Closed Bug 76758 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Need a docShell tree enumerator


(Core :: DOM: Navigation, defect, P3)






(Reporter: sfraser_bugs, Assigned: sfraser_bugs)




(5 files)

We have a bunch of places in the code that need to iterate through the docShell 
hierarchy (e.g. find in frames, editor frameset stuff and more). I think it would 
be swell if we had an iterator over docShells. This needs to be a bidirectional 
iterator, and it should be possible to specify whether you want to include chrome 
and/or content docShells, and to confine the iteration to a particular subtree of 
the hierarchy.
What do you intend to use it for? I can see it being reasonably be safe in a 
read-only capacity, but calling LoadURI or manipulating the DOM on them may lead 
to complications if docshells are being added or destroyed.
Having a docshell iterator/enumerator would simplify the code needed to do 
"find/replace" across the content area's frame/iframe hierarchy.
OS: Mac System 8.5 → All
Priority: -- → P3
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.1
Assignee: kin → sfraser
See attachments. I made it so that the interface is direction-agnostic, and you 
control whether you want a forwards or backwards iterator by using a different 
CID/contractID at CreateInstance time.

In either case, the enumerator will hand back items in pre-order, depth-first 
search order.

Reviews, please.
Blocks: 63241
Is there some reason why the nsISimpleEnumerator interface is not sufficient, 
once the enumerator has been created?

I can see why the "constructor" would need extra info - like direction and 
docshell type...  But once the enumerator has been returned, it seems like the 
nsISimpleEnumerator methods will do...

Couldn't there be a GetDocShellEnumerator(...) method on nsIDocShell which took 
a direction and "flags" arguments and returned an nsISimpleEnumerator which 
walked the hierarchy?

-- rick
We have so many trees of stuff in Mozilla it may be beneficial to 
produce some generic interfaces so any trees implementing them can be 
adam - I think that's the idea behind nsISimpleEnumerator.

I agree w/ Rick here. Seems like this could be an attrib on the docshell, which
returns a nsISimpleEnumerator.
What I mean to say is that we should write a simple, generic tree node interface 
(e.g. nsIGenericTreeNode) and implement it on our docshell and webbrowser 
object. Then the function that creates the enumerator can call the methods off 
of that to build it. This is better than writing something specific for 
docshells that uses nsIDocShellTreeItem/nsIDocShellTreeNode to walk the tree.
Feel free to run off and make a generic tree item iterator; I don't have time to 
do that. I am willing to implement this using GetDocShellEnumerator() and 
returning an nsISimpleEmumerator.

So I'll add:

  nsISimpleEnumerator getDocShellEnumerator(in integer aDirection, in long 

to nsIDocShell? The enumerator would just enumerate that docShell and its 
Damn, i hate our enumerators.

So I'd like to use nsISimpleEnumerator, but my implementation of the Find stuff 
needs to be able to reset the enumerator using ->First(). Is it just me, or do 
our enumerator APIs really suck?
oh mama you're opening a can of worms :). for starters you can look into my 
thread a few weeks back on porkjockeys about enumerator iface ambiguities :-). 
Using nsISimpleEnumerator (public and frozen), if you want a reset enumerator 
you have to ask the accessor method to turn out a new one for you. 
GetEnumerator() or your equiv is required to hand back a new one each time it's 
called. That's they only way you can legally reset the cursor.
Latest patch shows changes to existing files for the enumerator. Changes in the 
implementation of nsDocShellEnumerator are not shown, but minor adjustments to 
convert to nsISimpleEnumerator.

Note that I added a "const long typeAll=0x7FFFFFFF" to nsIDocShellTreeItem. I 
think that's the correct place for it. nsIDocShell gained:

    const long ENUMERATE_FORWARDS  = 0;
    const long ENUMERATE_BACKWARDS = 1;

    nsISimpleEnumerator getDocShellEnumerator(in long aItemType, in long 

I think whoever uses the docshell must ensure they do not remove docshells 
during enumeration or the enumerator's internal array may contain bogus 
It's generally assumed that the contract between enumerator client and enumerator 
assumes that the client doesn't do anything to change what's being enumerated 
over, so what you say is correct. Thanks!
Checked in.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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