several usernames on the same server?
1. mail account - username1 - server1
2. mail account - username2 - server2
3. mail account - username3 - server3 (same as the server4)
4. mail account - username4 - server4 (same as the server3)
5. mail account - username5 - server5

Three email accounts are on different servers and different domains. Two mail accounts are on the same domain. When these same two accounts I turn off and I'll check the mail at the start of others, the problem still persists.

I feel that Thunderbird not handle more POP3 connections at once, or what ..
That is what we need to find out.

But I have 3 usernames on 1 server, 2 usernames on another one and 1 username on third server. They are some of the big webmail providers in Slovakia as you probably have too (or not?). I use "get all messages" on them every day, on Linux. It is 99,9% reliable for me. Sometimes one of the connections times out, but I never looked into the Error console to see if I have this same error as you. It hasn't happened since I found your report.
But I do not have SSL on any of them. Maybe that makes a difference.

David, any idea for a test?
Are you using the global inbox, or deferring one account to an other account's inbox? The global inbox is where all your pop3 mail goes into the Local Folders inbox. If so, I suspect something in your configuration is defeating the code that tries to serialize the pop3 get new mails that download to the same Inbox. If you bring up the config editor (tools, options, advanced, general, config editor button) and type defer, are there servers that defer to other servers' inbox?
I do not use global inbox. All accounts have their folders. Each account receives mail in their own folder.

mail.server.default.deferred_to_account - no value
mail.server.server2.defer_get_new_mail - false
mail.server.server4.defer_get_new_mail - true
mail.server.server5.defer_get_new_mail - true
mail.server.server6.defer_get_new_mail - false
mail.server.server7.defer_get_new_mail - true

When I set all valuethe true or false, problem persist. It's weird because in version 3 does everything work well.

Accelerated issue of major versions only brings problems.
In addition, I have version 8.0 of the problem with attachments in a zip file (bank statement), which are hidden.
(In reply to a10674168 from comment #20)
> I do not use global inbox. All accounts have their folders. Each account
> receives mail in their own folder.
It's odd that defer_get_new_mail is set to true, but there's no deferred_to_account for the servers set to defer get new mail.
> mail.server.default.deferred_to_account - no value
> mail.server.server2.defer_get_new_mail - false
> mail.server.server4.defer_get_new_mail - true
> mail.server.server5.defer_get_new_mail - true
> mail.server.server6.defer_get_new_mail - false
> mail.server.server7.defer_get_new_mail - true
> When I set all valuethe true or false, problem persist. 

Did you restart Thunderbird before testing?
It's weird, because in accounts settings is set to receive for each account separately.

Of course, I restarted Thunderbird.
Occasionally, when Closing Thunderbird window will appear: Login failed, with options: try again, change password or cancel.
Any idea?
David, can he try resetting all those mail.server.serverX.defer_get_new_mail to false? Will it do any harm?
(In reply to :aceman from comment #25)
> David, can he try resetting all those mail.server.serverX.defer_get_new_mail
> to false? Will it do any harm?

No, it shouldn't do any harm.

Other than that, I don't have any idea. The error is "folder busy". Do you have any filters that move/copy incoming mail to another account's inbox?

When I disable them, nothing will be solved. And I think it's obviously a problem connecting. When Thunderbird check updates and download the mail ..
Any idea?
No, but it's clear there's some contention over an inbox folder. Do you have accounts sharing a local folder directory (not allowed, but sometimes we get tricked into allowing it).
Thanks! Version Thunderbird 11.0 solved my problem.
Good to hear that. Try to watch it for some days and then we can close this bug.
Whiteboard: [CLOSEME 2012-03-31]
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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