Open Bug 74632 Opened 24 years ago Updated 7 years ago

Alert user while attaching corrupted files in compose window


(MailNews Core :: Composition, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: sheelar, Unassigned)



buildid:  2001040310 on linux

This problem was discovered from bug 70626.  When ever I tried to attach two jpg
files that I had on my linux machine I was unable to send message or save
messages with these attachments as template or drafts which was bug 70626.

The real problem was discovered when I did the same with 4.x it did not even let
me attach these files as it prompted me with the alert dlg with following error
"Invalid File Attachment"
u/sheelar/sw_c2.jpg:  not readable.

So the real problem is that application is letting you attach a corrupted file 
and which after is failing in sending because of the corrupted file OR when you
save this message as draft or template still tries to give an error "sending
message failed"  which makes you believe that it is trying to send message
instead of saving as template or drafts.
Too much time has been spent trying to understand why it was trying to send when
I wanted to save as template.  This problem still exists on 6.01 rtm and I would
like to see this problem fixed.  

Steps to recreate this problem
-compose a new message
-attach a corrupted jpg file
-Try to save this message as template.

I will attach the corrupted jpeg file to this bug.
cc-ing varada,
nominating this bug for nsbeta1 so that this bug can get fixed. This does exists 
on the rtm build too. 
I am not able to attach this corrupted file but I have the file on my system if 
some one needs it.  
Keywords: nsbeta1
Is the issue a corrupted file or a file we do not have access to because of
permissions?  That is, what does that "not readable" error really mean?
marking nsbeta1-
Keywords: nsbeta1nsbeta1-
Target Milestone: --- → Future
QA Contact: esther → trix
Blocks: 144406
changing qa contact to yulian
QA Contact: trix → yulian
QA Contact: yulian → stephend
Product: MailNews → Core
Assignee: ducarroz → nobody
QA Contact: stephend → composition
Product: Core → MailNews Core
unfortunately, no testcase file attached for testing
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