Closed Bug 714382 Opened 13 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Leftmost tab is hidden when reopening browser window


(Firefox :: Extension Compatibility, defect)

10 Branch
Windows 7
Not set





(Reporter: alexreg, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:10.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/10.0 Build ID: 20111228055358 Steps to reproduce: Reopened Firefox 10, restoring the previous session automatically. Actual results: In two of the three windows that reopened, the left-most tab on each was invisible. All other tabs were present. Viewing each window in 'Tab Group View' correctly displays the left-most tab, though it is not shown at all in normal view. Dragging the visible tabs around causes the '+' (New Tab) button, which should always be on the left (?) to change position, so that it is sometimes in-between tab headers. Expected results: The left-most tab should be displayed when restoring a session/reopening a window. Re-ordering tabs by dragging their headers should not cause the '+' button (fake tab header) to move out of order.
Can you reproduce this with add-ons disabled?
Yeah, same issue is present then.
Verified as WFM on: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:12.0a1) Gecko/20120109 Firefox/12.0a1 All the tabs were visible in all the windows. Tabs could be dragged without any issues too.
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---
I am experiencing this same behavior, in Iceweasel 10.0.9. Five of my six windows exhibit the problem. I have tried to work around the issue by dragging individual tabs to a new window, which is described elsewhere as a per-session workaround, but the same problem occurred in that window: the tab bar showed only the "New Tab" button. This appears to be the same problem reported in bug 774943, which was closed due to the reporter not testing in a clean profile (on the grounds that A: since session restore is never in a clean profile, the problem will never occur in that case, and B: it's a serious problem regardless of whether the profile is clean or not). In that bug, one user reported that the problem was being caused by the add-on "Google Search By Image" v0.3. In my case, selectively disabling add-ons indicates that this seems to be being caused by either of two add-ons (independently): "Tab To Window 1.2.9" and my own locally-updated-for-post-3.x version of Firesomething. Disabling both of those makes the problem go away; enabling either of them brings it back. (Note that the same version of Firesomething seems to work fine in a separate install of Firefox 15.) The question would seem to be, what is the underlying mistake here? It could be something the add-ons are doing which is now wrong, or it could be something in the underlying browser which the add-ons are exposing. If it's the former I'd like to know what it is (if only so that I can fix Firesomething), and if it's the latter it needs to be fixed in Firefox - although, as it doesn't seem to be security-related, perhaps not in the ESR.
Component: Tabbed Browser → Extension Compatibility
Mass-closing old Extension Compatibility bugs that relate to legacy add-ons or NPAPI plug-ins. If you think this bug is still valid, please reopen or comment. Sorry for the bug spam, and happy Friday!
Closed: 13 years ago7 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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