Open Bug 776870 Opened 12 years ago Updated 2 years ago

In the downloads panel, Alt+S for Show All Downloads opens the History menu on Unity desktops


(Firefox :: Downloads Panel, defect)





(Reporter: 326374, Unassigned)


(Keywords: access)


(3 files)

Using Firefox Aurora 16.0a2 2012-07-23 on Ubuntu.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Open the download panel
2. Notice the text at the bottom "_S_how All Downloads" (the S is underlined)
3. Press the key s to show more downloads
4. Press alt+s to show more downloads

Expected result:

* When pressing s, more downloads will be shown
* When pressing alt+s, not sure: either more downloads or the history menu

What happens:

* s: Nothing
* alt+s: The history menu opens

I think it would be great to either remove the underlining of S or allow S to be pressed. If it's removed, there needs to be some other way to access all downloads via keyboard nav.
Keywords: access
Going to History is at least now what is supposed to be happening, since the panel only shows 3 downloads.

However, you are right about the hotkeys. Everywhere else in Firefox, just pressing the underlined letter performs the action, and with the DL panel you need alt-s.
> Going to History is at least now what is supposed to be happening, since the panel only shows 3 downloads.

I think you're misinterpreting something, or else I am.

When pressing alt+s the history *menu* opens, i.e. the same as would happen if I pressed alt+s anywhere within Firefox. That's completely counter-productive.

Of course, what should happen is the same as what happens when clicking the text (currently opening the downloads window).

If we're migrating away from the downloads window to the downloads section of the history *window*, that's what should open in both cases: clicking and (alt+)s.
Version: 16 Branch → Trunk
Ah, I misinterpreted you somewhat, but we are also using different versions:

On Nightly, when the Downloads Panel is open, alt-s opens the Download Manager window (placeholder for Library I think). Same behavior as clicking Show all downloads

So your issue is partially fixed in the latest version, however, it should open with just "s" as well, since that is the behavior in the rest of Firefox.
(In reply to david.smitmanis from comment #3)
> So your issue is partially fixed in the latest version, however, it should
> open with just "s" as well, since that is the behavior in the rest of
> Firefox.

No, it's not. Only within menu popups.
Right. Then maybe this bug can be closed?
Yeah. Basically the "bug" comment 0 describes is expected behavior.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Re-opening, because I'm sure there's a bug here.

We might be on different systems. I usually use Aurora, but I see the same problem in Nightly 2012-09-11; I'm on Ubuntu 12.04 using Unity.

It might be clearer if you check the attachments.

@david Nothing has changed for me. The current version does the exact same thing as when I reported the bug.

@dao If this is expected behavior, the S shouldn't be underlined. Underlined letters indicate that a keyboard shortcut is available.
Additionally, I firmly believe that the downloads panel should have keyboard navigation.
Resolution: INVALID → ---
I just tried it on Ubuntu Gnome, and there it works as expected.

The bug only exists on Ubuntu Unity.
Summary: Keyboard navigation for the download panel: Show all downloads → In the downloads panel, Alt+S for Show All Downloads opens the History menu on Unity desktops
no reason to stay uncofirmed, should be verified on Unity to figure if it's our bug or theirs.
Ever confirmed: true
I have since upgraded to Ubuntu 12.10. The bug exists in Unity here too.
I have the bug in Ubuntu Unity 12.04. I can also confirm the bug.
No longer blocks: DownloadsPanel
Severity: normal → S3
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