Closed Bug 709133 Opened 13 years ago Closed 12 years ago

[ff] The "Getting Started" page for Fulah


(Mozilla Localizations :: ff / Fulah, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: Pike, Unassigned)




(Keywords: productization)

A new Firefox profile includes a link to the "Getting started" page on the Bookmarks toolbar. The objective of this page is to provide the users with a few task-based starting points. They could use them to enjoy the web and discover sites that will help them get the most out of Firefox and the Internet in general. This page will be aimed towards beginning and intermediate Web users. We want to promote community/user oriented collaborative sites with good user experience in your region and language, and good standards support.

The current en-GB defaults for this page are:
 The 'Work' category: Google Docs, Remember the Milk, LinkedIn, Clipmarks Add-on
 The 'Learn' category: Wikipedia, Topix,, Answers Add-on
 The 'Play' category: YouTube, Hype Machine, Miro, PicLens Add-on
 The 'Connect' category: Criagslist, Yelp, Facebook, Shareaholic Add-on 

(See the en-GB page at

We would like to provide a good set of links on this page for our Fulah users.

First, the localization team and Milos (Milos Dinic) will look at the market for your language and come up with a good candidates. Ibrahima, we'll need your input on this, of course. The guidelines for making recommendations are on <>.

Second, once we have a good list of candidates, your localization team will localize the 'Getting Started' index.html file which can be found here: changing the en-GB default as agreed in the first step.

The logos should be named sites-<sitename>.png and should be 110px wide and 65px high on white or transparent background. Milos can help on getting the logos from the website owners.

The localized index.html and the logos should be then attached in a ZIP archive to this bug, and a review should be requested from Milos ( and Pascal ( Once the review have been granted, Pascal will take over to push the localized page on the server.

The Fulah team will be driving this bug to completion.

Thank you.
Component: Other → ff / Fulah
QA Contact: ff
This isn't really blocking the release of Firefox, so removing the dependency.

We still want this page to get users familiar with our software, like presenting functionality without diving into technical specifics.
No longer blocks: fx-l10n-ff
I am ready to do this but still don't know how and where to start.
Dowloaded from "en-GB/firefox/central/" and will translate.
Not sure what to do here though... Please help
This page is long gone, and we don't serve it any more. There's a new page though, that's rather big - features page. As it can be hard to maintain this page, we don't ask all our localization teams to deal with it, but only those who have the manpower for that.

That said, I'm resolving WORKSFORME this bug, and if you want to translate the Features page, even though you're not required to, please let me know and I'll open a new bug for you.

Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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