Closed Bug 714660 Opened 13 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Page navigation bugs


(Firefox :: Keyboard Navigation, defect)

9 Branch
Windows 7
Not set





(Reporter: pyramidos, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/535.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/16.0.912.63 Safari/535.7

Steps to reproduce:

Go to a page that requires scrolling. Attempt to use the following keys to move through the page: [Page Down] [Page Up] [down arrow] [up arrow] [End] [Home] 

2. Go to a page that has links to other pages on same website. Attempt to use keys listed above.

3. Same as #1 above. Mouse click anywhere on the page. Attempt to use keys.

4. Same as #2 above. Mouse click anywhere on the page. Attempt to use keys.

Actual results:

Erratic responses. Some keys do nothing at all. Some do the wrong thing, e.g., [down arrow] moves to absolute bottom of page (instead of only one line down); [Page Down] only moves down several lines (and not a full page), etc.

PLATFORM: ASUS laptop, Win7 64 bit, MS keyboard & mouse.

NOTE: This only happens in FFX -- does not happen in other browsers (MSIE, Chrome), or in other programs (Word, etc.). It was working correctly before most recent upgrade (9.x).

Expected results:

[Page Down] should move down one full page, no more no less (unless only fraction remains).
[Page Up] should move up one full page, no more no less (unless only fraction remains).
[End] should move to absolute bottom of page.
[Home] should move to absolute top of page.
[down arrow] should move down one line.
[up arrow] should move up one line.

"2. Go to a page that has links to other pages on same website. Attempt to use keys listed above."

That should read:

2. Go to a page that has links to other pages on same website. Mouse click on link and go to new page. Attempt to use keys listed above.
Still broken in ver. 10.0
Still broken in ver. 10.0.2
Still broken in Ver. 11.0
Still broken in Ver. 12.0
Cannot reproduce error on FF 14.0.1 on Win 8 and OS X Mountain Lion. I will mark this as resolved.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
(In reply to Steven Tseng (:Anachid) from comment #6)
> Cannot reproduce error on FF 14.0.1 on Win 8 and OS X Mountain Lion. I will
> mark this as resolved.

correction, i meant win 7
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