Closed Bug 77389 Opened 24 years ago Closed 23 years ago

exits out of mozilla completely whilst trying to load this page.


(Core Graveyard :: Plug-ins, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: graham.willsher, Assigned: srgchrpv)




I Go to the main virgin-direct page click on the login icon, JavaScript window opens to show loading of java, when no more modem activity click on OK button and Mozilla exist and produces the following in the terminal window: /usr/local/mozilla/ line 72: 1589 Segmentation fault $prog ${1+"$@"} I can only assume that this is a JavaScript problem, and that I have registered this in the correct place. If this is not please could you move this to the correct area. TIA, Graham.
Graham: 1. When you accessed this site, what build date of Mozilla were you using? 2. Did you see an icon saying, "Click here to get the plugin"? 3. Or did you see the Virgin applet? ("Welcome to online service" etc.) 4. Was it the Java console you dismissed by clicking "Close"? I don't see anyhwere to click an "OK" button - Thanks -
This is not Rhino, in any case. Reassigning to Plugins component for further triage -
Assignee: nboyd → av
Component: Core → Plug-ins
Product: Rhino → Browser
QA Contact: pschwartau → shrir
Looks like a dup of bug 76505.
added dependency
Depends on: 76505
Reporter or Shrir, Can you test this again? I think bug 76505 may have fixed this.
Keywords: qawanted
peter, you are right, this no longer happens. I see the 'get the java plugin dialog' come up along with another dialog. The plugin downloads and I see no crash anywhere. Marking FIXED. Graham please verify ( and mark VERIFIED ) if works for u. Thanks!
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
I have downloaded mozilla0.9 and tried to access the same web site and I get the same results Mozilla exits completely. The only difference being the site that it exits on I would try the latest nightly build, but when trying to download this it is asking for proxy settings which I do not know, to see if there is any difference between the builds. I am using redhat version 7.0 but not 2.4 kernel. If there is any other information that I can give you, please let me know. TIA Graham
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Graham, mozilla0.9 is too old. Please try with a build after 0518. Be sure you are using a talkback enabled build. Marking FIXED to trigger a verify. If this still happens, please re-open and include your talkback ID so we can fetch your stack trace.
Closed: 24 years ago24 years ago
Keywords: verifyme
Resolution: --- → FIXED
I have tried to access the same page with 'Mozilla 0.9+ Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux 2.2.16-22 i686; en-US; rv:0.9+) Gecko/20010524', as per the about Mozilla page. I now get no response from the web address, but Nonzilla does not exit as it did earlier. I have reported it as an new incidence using talkback, and the ID is: 'TB30932506W' The next screen that should appear is a user login in screen that requests a user ID. If you are seeing this using your version, it would appear that my problem lies elsewhere (maybe a plugin component?). Any suggestions would be appreciated. TIA, Graham
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Please see my last comments dated 26-5-2001, I had accidently marked this incident as fixed, but I still can nnot get it to work properly. TIA, Graham.
Closed: 24 years ago24 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
All, Sorry about the mess with this incident. (my lack of use of bugzilla), On 26-5 I thought that I had reopened the bug sucessfully As of 26-5-2001 I am still unable to get this to work properly, I have included the necessary TB ID. TIA, Graham.
Resolution: INVALID → ---
Graham, we had a recent bug that affected a lot of logins (bug 83625). That bug is now fixed. Can you test this again with a 6/13/01 or newer build. Thanks. Also, Talkback is really only useful when it catches a crash and comes up automatically. Sending in "New" incidents is redundant. Any non crash information should just be posted to the bug. Thanks for your help in testing Mozilla and reporting bugs.
from reporter via email (in the future please add your comment directly to the bug. you can find a link to the bug at the top of this Bugzilla notification. thanks) Graham Willsher wrote: Thanks for the reply about bug 83625. I have now installed the latest build of mozilla: Mozilla 0.9.1+ <> Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux 2.2.16-22 i686; en-US; rv:0.9.1+) Gecko/20010615 , which had a build date 15/06/2001. I can now get the initial java applet started and I am presented with a login screen for Virgin, where you are asked to enter you 'Global Key Code', but upon doing this I am presented with the normal message 'Please wait while we validate you Global Key Code', but there is no further flow of information from my PC to Virgin. It seems as if the applet has just frozen and stopped working. As the code does not fail I do not get any talkback information to be able to shed any further light on the matter, please could you let me know if there is anything else that I can do at this end to try and help find the cause of the problem. TIA, Graham.
--- Mass reassigning Unix bugs to serge ---
Assignee: av → serge
I cannot reproduce this problem. Graham, is this still happening for you in mozilla 0.9.8?
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.0
Moving Netscape owned 0.9.9 and 1.0 bugs that don't have an nsbeta1, nsbeta1+, topembed, topembed+, Mozilla0.9.9+ or Mozilla1.0+ keyword. Please send any questions or feedback about this to You can search for "Moving bugs not scheduled for a project" to quickly delete this bugmail.
Target Milestone: mozilla1.0 → mozilla1.2
resolved as WFM due to lack of reproducibility
Closed: 24 years ago23 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Keywords: qawanted
Keywords: verifyme
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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