Closed Bug 719116 Opened 13 years ago Closed 4 years ago

Firefox Crash [@ RuleHash_ClearEntry ]


(Core :: Layout, defect)

Not set



Tracking Status
firefox47 --- wontfix
firefox48 --- wontfix
firefox49 --- wontfix
firefox-esr45 --- wontfix
firefox50 --- wontfix
firefox51 --- wontfix
firefox52 --- wontfix


(Reporter: Swarnava, Unassigned)



(Keywords: crash)

Crash Data

This bug was filed from the Socorro interface and is 
report bp-e6598ccb-9645-4b4d-9e20-1dbdf2120116 .

0 	xul.dll 	RuleHash_ClearEntry 	layout/style/nsCSSRuleProcessor.cpp:235
1 	xul.dll 	PL_DHashTableFinish 	obj-firefox/xpcom/build/pldhash.cpp:410
2 	xul.dll 	xul.dll@0xe618f3 	
3 	xul.dll 	RuleHash::~RuleHash 	layout/style/nsCSSRuleProcessor.cpp:548
4 	xul.dll 	RuleCascadeData::~RuleCascadeData 	layout/style/nsCSSRuleProcessor.cpp:921
5 	xul.dll 	nsCSSRuleProcessor::~nsCSSRuleProcessor 	layout/style/nsCSSRuleProcessor.cpp:1087
6 	xul.dll 	nsCSSRuleProcessor::`vector deleting destructor' 	
7 	xul.dll 	nsCSSRuleProcessor::Release 	layout/style/nsCSSRuleProcessor.cpp:1090
8 	xul.dll 	nsStyleSet::GatherRuleProcessors 	layout/style/nsStyleSet.cpp:256
9 	xul.dll 	nsStyleSet::RemoveStyleSheet 	layout/style/nsStyleSet.cpp:348
10 	xul.dll 	PresShell::ClearPreferenceStyleRules 	layout/base/nsPresShell.cpp:1484
11 	xul.dll 	PresShell::Destroy 	layout/base/nsPresShell.cpp:1222
12 	xul.dll 	DocumentViewerImpl::DestroyPresShell 	layout/base/nsDocumentViewer.cpp:4340
13 	xul.dll 	DocumentViewerImpl::Destroy 	layout/base/nsDocumentViewer.cpp:1665
14 	xul.dll 	nsDocShell::Destroy 	docshell/base/nsDocShell.cpp:4600
15 	xul.dll 	nsFrameLoader::Finalize 	content/base/src/nsFrameLoader.cpp:572
16 	xul.dll 	nsDocument::MaybeInitializeFinalizeFrameLoaders 	content/base/src/nsDocument.cpp:5478
17 	xul.dll 	nsRunnableMethodImpl<void 	obj-firefox/dist/include/nsThreadUtils.h:345
18 	xul.dll 	nsContentUtils::AddScriptRunner 	content/base/src/nsContentUtils.cpp:4439
19 	xul.dll 	nsDocument::FinalizeFrameLoader 	content/base/src/nsDocument.cpp:5434
20 	xul.dll 	nsFrameLoader::Destroy 	content/base/src/nsFrameLoader.cpp:1312
21 	xul.dll 	nsGenericHTMLFrameElement::DestroyContent 	content/html/content/src/nsGenericHTMLElement.cpp:3402
22 	xul.dll 	nsGenericElement::DestroyContent 	content/base/src/nsGenericElement.cpp:3797
23 	xul.dll 	nsGenericElement::DestroyContent 	content/base/src/nsGenericElement.cpp:3797
24 	xul.dll 	nsGenericElement::DestroyContent 	content/base/src/nsGenericElement.cpp:3797
25 	xul.dll 	nsGenericElement::DestroyContent 	content/base/src/nsGenericElement.cpp:3797
26 	xul.dll 	nsGenericElement::DestroyContent 	content/base/src/nsGenericElement.cpp:3797
27 	xul.dll 	nsGenericElement::DestroyContent 	content/base/src/nsGenericElement.cpp:3797
28 	xul.dll 	nsGenericElement::DestroyContent 	content/base/src/nsGenericElement.cpp:3797
29 	xul.dll 	nsGenericElement::DestroyContent 	content/base/src/nsGenericElement.cpp:3797
30 	xul.dll 	nsDocument::Destroy 	content/base/src/nsDocument.cpp:7004
31 	xul.dll 	DocumentViewerImpl::Destroy 	layout/base/nsDocumentViewer.cpp:1632
32 	xul.dll 	DocumentViewerImpl::Show 	layout/base/nsDocumentViewer.cpp:1946
33 	xul.dll 	nsPresContext::EnsureVisible 	layout/base/nsPresContext.cpp:1735
34 	xul.dll 	PresShell::UnsuppressAndInvalidate 	layout/base/nsPresShell.cpp:3798
35 	xul.dll 	PresShell::sPaintSuppressionCallback 	layout/base/nsPresShell.cpp:2068
36 	xul.dll 	nsTimerImpl::Fire 	xpcom/threads/nsTimerImpl.cpp:428
37 	xul.dll 	nsTimerEvent::Run 	xpcom/threads/nsTimerImpl.cpp:524
38 	xul.dll 	nsThread::ProcessNextEvent 	xpcom/threads/nsThread.cpp:660
39 	nspr4.dll 	PR_Unlock 	nsprpub/pr/src/threads/combined/prulock.c:347
40 	xul.dll 	MessageLoop::RunHandler 	ipc/chromium/src/base/
41 	xul.dll 	_SEH_epilog4 	
42 	xul.dll 	MessageLoop::Run 	ipc/chromium/src/base/
43 	xul.dll 	nsImageBoxFrame::OnStopDecode 	layout/xul/base/src/nsImageBoxFrame.cpp:608
44 	xul.dll 	nsBaseAppShell::Run 	widget/src/xpwidgets/nsBaseAppShell.cpp:189
45 		@0x7724ffff 	
46 	GrooveIntlResource.dll 	GrooveIntlResource.dll@0x14746d 	
47 	GrooveIntlResource.dll 	GrooveIntlResource.dll@0x142e6b 	
48 	GrooveIntlResource.dll 	GrooveIntlResource.dll@0x1c642d 	
49 	GrooveIntlResource.dll 	GrooveIntlResource.dll@0x142e31 	
50 	GrooveIntlResource.dll 	GrooveIntlResource.dll@0x142e2f 	
51 	GrooveIntlResource.dll 	GrooveIntlResource.dll@0x1c642d 	
52 	rpcrt4.dll 	NdrStubCall 	
53 		@0x7492ffff 	
54 	GrooveIntlResource.dll 	GrooveIntlResource.dll@0x142e44 	
55 		@0x743bffff 	
56 	GrooveIntlResource.dll 	GrooveIntlResource.dll@0x142e45 	
57 	GrooveIntlResource.dll 	GrooveIntlResource.dll@0x142e33
Please be more specific: rank in different versions, different stacks, component, interesting comments, STR, regression range...
Please be more specific: rank in different versions, different stacks, component, interesting comments, STR, regression range... to the crashes, which happen in 9.0.1 and across the betas. Will know more about where it falls in 10 when we have more data.

The signature appears in Windows, Mac and Linux.
OS: Windows NT → All
Hardware: x86 → All
Component: General → Layout
Product: Firefox → Core
Version: unspecified → Trunk
Crash volume for signature 'RuleHash_ClearEntry':
 - nightly (version 50): 8 crashes from 2016-06-06.
 - aurora  (version 49): 22 crashes from 2016-06-07.
 - beta    (version 48): 387 crashes from 2016-06-06.
 - release (version 47): 1294 crashes from 2016-05-31.
 - esr     (version 45): 73 crashes from 2016-04-07.

Crash volume on the last weeks:
             Week N-1   Week N-2   Week N-3   Week N-4   Week N-5   Week N-6   Week N-7
 - nightly          1          0          2          2          1          2          0
 - aurora           3          2          6          6          3          2          0
 - beta            80         50         57         62         40         46         22
 - release        196        160        205        188        199        191         79
 - esr              3         10         14          8         11          5          4

Affected platforms: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
Crash volume for signature 'RuleHash_ClearEntry':
 - nightly (version 51): 3 crashes from 2016-08-01.
 - aurora  (version 50): 11 crashes from 2016-08-01.
 - beta    (version 49): 132 crashes from 2016-08-02.
 - release (version 48): 193 crashes from 2016-07-25.
 - esr     (version 45): 110 crashes from 2016-05-02.

Crash volume on the last weeks (Week N is from 08-22 to 08-28):
            W. N-1  W. N-2  W. N-3
 - nightly       1       1       1
 - aurora        4       2       1
 - beta         40      46      20
 - release      70      57      28
 - esr          13      11       5

Affected platforms: Windows, Mac OS X

Crash rank on the last 7 days:
           Browser   Content     Plugin
 - nightly
 - aurora  #1104     #112
 - beta    #456      #223
 - release #337      #252
 - esr     #598
Crash volume for signature 'RuleHash_ClearEntry':
 - nightly (version 52): 3 crashes from 2016-09-19.
 - aurora  (version 51): 1 crash from 2016-09-19.
 - beta    (version 50): 49 crashes from 2016-09-20.
 - release (version 49): 224 crashes from 2016-09-05.
 - esr     (version 45): 148 crashes from 2016-06-01.

Crash volume on the last weeks (Week N is from 10-03 to 10-09):
            W. N-1  W. N-2
 - nightly       1       2
 - aurora        0       1
 - beta         42       7
 - release     180      44
 - esr          10       9

Affected platforms: Windows, Mac OS X

Crash rank on the last 7 days:
           Browser   Content     Plugin
 - nightly           #506
 - aurora
 - beta    #433      #245
 - release #473      #178
 - esr     #783
Too late for firefox 52, mass-wontfix.

Closing because no crashes reported for 12 weeks.

Closed: 4 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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