Closed Bug 740581 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Make about:home's Sync button label localizable


(Firefox :: General, defect)

Not set



Firefox 14
Tracking Status
firefox13 --- fixed


(Reporter: wladow, Assigned: mak)




(Whiteboard: [qa-])


(1 file)

In order to localize the about:home page properly we need to have the Sync button localizable. I fully understand the Sync is a product name, but it cannot stand there alone in Slovak version of Firefox. We need to use a descriptor at least. If we leave the button as it's now it will make our users think we simply forgot to localize the button. The approach we have used for the Preferences window (see Preferences.dtd) is perfectly fine to follow here as well.
(In reply to Vlado Valastiak [:wladow] @ from comment #0)
> The approach we have
> used for the Preferences window (see Preferences.dtd) is perfectly fine to
> follow here as well.

I don't understand the point of adding another entity, if the localization note says for it to simply copy syncBrand.shortName.label.
Do you intend not to copy syncBrand.shortName.label?
Am I misunderstanding your concern?
That's correct, I intend not to copy syncBrand.shortName.label. We need to either 1) use a descriptor here together with syncBrand.shortName.label, so the label says something like "Sluzba Sync" or 2) simply use a Slovak equivalent for Sync. In both cases we need to have the label localizable.

If we don't have it localizable I cannot sign-off the localization as good to go for the release.
The reason is still missing, I know many other localizations don't have any issues with the brand Sync, that being a brand should be fine by itself (It's like saying you need to say Browser Firefox instead of just Firefox), why does Slovak differ?
Marco, who is the native speaker here, you or me? Please don't argue with me unless you speak Slovak. Re your question if we say Browser Firefox. Believe me we do. You have an access to our repo, feel free to search through it. And while you are there please check how we are treating with Sync, it's almost always prefixed by a descriptor.

Again, this is highly visible piece of the UI and if this bug will end up with other resolution than fixed, I will not sign-off the localization.
I don't pretend to understand Slovak, I am just asking the reason, since what you are asking to do is to break the string freeze, and that can be done only with very good reasons, that you should give us.  And please calm down the tone of your comments.
We should fix this.

Given that l10n-merge will back to the existing string, I think it's fine to take that fix even on aurora. It's kind-of a string-freeze break, though backwards compatible.

Pike-san ;-)
Assignee: nobody → mak77
Attached patch patch v1.0Splinter Review
Attachment #610924 - Flags: review?(fryn)
Comment on attachment 610924 [details] [diff] [review]
patch v1.0

Review of attachment 610924 [details] [diff] [review]:

FWIW, this looks like I was expecting it.
Attachment #610924 - Flags: feedback+
Comment on attachment 610924 [details] [diff] [review]
patch v1.0

(In reply to Vlado Valastiak [:wladow] @ from comment #4)
> Marco, who is the native speaker here, you or me? Please don't argue with me
> unless you speak Slovak.

We weren't arguing with you, and being a native speaker does not entitle you to have your way without justification.

> Re your question if we say Browser Firefox. Believe
> me we do.

This is not an explanation of _why_ you say that. An example of a valid explanation would be: In this particular language, we almost always prefix brand names with descriptors as a convention or for clarity.

> And while you are there please check how we are treating with Sync, it's
> almost always prefixed by a descriptor.

Simply stating that it is already done this way is also not a valid argument for correctness. It is only a valid argument for consistency.

I am very unhappy and dissatisfied with Vlado's comment, but the patch is technically sound, and there seems to be reasonable precedent for this, so I'm r+'ing it.
Attachment #610924 - Flags: review?(fryn) → review+
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → Firefox 14
Comment on attachment 610924 [details] [diff] [review]
patch v1.0

[Approval Request Comment]
Regression caused by (bug #): No regression
User impact if declined: Localization problems
Testing completed (on m-c, etc.): m-c
Risk to taking this patch (and alternatives if risky): none
String changes made by this patch: One new string, but if missing we fallback to the en-US brand that is fine for most locales, see comment 6.
Attachment #610924 - Flags: approval-mozilla-aurora?
Comment on attachment 610924 [details] [diff] [review]
patch v1.0

[Triage Comment]
Near-zero risk and we've already got l10n sign-off on this Aurora string-freeze break. Approved for Aurora 13.
Attachment #610924 - Flags: approval-mozilla-aurora? → approval-mozilla-aurora+
(In reply to Vlado Valastiak [:wladow] @ from comment #4)
> Marco, who is the native speaker here, you or me? Please don't argue with me
> unless you speak Slovak.

Belated point of clarity here...

I don't believe anyone was intending to start an argument here, the question was simply asked because this seemed contrary to previous localization advice we've been given. We want to understand localization needs on the development sides, so we can catch issues when they inevitably come up again.
Whiteboard: [qa-]
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