Closed Bug 768636 Opened 13 years ago Closed 11 years ago

span.toggle that opens/closes the menu should be outside the nav-element


( :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: icaaq, Assigned: sunnyday195)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.7; rv:16.0) Gecko/16.0 Firefox/16.0 Build ID: 20120626030539 Steps to reproduce: 1. Press Cmd+N to open a new browser window, then type in the address bar and press Enter 2. resize the browser to < 760px 3. Inspect the element span.toggle element located in the #masthead > #nav-main Actual results: The span.toggle element is located inside of the nav#nav-main element Expected results: From the HTML5 Spec [1]. The nav element represents a section of a page that links to other pages or to parts within the page: a section with navigation links. The toggle-button only toggles the nav-element and it's not a navigational link and should therefor be moved out from the nav-element. It would be most appropriate to have it before the nav-element. [1]
Component: → General
Product: Websites →
Hi, I just registered and was able to get bedrock to successfully load locally on my system. I thought this would be a good first bug to tackle. Is it possible to get this assigned to me please? Also I had a few quick questions about contributing: 1. When I make my changes do I create a new branch off of master for the bug fix? 2. If I do git pull and git fetch on the master branch will that update all other branches also? Thanks!
Assigned to you. To answer your questions, I think they are addressed here: If you still have questions pop into #www or #webprod in IRC and one of us will gladly help you.
Assignee: nobody → sunnyday195
Has anybody had this issue where you run bedrock locally but then the styling does not compile and as a result is not applied to the page? I'm noticing sometimes it gets compiled and then sometimes it doesn't. I even tried with git checkout . to clean any local changes and I get the same result.
ShanSM I would suggest opening up a new bug for the specific issue you are describing. Please detail how you are running locally... using vagrant or virtualenv.
Commits pushed to master at fix bug 768636 move span tag inside of block site_header_nav Merge pull request #1281 from shansm/headerfix-branch fix bug 768636 move span.toggle outside of nav element
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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