Closed Bug 761562 Opened 12 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Virtual email alias per event


(Mozilla Reps Graveyard ::, task, P2)

0.3.5 - Amanda


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: giorgos, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: u=user c=events p=3)

Create a virtual email alias of the form

<event slug> 

Emails send there will be forwarded to all reps that have subscribed to the event. Email should be sent from the bugzilla address of the rep subscribed to the event or from a Mozilla Reps Council members or Site Admin.
Summary: Virtual email aliases with attendes → Virtual email alias per event

Emails can be sent from bugzilla addresses of all reps. If a rep is not already in the list, he gets automatically subscribed first before sending the email.
Priority: -- → P3
Version: 0.3 - Sarek → 0.3.5 - Amanda
Priority: P3 → --
Priority: -- → P2
Whiteboard: u=admin c=mail p=2
Assignee: nobody → johngiannelos
Whiteboard: u=admin c=mail p=2 → u=user c=events p=2
Whiteboard: u=user c=events p=2 → u=user c=events p=3
After discussing with various IT stakeholders, it seems unlikely that we can employ Mozilla infrastructure for the core address/list-management/delivery/sending functions implied by this bug. We should explore alternative implementations.

Mozilla currently uses ExactTarget for newsletter management. ExactTarget has an API:

Since ExactTarget has already been through the reviews necessary to use a 3rd-party service provider, let's explore their API and look for ways to make it work for this use case.
Assignee: jgiannelos → nobody
I believe this is old enough now and the conclusion was that we're not going to build this using Mozilla Infra, thus I'm marking this one WONTFIX.

If this is still something the program / platform needs a new bug should be filed with updated requirements and scope and proceed with evaluation of other solutions like ExtractTarget.
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Product: Mozilla Reps → Mozilla Reps Graveyard
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