Closed Bug 769 Opened 27 years ago Closed 26 years ago

Spacers in tables know trouble...


(MozillaClassic Graveyard :: Layout, defect, P2)

Windows NT


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: donwulff, Assigned: toshok)


I was playing around with a spacer-phenomenon using the following HTML snippet: foo<table border=1><tr><td height=3><spacer width=1></td></tr></table>bar It occurs occasionally at least with "block"-type spacers that the table ends up at an unreasonable height. Anyway, using the above piece, after a couple of refreshes: _free_dbg_lk(void * 0xdddddddd, int 1) line 1011 + 48 bytes _free_dbg(void * 0xdddddddd, int 1) line 970 + 13 bytes free(void * 0xdddddddd) line 926 + 11 bytes PA_FreeTag(PA_Tag_struct * 0x00ad0850) line 222 + 13 bytes lo_free_cell_record(MWContext_ * 0x00a55340, lo_DocState_struct * 0x01c17440, lo_TableCell_struct * 0x00ad04f0) line 6504 + 9 bytes lo_ScrapeElement(MWContext_ * 0x00a55340, LO_Element_struct * 0x01c4e0bc, int 1) line 693 + 20 bytes lo_RecycleElements(MWContext_ * 0x00a55340, lo_DocState_struct * 0x01c17440, LO_Element_struct * 0x01c4dea4) line 1946 + 15 bytes lo_InternalDiscardDocument(MWContext_ * 0x00a55340, lo_DocState_struct * 0x01c17440, pa_DocData_struct * 0x00acb430, int 1) line 5989 + 17 bytes lo_GetRecycleList(MWContext_ * 0x00a55340, long 3, pa_DocData_struct * 0x00acb430, LO_Element_struct * * 0x0012f818, lo_arena_struct * * 0x0012f814) line 3933 + 19 bytes LO_ProcessTag(void * 0x00acb430, PA_Tag_struct * 0x00acbdb0, int 0) line 4533 + 31 bytes EDT_ProcessTag(void * 0x00acb430, PA_Tag_struct * 0x00acbdb0, int 0) line 970 + 17 bytes PA_ParseBlock(_NET_StreamClass * 0x00acb760, char * 0x01be2e58, int 1960) line 1165 + 16 bytes net_AutoCharCodeConv(_NET_StreamClass * 0x00acbe40, char * 0x01be2e58, long 1960) line 180 + 24 bytes net_read_file_chunk(_ActiveEntry * 0x00acb820) line 904 + 27 bytes net_ProcessFile(_ActiveEntry * 0x00acb820) line 1264 + 9 bytes NET_ProcessNet(PRFileDesc * 0x00000000, int 1) line 3334 + 13 bytes net_process_slow_net_timer_callback(void * 0x00000000) line 216 + 9 bytes wfe_ProcessTimeouts(unsigned long 14242339) line 303 + 12 bytes FireTimeout(HWND__ * 0x0074036e, unsigned int 275, unsigned int 777, unsigned long 14242339) line 60 + 9 bytes USER32! 77e71373() CNetscapeApp::Run() line 1675 + 8 bytes AfxWinMain(HINSTANCE__ * 0x00400000, HINSTANCE__ * 0x00000000, char * 0x00142040, int 10) line 52 + 11 bytes WinMain(HINSTANCE__ * 0x00400000, HINSTANCE__ * 0x00000000, char * 0x00142040, int 10) line 34 WinMainCRTStartup() line 330 + 54 bytes KERNEL32! 77f1b304()
Closed: 26 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Old bug, old code.
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