Closed Bug 719930 Opened 13 years ago Closed 13 years ago

[NativeUI GA] Update /mobile/features copy to reflect changes


( :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jfu, Assigned: matej)




Placeholder for implementation of update to /features page for Firefox 11 Android. We will need to remove and add several features due to the new native UI version. This page should also be localized (cc'ing Greg for any comments regarding that). thanks and let me know if you have any questions
OS: Mac OS X → All
Hardware: x86 → All
(In reply to Jaclyn Fu from comment #0) > Placeholder for implementation of update to /features page for Firefox 11 > Android. Thanks for filing early - assigning to you until you have the changes to make. > We will need to remove and add several features due to the new native UI > version. This page should also be localized (cc'ing Greg for any comments > regarding that). Excellent. Since the l10n can take a while the earlier the better. I suggest filing a separate bug to handle the l10n component to this, and assigning to Pascal C to help out. We can use this bug for the en-US changes. > thanks and let me know if you have any questions
Assignee: nobody → jfu
Target Milestone: --- → 1.9
Depends on: 724575
Hey Jaclyn, Currently, all EU pages don't have this page. It's definitely something to shoot for in the future. What do you think?
Yup I would definitely like to have this page for EU locales in the future! What are the current locales for this page? Thanks
OK, reassigning to LForrest to put on pause. Jaclyn, next steps would be to set up a meeting with you, LauraF., and me to take a look at what our capabilities are in Q1 for a large project like this. We'll update this bug, once we've got a plan in place.
Assignee: jfu → lforrest
Ok I can set up the meeting - but can we keep the momentum going for en-US and all the other locales rather than pausing?
(In reply to Jaclyn Fu from comment #5) > Ok I can set up the meeting - but can we keep the momentum going for en-US > and all the other locales rather than pausing? I wish there was! Unfortunately, this is an all new page, and will require design, copy, and then l10n resources. Has there been a previous effort to have translated for the locales? If not, this will essentially be that (a tall order!). This has the potential to be a pretty big project, so we need to meet, get requirements and then find a phased approach that works.
I completely understand the concerns (its a lot to do!), but I just want to note that the launch of Native UI is an incredibly high priority for all of us this quarter and so we should consider cutting other projects in favor of this one. a refreshed /features page for a relaunch of a new product is pretty essential.
+1 LoMo. In this case, we're definitely going to be able to update mobile/features for en-US in Q1. We need to really figure out and prioritize for localization, because this page currently does not exist in the locales experience. This is also a good time to make sure we do a responsive layout, since we're adding new content for en-US anyway, we may as well update the page's design to work on all devices.
We can localize this page once it has been updated in English, I see content that is not relevant/true anymore for our upcoming version with a native UI (we don't support electrolisys ofr example, we will probably not have personas). It is also a very long page for mobile users IMO, could we get something shorter for the next version?
(In reply to Pascal Chevrel:pascalc from comment #9) > We can localize this page once it has been updated in English, I see content > that is not relevant/true anymore for our upcoming version with a native UI > (we don't support electrolisys ofr example, we will probably not have > personas). It is also a very long page for mobile users IMO, could we get > something shorter for the next version? +1 Just spoke with Jaclyn, and for the en-US update we're meeting to arrange a few things: *clean up old content *add new content *update the design/layout to be responsive (this will allow us to fully retire *create l10n plan with prioritization Woo!
No longer depends on: 724575
Blocks: 724643
Chrissie/Laura - For our meeting on Weds: first pass at cleaning up content
Blocks: 725353
(In reply to Jaclyn Fu from comment #11) > Chrissie/Laura - For our meeting on Weds: first pass at cleaning up content > Great - assigning to you to provide final copy.
Assignee: lforrest → jfu
Summary: [Mobile] Update /features for Firefox 11 → [Mobile] Update /mobile/features for Firefox 11
Summary: [Mobile] Update /mobile/features for Firefox 11 → [Mobile] Update /mobile/features to reflect changes in Firefox 11
Hi Matej, For the updated mobile/features page, we will like to simplify the copy and make it more bite sized to focus on clear user benefits. (See for example on what we're thinking) Below is my second pass at simplifying the content, it will need wordsmithing help :) [FAST] -Speedy start up and page load times [EASY] -Search easily: Awesome Bar gets you to your destination faster with less typing by getting to know you as you browse -Sync your desktop Firefox history and passwords for a painless browsing experience on mobile -Live thumbnail tabs: Effortlessly switch between tabs with live thumbnails that show you a snapshot of your sites in real-time [CUSTOMIZABLE] -Add-ons to personalize features and functionality -Users control their privacy and security and how much data they share on the Web Let's try to wrap up content by Feb 20 so we can start localization. Thanks!
Assignee: jfu → Mnovak
Here you go: [FAST] -Get to the Web quickly with speedy start up and page load times [EASY] -The Awesome Bar gets to know you as you browse so you can search easily and get to your destination faster -Sync your desktop history and passwords to all your devices for a painless browsing experience on mobile -Effortlessly switch between tabs with live thumbnails that show you a snapshot of your sites in real time [CUSTOMIZABLE] -Personalize features and functionality with add-ons -Control your privacy, security and how much data you share on the Web
Hi all - update that the final release launch for native UI won't go out until sometime around early June (roughly following timeline of FF13). Thanks everyone
Summary: [Mobile] Update /mobile/features to reflect changes in Firefox 11 → [NativeUI GA] Update /mobile/features copy to reflect changes
Target Milestone: 1.9 → 1.10
Target Milestone: 1.10 → 2.0
Due to Boot to Gecko, we're thinking about making a stronger connection with our Web API story on Firefox for Android. How can we best make this sound consumer-friendly (while still letting techie/developers know about our capabilities?) [POWERFUL] -Full HTML5 and Web APIs support unlock the unlimited possibilities of the mobile Web
How's this? [POWERFUL] -Experience the unlimited possibilities of the mobile Web with full support for HTML5 and Web APIs
Looks good, thanks! So the complete copy (made a small tweak to the tabs line): [FAST] -Get to the Web quickly with speedy start up and page load times [EASY] -The Awesome Bar gets to know you as you browse so you can search easily and get to your destination faster -Sync your desktop history and passwords to all your devices for a painless browsing experience on mobile -Effortlessly switch between tabs with live thumbnail images that show you updated snapshots of your sites [CUSTOMIZABLE] -Personalize features and functionality with add-ons -Control your privacy, security and how much data you share on the Web [POWERFUL] -Experience the unlimited possibilities of the mobile Web with full support for HTML5 and Web APIs Laura F/Chrissie - how does this copy look for the new page? how should we go forward with this and the new design? Thanks
Hey Tara - I believe this needs creative sign off from you
Hey Jaclyn...if we're including this page in a redesign of the site (that likely would mean changes to the way the content is presented), how should we proceed here? Do we need to put this on pause, or should we continue?
Hi John, This is part of the list of pages we need to revamp for the native UI launch. This was the /features page for mobile - I included this in the content document you requested
Target Milestone: 2.0 → Future
Component: →
Final mobile/features content here: Closing out to move to design
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Component: → General
Product: Websites →
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