Bug 764421
Opened 13 years ago
Closed 13 years ago
Intermittent browser_bug743421.js | Test 1b, Should have a click-to-play notification | uncaught JS exception - TypeError: popupNotification is null at browser_bug743421.js:55 | Test timed out
(Core Graveyard :: Plug-ins, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: emorley, Assigned: keeler)
(Keywords: intermittent-failure)
(2 files, 1 obsolete file)
595.73 KB,
Details | |
7.10 KB,
Details | Diff | Splinter Review |
Rev3 WINNT 5.1 mozilla-inbound debug test mochitest-other on 2012-06-13 01:23:29 PDT for push 3dbdfe9b7565
slave: talos-r3-xp-065
TEST-START | chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/base/content/test/browser_bug743421.js
++DOCSHELL 0B79E558 == 59 [id = 265]
++DOMWINDOW == 101 (0AB271B0) [serial = 692] [outer = 00000000]
++DOMWINDOW == 102 (0AD9A238) [serial = 693] [outer = 0AB27160]
WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mMutable) failed: file e:/builds/moz2_slave/m-in-w32-dbg/build/netwerk/base/src/nsSimpleURI.cpp, line 258
WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mMutable) failed: file e:/builds/moz2_slave/m-in-w32-dbg/build/netwerk/base/src/nsSimpleURI.cpp, line 258
WARNING: No outer window available!: file e:/builds/moz2_slave/m-in-w32-dbg/build/dom/base/nsGlobalWindow.cpp, line 8582
WARNING: No outer window available!: file e:/builds/moz2_slave/m-in-w32-dbg/build/dom/base/nsGlobalWindow.cpp, line 8582
WARNING: No outer window available!: file e:/builds/moz2_slave/m-in-w32-dbg/build/dom/base/nsGlobalWindow.cpp, line 8582
WARNING: No outer window available!: file e:/builds/moz2_slave/m-in-w32-dbg/build/dom/base/nsGlobalWindow.cpp, line 8582
++DOMWINDOW == 103 (0AEB44B8) [serial = 694] [outer = 0AB27160]
WARNING: No outer window available!: file e:/builds/moz2_slave/m-in-w32-dbg/build/dom/base/nsGlobalWindow.cpp, line 8582
WARNING: No outer window available!: file e:/builds/moz2_slave/m-in-w32-dbg/build/dom/base/nsGlobalWindow.cpp, line 8582
WARNING: No outer window available!: file e:/builds/moz2_slave/m-in-w32-dbg/build/dom/base/nsGlobalWindow.cpp, line 8582
WARNING: No outer window available!: file e:/builds/moz2_slave/m-in-w32-dbg/build/dom/base/nsGlobalWindow.cpp, line 8582
TEST-PASS | chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/base/content/test/browser_bug743421.js | Test 1a, Should not have a click-to-play notification
--DOMWINDOW == 102 (0AD9A238) [serial = 693] [outer = 0AB27160] [url = about:blank]
--DOMWINDOW == 101 (088037C0) [serial = 688] [outer = 083D3FB0] [url = about:blank]
--DOMWINDOW == 100 (09A40C70) [serial = 678] [outer = 0AC3BFA0] [url = about:blank]
--DOMWINDOW == 99 (13E2F298) [serial = 672] [outer = 117463E0] [url = about:blank]
--DOMWINDOW == 98 (0A1522D0) [serial = 670] [outer = 0B65D7C0] [url = about:blank]
--DOMWINDOW == 97 (0B1394A0) [serial = 666] [outer = 11606F40] [url = about:blank]
--DOMWINDOW == 96 (11606F90) [serial = 665] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank]
--DOMWINDOW == 95 (07E4E060) [serial = 664] [outer = 09CE8C50] [url = about:blank]
--DOMWINDOW == 94 (09CE8CA0) [serial = 663] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank]
--DOMWINDOW == 93 (08D8B590) [serial = 662] [outer = 062EA438] [url = about:blank]
--DOMWINDOW == 92 (062EA488) [serial = 661] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank]
--DOMWINDOW == 91 (0AA5DDA0) [serial = 659] [outer = 0654A1F8] [url = about:blank]
--DOMWINDOW == 90 (0B27BAA0) [serial = 656] [outer = 115FAC18] [url = about:blank]
--DOMWINDOW == 89 (0AD5CE50) [serial = 653] [outer = 0581E2D8] [url = about:blank]
--DOMWINDOW == 88 (098F0078) [serial = 650] [outer = 09950288] [url = about:blank]
--DOMWINDOW == 87 (05F20480) [serial = 647] [outer = 09A5A808] [url = about:blank]
--DOMWINDOW == 86 (09B217E8) [serial = 644] [outer = 0AB1E828] [url = about:blank]
--DOMWINDOW == 85 (0A28B500) [serial = 637] [outer = 0B73C748] [url = about:blank]
--DOMWINDOW == 84 (081CEFE0) [serial = 579] [outer = 08DD5798] [url = about:blank]
--DOMWINDOW == 83 (0A665E58) [serial = 303] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank]
--DOMWINDOW == 82 (0A768CC0) [serial = 294] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank]
--DOMWINDOW == 81 (0AAF3578) [serial = 284] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank]
--DOMWINDOW == 80 (0B3B9F10) [serial = 273] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank]
--DOCSHELL 0B64CF10 == 58 [id = 194]
--DOCSHELL 0B104088 == 57 [id = 193]
--DOCSHELL 0A9B5128 == 56 [id = 191]
--DOCSHELL 0AAD9A70 == 55 [id = 189]
--DOCSHELL 08BF4018 == 54 [id = 217]
--DOCSHELL 0823D178 == 53 [id = 216]
--DOCSHELL 059CB638 == 52 [id = 215]
--DOCSHELL 08CE9150 == 51 [id = 214]
--DOCSHELL 11878748 == 50 [id = 212]
--DOCSHELL 0B729EC8 == 49 [id = 211]
--DOCSHELL 0B02E900 == 48 [id = 248]
--DOCSHELL 060F7728 == 47 [id = 240]
--DOCSHELL 0A63FB70 == 46 [id = 236]
--DOCSHELL 0835CCA0 == 45 [id = 231]
--DOCSHELL 0B00F208 == 44 [id = 230]
--DOCSHELL 0A0FE608 == 43 [id = 228]
--DOCSHELL 0A50B1B8 == 42 [id = 207]
--DOCSHELL 082FF1B8 == 41 [id = 206]
--DOCSHELL 0A9783B0 == 40 [id = 205]
--DOCSHELL 0AC256A8 == 39 [id = 204]
--DOCSHELL 0B2B6DB0 == 38 [id = 247]
--DOCSHELL 137956A8 == 37 [id = 246]
--DOCSHELL 0B591D40 == 36 [id = 245]
--DOCSHELL 09FB55E8 == 35 [id = 243]
--DOCSHELL 0AE0B4F0 == 34 [id = 239]
--DOCSHELL 099E4808 == 33 [id = 238]
--DOCSHELL 088F8848 == 32 [id = 237]
--DOCSHELL 08807108 == 31 [id = 235]
--DOCSHELL 0B3AAA00 == 30 [id = 234]
--DOCSHELL 0A1B8EC8 == 29 [id = 233]
--DOCSHELL 0A28EE90 == 28 [id = 264]
--DOCSHELL 086D3588 == 27 [id = 227]
--DOCSHELL 087F5790 == 26 [id = 226]
--DOCSHELL 080CDDA0 == 25 [id = 225]
--DOCSHELL 09F62858 == 24 [id = 223]
--DOCSHELL 05973EF8 == 23 [id = 257]
--DOCSHELL 0B3899D8 == 22 [id = 256]
--DOCSHELL 09803C40 == 21 [id = 255]
--DOCSHELL 0858BE30 == 20 [id = 254]
--DOCSHELL 08456BD0 == 19 [id = 253]
--DOCSHELL 08D62F18 == 18 [id = 225]
--DOCSHELL 09E088C8 == 17 [id = 225]
--DOCSHELL 09C059F0 == 16 [id = 225]
--DOCSHELL 0598CF50 == 15 [id = 209]
--DOCSHELL 09B32C10 == 14 [id = 208]
--DOCSHELL 0A22DBC0 == 13 [id = 258]
--DOCSHELL 0AA9C130 == 12 [id = 263]
--DOCSHELL 0845C758 == 11 [id = 262]
--DOCSHELL 0AE8E0B8 == 10 [id = 261]
--DOCSHELL 0B0F2508 == 9 [id = 260]
--DOCSHELL 0A088D78 == 8 [id = 259]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/base/content/test/browser_bug743421.js | Test 1b, Should have a click-to-play notification
Stack trace:
JS frame :: chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/base/content/test/browser_bug743421.js :: test1b :: line 50
native frame :: <unknown filename> :: <TOP_LEVEL> :: line 0
TEST-PASS | chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/base/content/test/browser_bug743421.js | Test 1b, Plugin should not be activated
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/base/content/test/browser_bug743421.js | an unexpected uncaught JS exception reported through window.onerror - TypeError: popupNotification is null at chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/base/content/test/browser_bug743421.js:55
Stack trace:
JS frame :: chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js :: simpletestOnerror :: line 994
native frame :: <unknown filename> :: <TOP_LEVEL> :: line 0
native frame :: <unknown filename> :: <TOP_LEVEL> :: line 0
JavaScript error: chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/base/content/test/browser_bug743421.js, line 55: popupNotification is null
TEST-INFO | chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/base/content/test/browser_bug743421.js | Console message: [JavaScript Error: "TypeError: popupNotification is null" {file: "chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/base/content/test/browser_bug743421.js" line: 55}]
--DOMWINDOW == 79 (0AC82AD8) [serial = 629] [outer = 00000000] [url = chrome://browser/content/browser.xul]
--DOMWINDOW == 78 (05B5F2C0) [serial = 596] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:addons]
--DOMWINDOW == 77 (08AD47F8) [serial = 563] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:addons]
--DOMWINDOW == 76 (0AD51320) [serial = 587] [outer = 00000000] [url = chrome://mozapps/content/extensions/extensions.xul]
--DOMWINDOW == 75 (0AA92E20) [serial = 690] [outer = 00000000] [url = chrome://browser/content/preferences/preferences.xul]
--DOMWINDOW == 74 (0ABC6DA0) [serial = 684] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:text/html,%3Cscript%3Edocument.write(document.domain);%3C/script%3E]
--DOMWINDOW == 73 (083D4000) [serial = 687] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:preferences]
--DOMWINDOW == 72 (0AC3BFF0) [serial = 677] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:text/html,%3Cscript%3Edocument.write(document.domain);%3C/script%3E]
--DOMWINDOW == 71 (0B65D810) [serial = 669] [outer = 00000000] [url =]
--DOMWINDOW == 70 (11746430) [serial = 671] [outer = 00000000] [url =]
--DOMWINDOW == 69 (0A637810) [serial = 613] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:text/html,<iframe%20src="data:text/html,<iframe%20name='t'></iframe><form%20target='t'%20action='data:text/html,'><input%20required%20id='i'><input%20id='s'%20type='submit'></form>"</iframe>]
--DOMWINDOW == 68 (08DD57E8) [serial = 578] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:text/plain,3]
--DOMWINDOW == 67 (05835570) [serial = 602] [outer = 00000000] [url =]
--DOMWINDOW == 66 (099502D8) [serial = 649] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:text/plain,3]
--DOMWINDOW == 65 (0B73C798) [serial = 636] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:certerror?e=nssBadCert&u=https%3A//]
--DOMWINDOW == 64 (0852AB08) [serial = 615] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:text/html,<iframe%20name='t'></iframe><form%20target='t'%20action='data:text/html,'><input%20required%20id='i'><input%20id='s'%20type='submit'></form>]
--DOMWINDOW == 63 (0654A248) [serial = 658] [outer = 00000000] [url =]
--DOMWINDOW == 62 (0887CB00) [serial = 608] [outer = 00000000] [url =]
--DOMWINDOW == 61 (09AC3B10) [serial = 625] [outer = 00000000] [url = chrome://global/content/customizeToolbar.xul]
--DOMWINDOW == 60 (115A10C8) [serial = 667] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:text/html,<a%20href='%23xxx'><span>word1%20<span>%20word2%20</span></span><span>%20word3</span></a>]
--DOMWINDOW == 59 (115FAC68) [serial = 655] [outer = 00000000] [url =]
--DOMWINDOW == 58 (0B6F2F90) [serial = 617] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank]
--DOMWINDOW == 57 (0AB1E878) [serial = 643] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:text/plain,3]
--DOMWINDOW == 56 (0B2B5828) [serial = 632] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank]
--DOMWINDOW == 55 (09A5A858) [serial = 646] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:text/plain,2]
--DOMWINDOW == 54 (0ABDF750) [serial = 605] [outer = 00000000] [url =]
--DOMWINDOW == 53 (0B5F3018) [serial = 691] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank]
--DOMWINDOW == 52 (07EFEB90) [serial = 689] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:preferences]
--DOMWINDOW == 51 (09FED590) [serial = 686] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:text/html,%3Cscript%3Edocument.write(document.domain);%3C/script%3E]
--DOMWINDOW == 50 (0591CF30) [serial = 685] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank]
--DOMWINDOW == 49 (117BC4F0) [serial = 683] [outer = 00000000] [url = http://mochi.test:8888/]
--DOMWINDOW == 48 (06210868) [serial = 682] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:text/html,%3Cscript%3Edocument.write(document.domain);%3C/script%3E]
--DOMWINDOW == 47 (0A7A6E00) [serial = 681] [outer = 00000000] [url = http://mochi.test:8888/]
--DOMWINDOW == 46 (088962B8) [serial = 680] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:text/html,%3Cscript%3Edocument.write(document.domain);%3C/script%3E]
--DOMWINDOW == 45 (058607D8) [serial = 679] [outer = 00000000] [url = http://mochi.test:8888/]
--DOMWINDOW == 44 (059445C8) [serial = 676] [outer = 00000000] [url =]
--DOMWINDOW == 43 (0A274D08) [serial = 675] [outer = 00000000] [url =]
--DOMWINDOW == 42 (0A8F2508) [serial = 674] [outer = 00000000] [url =]
--DOMWINDOW == 41 (0AA9EAF0) [serial = 673] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank]
--DOMWINDOW == 40 (09AE7668) [serial = 668] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank]
--DOMWINDOW == 39 (0A8D51A0) [serial = 660] [outer = 00000000] [url =]
--DOMWINDOW == 38 (0880C548) [serial = 657] [outer = 00000000] [url =]
--DOMWINDOW == 37 (08DE21E0) [serial = 651] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:text/plain,3]
--DOMWINDOW == 36 (083A29A0) [serial = 648] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:text/plain,2]
--DOMWINDOW == 35 (0A50BEC8) [serial = 645] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:text/plain,3]
--DOMWINDOW == 34 (08A8B3A8) [serial = 642] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:text/plain,3]
--DOMWINDOW == 33 (0A717218) [serial = 641] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:text/plain,2]
--DOMWINDOW == 32 (0AA97A28) [serial = 640] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:text/plain,1]
--DOMWINDOW == 31 (0B31C7C0) [serial = 639] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:certerror?e=nssBadCert&u=https%3A//]
--DOMWINDOW == 30 (0A8C2A90) [serial = 638] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:certerror?e=nssBadCert&u=https%3A//]
--DOMWINDOW == 29 (0B6B5198) [serial = 635] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank]
--DOMWINDOW == 28 (0AA3F1E8) [serial = 630] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank]
--DOMWINDOW == 27 (08DBC768) [serial = 626] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank]
--DOMWINDOW == 26 (0ACF7360) [serial = 618] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank]
--DOMWINDOW == 25 (07ED4350) [serial = 616] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:text/html,<iframe%20name='t'></iframe><form%20target='t'%20action='data:text/html,'><input%20required%20id='i'><input%20id='s'%20type='submit'></form>]
--DOMWINDOW == 24 (09DD5360) [serial = 614] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank]
--DOMWINDOW == 23 (11A25908) [serial = 610] [outer = 00000000] [url =]
--DOMWINDOW == 22 (0B743F38) [serial = 607] [outer = 00000000] [url =]
--DOMWINDOW == 21 (0AD71780) [serial = 604] [outer = 00000000] [url =]
--DOMWINDOW == 20 (1184D028) [serial = 598] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:addons]
--DOMWINDOW == 19 (05B01760) [serial = 589] [outer = 00000000] [url = chrome://mozapps/content/extensions/extensions.xul]
--DOMWINDOW == 18 (0A26DA18) [serial = 582] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank]
--DOMWINDOW == 17 (123D6460) [serial = 565] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:addons]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/base/content/test/browser_bug743421.js | Test timed out
args: ['C:\\talos-slave\\test\\build\\bin\\screenshot.exe', 'c:\\docume~1\\cltbld\\locals~1\\temp\\mozilla-test-fail_zg_n7i']
SCREENSHOT: <attached>
INFO TEST-END | chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/base/content/test/browser_bug743421.js | finished in 30143ms
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/base/content/test/browser_bug743421.js | Found a tab after previous test timed out: chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/base/content/test/plugin_bug743421.html
WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mMutable) failed: file e:/builds/moz2_slave/m-in-w32-dbg/build/netwerk/base/src/nsSimpleURI.cpp, line 258
Comment hidden (Legacy TBPL/Treeherder Robot) |
![]() |
Assignee | |
Comment 2•13 years ago
Same issue as browser_pluginnotifications.js (bug 759703) - using setTimeout just once won't cut it if the system is under heavy load. So, here's the setInterval trick again.
Comment hidden (Legacy TBPL/Treeherder Robot) |
Comment 4•13 years ago
Comment on attachment 633173 [details] [diff] [review]
Review of attachment 633173 [details] [diff] [review]:
::: browser/base/content/test/browser_bug743421.js
@@ +35,5 @@
> gNextTest = nextTest;
> gTestBrowser.contentWindow.location = url;
> }
> +function waitForCondition(condition, nextTest, errorMsg) {
Can you move this function to head.js and then remove the implementation from browser_pluginnotification.js so we use the head.js version there as well? I want to reduce duplication of this function.
Attachment #633173 -
Flags: review?(jaws) → review-
![]() |
Assignee | |
Comment 5•13 years ago
Attachment #633173 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #633319 -
Flags: review?(jaws)
Updated•13 years ago
Attachment #633319 -
Flags: review?(jaws) → review+
![]() |
Assignee | |
Comment 6•13 years ago
![]() |
Assignee | |
Updated•13 years ago
Keywords: checkin-needed
Comment 7•13 years ago
Keywords: checkin-needed
Comment 8•13 years ago
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla16
Updated•12 years ago
Keywords: intermittent-failure
Updated•12 years ago
Whiteboard: [orange]
Updated•3 years ago
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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