Closed Bug 728832 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Longer e-mail are not sent to the mailing list by mailman but kept in queue


( Graveyard :: Server Operations, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: iacchi, Assigned: justdave)



(2 files)

In the last week I've tried to send a message to the mobile test drivers mailing list, but it never arrived to the list. I tried with a short test message and it arrived without problems.
I thought it was a problem of that mailing list, but then yesterday I tried to send another message to a different mailing list (world-ready) and it didn't arrive, either.
The only discriminant between the test message and the other two is the length: the test message was short, while the other two were longer. I'm not talking about poems, but longer. Anyway, I'm attaching them so you have an idea and can try to send them and see what happens.

The message to the mobile test drivers mailing list finally arrived today, probably because I mailed Alex Keybl (one of the list administrator) about the issue and it moved it from the moderation queue (I think; I'm CCing him so he can tell).
I don't know if I got it right thinking that the mail length is the key factor here, but the point is that the messages are not worwarded to the lists while they should. Sorry if I can't be more precise.
Assignee: mitchell → server-ops
Component: Miscellaneous → Server Operations
QA Contact: miscellaneous → phong
I see this with the udc-internal list as well.  (I hope this internal list dies, but that's a different question.)  It's driving me crazy.  So i guess it's a general setting, not specific to mobile test drivers.  Can we get it changed for at least the udc list as well?
There is a length limit, but it's supposed to be on the order of 32K or something like that.  These messages are in the 2 to 3K range.
I just checked, it's actually 100K.
It'll say on the moderation panel why it got moderated.  Neither of these messages are in the queue anymore on either list.  Did someone look when they cleared it?  If not, post here again when it happens again and *don't* release it from the queue until I can look at it.  (feel free to find me on IRC to get it attention quicker if it's a time-sensitive email).
Assignee: server-ops → justdave
Little update: the mail that I sent to the mobile test drivers mailing list arrived on the list today (actually, the first of the three identical ones has arrived), while the one I sent to world-ready is not arrived yet. I've just tried to send it again to the mailing list (3 minutes ago) and it isn't arrived so far.
Ah, my issue is not length limit, but the number of recipients.   See below.

Your mail to 'udc-internal' with the subject

    Re: Draft first blog post re Metrics Ping

Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval.

The reason it is being held:

    Too many recipients to the message

Either the message will get posted to the list, or you will receive
notification of the moderator's decision.  If you would like to cancel
this posting, please visit the following URL:
Yes, I think they eventually make it through without the moderator doing anything.  I'm not the moderator but I think that's what alex fowler (moderator of UDC) list said.
I found Mitchell's in the log, the issue with hers was "too many recipients".  The lists default to 7 max recipients.  I just bumped it up to 20 for udc-internal (you're not the only one hitting that problem with that list)

Iacopo's I can't find any record of in the logs, doesn't look like they're getting moderated by Mailman....
and I mid-aired with Mitchell posting that. :)
OK, Iacopo sent me full headers off of one of the ones that eventually delivered, and we discovered from that that it had sat in Postini's quarantine for a week.  So Postini thought it was spam and the list owner hadn't cleared it from there for that amount of time.  I just cleared two more of his posts out of the Postini quarantine that were still there.
I've also added Iacopo to the approved senders list for that recipient address, so it shouldn't block him anymore on Postini.
Is there value in reviewing the defaults for Mozilla Mailman installations so we don't bump up against this so often?
It used to be a good anti-spam defense.  Nowadays, spammers tend to personalize everything, so you don't get long lists of people on the To line anymore.  So yeah, it might be something worth tweaking.
Seems like there's no real action left here. Closing.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: → Graveyard
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