Closed Bug 767382 Opened 12 years ago Closed 1 year ago

Clarify "Current view (copy or open in new window)" bookmark button tooltip


(Firefox :: PDF Viewer, enhancement)

15 Branch



111 Branch


(Reporter: Aleksej, Assigned: calixte)



(Keywords: ux-affordance, ux-discovery, Whiteboard: [testday-20120622][pdfjs-ux])

PDF.js has a button with a bookmark icon and the tooltip “Current view (copy or open in new window)”.

The button is actually an ordinary HTML link to the current document including an anchor for the position and zoom level (compare with links on maps). One could probably divine that from the icon, but the tooltip is confusing, because ordinary links have the same set of context menu items, but they don’t have any special hints about them.  People who would want to open the current view in a new window may want to do that for other links too, and there may be little reason for this link to be different.

Possible solutions:

1. Change the tooltip to “Current view link” or “Link to the current view”.
2. Have something like “(right-click for the options)” in the tooltip.  This one does not help to denote linkness by itself, so still misleading.
3. Implement “Current view” for all pages or even files viewed in Firefox. ;-)
Severity: enhancement → normal
OS: Linux → All
Hardware: x86_64 → All
Whiteboard: [testday-20120622] → [testday-20120622][pdfjs-c-ux]
I'm not sure the icon is very clear either. Maybe similar icons are used in different applications for the same feature, but I couldn't figure out what it was supposed to represent.
In the Russian version, the tooltip says: “[a/the] link to the current view (copy or open in a new window)”

any updates on this?

I came across this bug while trying to figure out what this button did. Even after reading it, it took me a minute to work it out.

You can click it and it turns grey like it has been activated, but nothing seems to happen. The right click menu gives the same options as though you clicked on a link, which maybe should be a hint as to what's going on, but you don't normally have a UI element that does nothing on a left click, but is supposed to be used with a right. So, I did not clue in right away.

Blocks: 1739965
Severity: normal → --
Type: defect → enhancement
Summary: PDF.js: "Current view (copy or open in new window)" bookmark button tooltip is unclear → Clarify "Current view (copy or open in new window)" bookmark button tooltip
Whiteboard: [testday-20120622][pdfjs-c-ux] → [testday-20120622][pdfjs-ux]

With bug 1789082, we have moved this button to the secondary toolbar.
We will update its icon as part of bug 1793781 (

Maybe it will be clearer with the updated icon, or maybe it's too subtle to be easy to understand for most users...

Depends on: 1793781
See Also: → 1799970
Assignee: nobody → cdenizet
Closed: 1 year ago
Depends on: 1811712
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 111 Branch
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