Closed Bug 721803 Opened 13 years ago Closed 13 years ago

Add tested devices to direct texture whitelist


(Firefox for Android Graveyard :: General, defect, P3)



(firefox11 verified, firefox12 verified, fennec11+)

Firefox 12
Tracking Status
firefox11 --- verified
firefox12 --- verified
fennec 11+ ---


(Reporter: snorp, Assigned: snorp)




(1 file)

QA has done some testing and came up with several devices that are known to work (or at least don't crash) with direct texture enabled. We should update the whitelist with those board names (which is found here:
Comment on attachment 592173 [details] [diff] [review] Add known-good devices to direct texture whitelist Review of attachment 592173 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- ::: widget/android/AndroidGraphicBuffer.cpp @@ +454,5 @@ > sGLFunctions.fImageTargetTexture2DOES(GL_TEXTURE_2D, mEGLImage); > return ensureNoGLError("glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES"); > } > > static const char* sAllowedBoards[] = { let's change this to an nsTArray so we can use Contains() rather than iterating over the whole list
Attachment #592173 - Flags: review?(blassey.bugs) → review-
(Brad gave r+ on IRC)
Depends on: 722605
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
(In reply to James Willcox (:snorp) ( from comment #0) > We should update > the whitelist with those board names (which is found here: > Why does the patch omit some of the devices on the "Passed Gralloc Tests" list? saga vision speedy mahimahi pyramid lgp970 olympus begonia jordan sunfire are missing. My HTC Sensation (pyramid) would appreciate being included :-)
(Commenting again because Bugzilla failed to send any bugmail for my last comment. Hopefully it will work this time). See comment 6.
Comment on attachment 592173 [details] [diff] [review] Add known-good devices to direct texture whitelist [Approval Request Comment] Regression caused by (bug #): User impact if declined: slow painting because gralloc will be disabled where they don't need to be Testing completed (on m-c, etc.): Risk to taking this patch (and alternatives if risky): String changes made by this patch:
Attachment #592173 - Flags: review-
Attachment #592173 - Flags: review+
Attachment #592173 - Flags: approval-mozilla-beta?
Attachment #592173 - Flags: approval-mozilla-aurora?
Comment on attachment 592173 [details] [diff] [review] Add known-good devices to direct texture whitelist [Triage Comment] Mobile only - approved for Aurora 12 and Beta 11.
Attachment #592173 - Flags: approval-mozilla-beta?
Attachment #592173 - Flags: approval-mozilla-beta+
Attachment #592173 - Flags: approval-mozilla-aurora?
Attachment #592173 - Flags: approval-mozilla-aurora+
(In reply to Daniel Cater from comment #6) > (In reply to James Willcox (:snorp) ( from comment #0) > > We should update > > the whitelist with those board names (which is found here: > > > > Why does the patch omit some of the devices on the "Passed Gralloc Tests" > list? > > saga > vision > speedy > mahimahi > pyramid > lgp970 > olympus > begonia > jordan > sunfire > > are missing. My HTC Sensation (pyramid) would appreciate being included :-) Most of these were not added because like your Sensation they are Adreno devices, which have never worked. This testing only allowed the device into the whitelist. There is still a feature test done to make sure gralloc actually works, which always fails on Adreno. I don't want to risk it by adding those devices to the whitelist.
(In reply to James Willcox (:snorp) ( from comment #11) > (In reply to Daniel Cater from comment #6) > > (In reply to James Willcox (:snorp) ( from comment #0) > > > We should update > > > the whitelist with those board names (which is found here: > > > > > > > Why does the patch omit some of the devices on the "Passed Gralloc Tests" > > list? > > > > saga > > vision > > speedy > > mahimahi > > pyramid > > lgp970 > > olympus > > begonia > > jordan > > sunfire > > > > are missing. My HTC Sensation (pyramid) would appreciate being included :-) > > Most of these were not added because like your Sensation they are Adreno > devices, which have never worked. This testing only allowed the device into > the whitelist. There is still a feature test done to make sure gralloc > actually works, which always fails on Adreno. I don't want to risk it by > adding those devices to the whitelist. OK, thanks for the explanation. That wasn't clear from the wiki page or the bug summary. Could you give a minimal testcase for something that doesn't work with an Adreno 220 for example? The Samsung Galaxy S2 has an Adreno 220 in the latest versions so it would be a shame for older versions to be whiltelisted whilst newer versions were not.
All other devices except the one from previous 2 comments were added the the whitelist on Beta, Aurora and Nightly: "venus2", // Motorola Droid Pro "tuna", // Galaxy Nexus "omap4sdp", // Amazon Kindle Fire "droid2", // Motorola Droid 2 "targa", // Motorola Droid Bionic "spyder", // Motorola Razr "shadow", // Motorola Droid X "SGH-I897", // Samsung Galaxy S "GT-I9100", // Samsung Galaxy SII "sgh-i997", // Samsung Infuse 4G "herring", // Samsung Nexus S "sgh-t839", // Samsung Sidekick 4G
Product: Firefox for Android → Firefox for Android Graveyard
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