Bug 754000
Opened 13 years ago
Closed 8 years ago
Javascript/SVG app updates less frequently on Linux
(Core :: SVG, defect)
(Reporter: tim_vdeynde, Unassigned)
(Keywords: perf, Whiteboard: [in-the-wild] [external-report])
(3 files)
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:15.0) Gecko/15.0 Firefox/15.0a1
Build ID: 20120510030517
Steps to reproduce:
Go to and hover with your mouse over the applet. Happens in Linux x86 and Linux x64.
Actual results:
Bad performance, stuttering
Expected results:
It should've been a fluent experience like it is in Firefox 12
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Comment 1•13 years ago
This worksforme on Mac, so may have to do with the usual path rendering mess. Need a regression range....
Requesting tracking for the regression.
--- → ?
--- → ?
--- → ?
Keywords: regression,
Requested by Mardeg, this is from the x64 pc (Linux Mint Lisa):
Adapter Description
NVIDIA Corporation -- GeForce 9600M GT/PCIe/SSE2
Vendor ID
NVIDIA Corporation
Device ID
GeForce 9600M GT/PCIe/SSE2
Driver Version
3.3.0 NVIDIA 295.20
WebGL Renderer
NVIDIA Corporation -- GeForce 9600M GT/PCIe/SSE2 -- 3.3.0 NVIDIA 295.20
GPU Accelerated Windows
1/1 OpenGL
Also tested with HWA disabled (which it is by default btw, I force enabled it), but I still get the same results.
Comment 3•13 years ago
wfm with Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:15.0) Gecko/15.0 Firefox/15.0a1 SeaMonkey/2.12a1 (great build ID in the UA string :-( )
Comment 4•13 years ago
For me, with Firefox 12 on Windows the yellow shape resizes smoothly as the mouse moves about. With trunk the yellow shape resizes less frequently and therefore the movement appears somewhat jerky.
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Comment 5•13 years ago
Aha! Robert, do you think you can hunt down a regression range?
bz: I am willing to hunt down the regression range too, but I don't have time until tomorrow. Sorry for not mentioning that before :)
Comment 7•13 years ago
There's no performance difference. It's an illusion...
The application works quite differently in trunk and on 12. On trunk the yellow shape snaps to where the black lines on the diagram intersect each other on 12 it attaches to the lines rather than the intersection of lines and resizes smoothly along the lines.
Do you not see this on a Mac? If not do you see the 12 or the trunk behaviour I'm describing.
Comment 8•13 years ago
I'll leave it to Tim to find the regression range. A reduced testcase would be nice to since it's a functional change rather than a performance issue.
Comment 9•13 years ago
FWIW Opera matches Firefox 12 for me.
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Comment 10•13 years ago
On Mac, with both a 13 beta and a trunk nightly build, I see the behavior you describe as seeing in 12.
Updated•13 years ago
Summary: Javascript/SVG app running slow in Firefox beta (13) → Javascript/SVG app works differently in Firefox beta (13)
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Comment 11•13 years ago
I think that is not true. If you move your mouse slowly on trunk, you'll see it intersects everywhere on the line. It might appear like it's only on the intersections, but that's because it creates new ones.
Comment 12•13 years ago
Perhaps you're right, if you move the mouse really slowly it does seem to go on the lines. It's not CPU bound on my machine though, it just doesn't seem to update very often.
Summary: Javascript/SVG app works differently in Firefox beta (13) → Javascript/SVG app updates less frequently in Firefox beta (13)
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Comment 13•13 years ago
Using mozregression to bisect, I found this to contain the regression:
Last good nightly: 2012-03-21
First bad nightly: 2012-03-22
So the regression is not in Firefox 13, but in Firefox 14. The reason why I thought I was seeing it in 13 too, is because somehow the build Ubuntu/Mint deliver in their repositories appears to be faster than Mozilla's (stable Firefox 12) download. So it's faster than the 13 beta too, which is about the same speed as FF 12. But there also appears to be a real regression.
However, it is very hard to compare performance in a visual way if I can't view them side by side. But I switched back and forth multiple times and I actually think there is a performance difference between those builds.
Robert: as you appear to be the only one who could reproduce, can you confirm this?
Comment 14•13 years ago
Well that makes a lot more sense. It must be bug 734079
Depends on: 734079
Version: 13 Branch → 14 Branch
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Comment 15•13 years ago
Looks like it from that bisect range, although that bug doesn't actually show in it. The builds from before and after bug 734079 landed are (respectively):
Tim, can you confirm that things work in the former, but not in the latter?
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Updated•13 years ago
Comment 16•13 years ago
I can't see any regression at all even with the latest trunk if I use nightly builds. The only difference I see is when I compare with a self built debug trunk.
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Comment 17•13 years ago
That's not entirely unexpected, since I added a fair bit of debug code in the patches for bug 734079. We only really care about the release build performance of course.
If Tim can't reproduce using the builds linked in comment 15, then maybe we're looking at the wrong range.
Comment 18•13 years ago
it's quite possible, bug 734079 is just an educated guess at this point.
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Comment 19•13 years ago
Well, I think there is a small difference indeed, but I can only confirm my last comment. It is hard to see a difference between those builds, but I switched between them multiple times and I think it is there. It is, however, not "the big regression". On exactly the same (clean) profile, Firefox downloaded from is *very* noticeably slower than the one that comes preinstalled by Ubuntu/Mint, and that's why I thought this was such a big regression, which it isn't.
Comment 20•13 years ago
Perhaps there's some difference in compiler flags such that the preinstalled version is more tailored to your cpu? Are there differences in what about:buildconfig says about your Ubuntu installation compared to the standard Mozilla build?
No longer blocks: 734079
Keywords: regression,
Comment 21•13 years ago
Or maybe the ubuntu build is running hardware accelerated and the mozilla build isn't. Is there any difference in the graphics stuff at the end about:support
Updated•13 years ago
--- → unaffected
--- → affected
--- → affected
Summary: Javascript/SVG app updates less frequently in Firefox beta (13) → Javascript/SVG app updates less frequently on Linux
Comment 22•13 years ago
Adding qawanted - we should use the STR in comment 0 across the builds in comment 15 (where it broke) and builds around (where it may be fixed) on Mac/Linux. We'd like to understand whether this performance regression is visible in any way. Thanks!
Keywords: qawanted
Comment 23•13 years ago
|| is working fine on FF 14b8 on Mac OS X 10.6.
On Ubuntu 12.04 I see a very small deterioration between the builds from comment 15, and definetely a bigger one between nightly 2012-03-22 and FF 14b8. Anyway, I don't see a 100% smooth move neither in FF 12 (compared with FF 14b8 on Mac OS X 10.6 for e.g).
Comment 24•13 years ago
(In reply to Paul Silaghi [QA] from comment #23)
> is working fine on FF 14b8 on
> Mac OS X 10.6.
> On Ubuntu 12.04 I see a very small deterioration between the builds from
> comment 15, and definetely a bigger one between nightly 2012-03-22 and FF
> 14b8. Anyway, I don't see a 100% smooth move neither in FF 12 (compared with
> FF 14b8 on Mac OS X 10.6 for e.g).
Can we get a regression window on Linux please? That'll help us resolve the regression.
Keywords: regressionwindow-wanted
Comment 25•13 years ago
(In reply to Alex Keybl [:akeybl] from comment #24)
> (In reply to Paul Silaghi [QA] from comment #23)
> > is working fine on FF 14b8 on
> > Mac OS X 10.6.
> >
> > On Ubuntu 12.04 I see a very small deterioration between the builds from
> > comment 15, and definetely a bigger one between nightly 2012-03-22 and FF
> > 14b8. Anyway, I don't see a 100% smooth move neither in FF 12 (compared with
> > FF 14b8 on Mac OS X 10.6 for e.g).
> Can we get a regression window on Linux please? That'll help us resolve the
> regression.
Ever since FF 4. Tested on Ubuntu 11.10 and 12.04 32-bit.
Comment 26•13 years ago
And it's getting worse between the builds from comment 15 and still deteriorating after that until the latest nightly (I couldn't find a regression range for this, I think it's getting worse progressively in several times)
Comment 27•13 years ago
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:13.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/13.0.1
> Result is smooth with no lag whatsoever
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:14.0) Gecko/14.0 Firefox/14.0a1 ID:20120314031139
> Lag is somewhat noticeable, this is the first 14.0 Nightly
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:14.0) Gecko/14.0 Firefox/14.0a1 ID:20120401041203
> Lag is fairly evident at this point
Given I can reproduce the lag in the first 14.0 Nightly and 13.0 is unaffected, I'm not sure where else to debug this.
Comment 28•13 years ago
Interestingly, I can also detect a very small lag in Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:13.0) Gecko/13.0 Firefox/13.0a1 ID:20120301031135.
Comment 29•13 years ago
Firefox 13.0.1 comes pre-installed in my Ubuntu machine, and the example in comment #0 works really well.
All versions I downloaded from our ftp servers and installed on the desktop, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 13.0.1, 14 (as in comment #15), 14.0b11, or latest nightly, all 64bit versions, were noticeably slow.
I don't know how to install previous versions of Fx on Ubuntu such as they were installed by default with the system, but if anyone knows how to do it, please ping me so I can give it a try.
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Comment 30•13 years ago
Sorry for not replying here anymore, I was busy with exams and doing stuff for my youth movement :)
The biggest difference is probably that Ubuntu compiles Firefox with GCC 4.6 instead of 4.5.
I can attach the output of about:buildconfig here, but I'm not sure how you would like it (plaintext in a comment or as an attachment, as HTML, ...) and I guess it's not very hard to get it anyway :)
Updated•13 years ago
Comment 31•13 years ago
Tim, the best way would be a plain-text file attached to this bug (not as a comment), thanks.
Comment 32•13 years ago
Tim, would you be able to assist us in tracking down a regression range for this bug? We're having trouble tracking down a way to get older Ubuntu Firefox versions installed.
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Comment 33•13 years ago
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Comment 34•13 years ago
As far as I know, Ubuntu only provides the last Firefox version and the one that was the default on release date in its repository. So if you download Ubuntu 11.10, you can try Firefox 7. I think 12.04 packed Firefox 12.
Comment 35•13 years ago
Given my comment 27, I'm not convinced it's compiler related because all of our Linux builds use the same compiler. I think we need to work to narrow down the regression range between the very first Firefox 14.0 Nightly build and Firefox 13.0. I suppose it's possible that a regression got merged in from inbound, but I don't know how to look into this.
I think we need to hand the ball off to a developer who knows this code.
Updated•13 years ago
Assignee: nobody → jwatt
Comment 36•13 years ago
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:17.0) Gecko/17.0 Firefox/17.0
I've downloaded the daily firefox ppa from Ubuntu (Nightly equivalent) and the app works as slow there as on any Firefox downloaded from ftp. It's installed in the same manner as the default Firefox that comes with Ubuntu, where the app works without problems.
Unless I'm missing something, this would mean that the Ubuntu versions of Firefox regressed somewhere as well, between 14 and 17.
(In reply to Anthony Hughes, Mozilla QA (:ashughes) [OoO until July 31] from comment #35)
> Given my comment 27, I'm not convinced it's compiler related because all of
> our Linux builds use the same compiler. I think we need to work to narrow
> down the regression range between the very first Firefox 14.0 Nightly build
> and Firefox 13.0. I suppose it's possible that a regression got merged in
> from inbound, but I don't know how to look into this.
I've loaded the app with both Firefox 14.0.1 and 13.0.1, but can't spot a big difference between performance for those builds. Is the 13.0.1 mentioned in comment 27 the Ubuntu packed Firefox?
Comment 37•13 years ago
Virgil, can you please do some more comparative testing? What is your UX with the following builds:
* Firefox 13.0.1, 14.0.1, 15.0b3, 17.0a1 from
* Firefox 13.0.1, 14.0.1, 15.0b3, 17.0a1 from Ubuntu ppa
Comment 38•13 years ago
> * Firefox 13.0.1, 14.0.1, 15.0b3, 17.0a1 from
I can't see any noticeable difference between these builds. There is a big lag when moving the pointer over the diagram in all of them.
> * Firefox 13.0.1, 14.0.1, 15.0b3, 17.0a1 from Ubuntu ppa
*Firefox 13.0.1 and 14.0.1 from Ubuntu PPA work ok - the planes are highlighted and updated, don't work as well as Chrome and Opera when the mouse is moved faster along the diagram though
*Firefox 15beta, Aurora and Nightly - all behave badly, as all the ftp.mozilla builds - screencast showing comparative behavior of Chrome and 14.0.1 from Ubuntu - screencast showing behavior comparative behavior of Chrome and 15 beta from Ubuntu.
This is Ubuntu 12.04 i686.
Also tried disabling any other add-ons instaled with the software through the Software center(raster fonts, unity integration, browser plugin, gnome support). That didn't change the way the app behaved in any situation.
Comment 39•13 years ago
Based on comment 38, I would assume the regression in comparing Firefox versions to have occurred within Firefox 15 Nightly. In terms of competitive comparison to Chrome and Opera, the regression likely would have occurred in Firefox 13 Nightly or earlier.
Can you investigate this any further Virgil?
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Comment 40•13 years ago
I can reproduce in Windows7 with HWA disabled
Regression window(m-c)
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:14.0) Gecko/20120321 Firefox/14.0a1 ID:20120321025041
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:14.0) Gecko/20120321 Firefox/14.0a1 ID:20120321033140
Regression window(m-c)
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:14.0) Gecko/20120320 Firefox/14.0a1 ID:20120320051441
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:14.0) Gecko/20120320 Firefox/14.0a1 ID:20120320051642
Comment 41•13 years ago
(In reply to Anthony Hughes, Mozilla QA (:ashughes) from comment #39)
> Based on comment 38, I would assume the regression in comparing Firefox
> versions to have occurred within Firefox 15 Nightly. In terms of competitive
> comparison to Chrome and Opera, the regression likely would have occurred in
> Firefox 13 Nightly or earlier.
> Can you investigate this any further Virgil?
This isn't a regression in Firefox builds (on Linux, at least). My comment was a follow-up on what already was investigated by Juan and Paul. To resume, I see the following on Ubuntu (same as Juan in comment 29):
----Firefox downloaded from mozilla ftp:
*All* Firefox versions exhibit a laggy animation when moving the pointer over the diagram. (tested from 4.0.1 to current Nightly, going through 9, 13, 14, 15, 16). There might be very small differences, but the animation is not smooth in any case.
----When using Firefox builds from Ubuntu:
13.0.1 and 14.0.1 work fine (not as perfect as Chrome, but fine - see videos in comment 38)
15 beta, Aurora 16 and Nightly are as laggy as the Firefox versions
If there isn't any other installation issue involved here, this issue is a regression in Firefox Ubuntu builds starting with 15. So that's the only regression involved here.
Comment 42•13 years ago
Maybe we should split the Linux and windows bugs...
This never worked with Firefox builds.
The only way to go would be to investigate what exact problem triggered the issue in Ubuntu builds, but that won't be as easy as bisecting with Firefox.
After asking around on Ubuntu's chat, managed to get some links to archived versions:
But there don't seem to be archived versions of 14 Nightlies, though.
If there is any directions to go from here, please advise. At the moment, there isn't much left to do.
Keywords: qawanted,
Comment 43•13 years ago
Is there any difference in about:buildconfig in the compiler/configure options between Ubuntu 13/14 and 15/16? Note that about:buildconfig from Ubuntu 13/14 is attached to this bug already.
Comment 44•13 years ago
Can't see an y difference between the buildcongfig information. Exact asame arguments and compiler version.
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Comment 45•13 years ago
Definitely not going to get to this for 15.
Comment 46•13 years ago
(In reply to Jonathan Watt [:jwatt] from comment #45)
> Definitely not going to get to this for 15.
Un-tracking for 15 then, we'll keep this on our radar for 16.
Updated•13 years ago
--- → affected
--- → +
Updated•13 years ago
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Updated•11 years ago
Whiteboard: [in-the-wild] [external-report]
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Comment 47•8 years ago
Spun off bug 754000 to possibly continue investigating our performance.
Assignee: jwatt → nobody
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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Comment 48•8 years ago
(In reply to Jonathan Watt [:jwatt] from comment #47)
> Spun off bug 754000
I mean I span off bug 1348781.
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