Closed Bug 732329 Opened 13 years ago Closed 13 years ago

Share widgets for promo videos


(Websites :: Firefox Flicks, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: osmose, Assigned: osmose)




We should probably add share widgets and possibly a shortlink for the promo videos (such as my personal favorite, Noir:, possibly with customized / localized share messages. chelsea / ckoehler: Thoughts? Copy?
I think it's a great idea. Let me get you some copy today.
Noir: The fox meets a damsel in distress, but can he help her? Check out Firefox Flicks for more videos. Dance: He's got the moves, he's got ambition. How far can the Firefox's feet take him? Check out Firefox Flicks for more videos. Twilight: A teenage girl learns the truth about the Firefox. Check out Firefox Flicks for more videos.
Assignee: nobody → jfong
Is it possible to get these into the next release? I'm guessing the text will need to be localized.
Target Milestone: --- → 1.1
Target Milestone: 1.1 → 1.2
This missed the string freeze (sorry about that :( ), but we can still add the share widgets using existing strings on the site: Twilight: A teenage girl learns the truth about the fox. Check out our video and get inspired for your own. Dance: He's got the moves. He's got ambition. How far can this fox's feet take him? Noir: The fox meets a damsel in distress, but can he help her? Are these acceptable? If not, we'll have to move this to 1.3.
They are good :)
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Sorry, but these aren't working for me on either dev or staging: Timestamp: 3/27/2012 1:49:51 PM Error: function (a, b) {if (typeof define == "function") {define(b);} else {if (typeof module != "undefined") {module.exports = b();} else {this[a] = b();}}}("$script", function () {var g = this, y = document, i = y.getElementsByTagName("head")[0], t = /^https?:\/\//, a = g.$script, v = {}, r = {}, w = {}, h, d = {}, o = "string", u = false, k = "push", m = "DOMContentLoaded", b = "readyState", q = "addEventListener", p = "onreadystatechange"; function x(f, z, s) {for (s = 0, j = f.length; s < j; ++s) {if (!z(f[s])) {return u;}}return 1;} function e(f, s) {x(f, function (z) {return !s(z);});} if (!y[b] && y[q]) {y[q](m, function l() {y.removeEventListener(m, l, u);y[b] = "complete";}, u);y[b] = "loading";} function c(F, B, z) {F = F[k] ? F : [F];var s = B &&, A = s ? B : z, f = s ? F.join("") : B, C = F.length; function D(G) {return ? G() : v[G];} function E() {if (!--C) {v[f] = 1;A && A();for (var G in w) {x(G.split("|"), D) && !e(w[G], D) && (w[G] = []);}}} setTimeout(function () {e(F, function (G) {if (d[G]) {f && (r[f] = 1);return d[G] == 2 && E();}d[G] = 1;f && (r[f] = 1);n(!t.test(G) && h ? h + G + ".js" : G, E);});}, 0);return c;} function n(A, z) {var s = y.createElement("script"), f = u;s.onload = s.onerror = s[p] = function () {if (s[b] && !/^c|loade/.test(s[b]) || f) {return;}s.onload = s[p] = null;f = 1;d[A] = 2;z();};s.async = 1;s.src = A;i.insertBefore(s, i.firstChild);} c.get = n;c.order = function (f, A, s) {(function z(B) {B = f.shift();if (!f.length) {c(B, A, s);} else {c(B, z);}}());};c.path = function (f) {h = f;};c.ready = function (A, s, z) {A = A[k] ? A : [A];var f = [];!e(A, function (B) {v[B] || f[k](B);}) && x(A, function (B) {return v[B];}) ? s() : !function (B) {w[B] = w[B] || [];w[B][k](s);z && z(f);}(A.join("|"));return c;};c.noConflict = function () {g.$script = a;return this;};return c;}) is not a function Source File: Line: 7
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Fixed in Fix is currently on dev only. Pushing to stage shortly.
Closed: 13 years ago13 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Assignee: jfong → mkelly
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