Closed Bug 782034 Opened 13 years ago Closed 9 years ago

crash in ReadInternetOption @ MEMMAP_FILE::GetHeaderData


(Core :: Networking, defect)

16 Branch
Windows XP
Not set



Tracking Status
firefox16 - ---


(Reporter: scoobidiver, Assigned: emk)


(Keywords: crash, regression)

Crash Data

It's a low volume crash but high on 16.0a2: #40 top browser crasher. It seems a regression from bug 771115. Signature MEMMAP_FILE::GetHeaderData(unsigned long, unsigned long*) More Reports Search UUID 48912415-4236-492f-a4a1-7b7462120729 Date Processed 2012-07-29 23:16:15 Uptime 42 Install Age 42 seconds since version was first installed. Install Time 2012-07-29 23:15:00 Product Firefox Version 17.0a1 Build ID 20120728030524 Release Channel nightly OS Windows NT OS Version 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2 Build Architecture x86 Build Architecture Info GenuineIntel family 6 model 42 stepping 7 Crash Reason EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION_READ Crash Address 0x6d001cc App Notes AdapterVendorID: 0x8086, AdapterDeviceID: 0x0102, AdapterSubsysID: 7b971019, AdapterDriverVersion: D3D10 Layers? D3D10 Layers- D3D9 Layers? D3D9 Layers+ EMCheckCompatibility True Adapter Vendor ID 0x8086 Adapter Device ID 0x0102 Total Virtual Memory 2147352576 Available Virtual Memory 1746305024 System Memory Use Percentage 21 Available Page File 4784902144 Available Physical Memory 2676355072 Frame Module Signature Source 0 wininet.dll MEMMAP_FILE::GetHeaderData 1 wininet.dll URL_CONTAINER::GetHeaderData 2 wininet.dll GetCurrentSettingsVersion 3 wininet.dll InternetSettingsChanged 4 wininet.dll FixProxySettings 5 wininet.dll TransformMD5 6 xul.dll ReadInternetOption toolkit/system/windowsproxy/nsWindowsSystemProxySettings.cpp:84 7 xul.dll nsWindowsSystemProxySettings::GetPACURI toolkit/system/windowsproxy/nsWindowsSystemProxySettings.cpp:205 8 xul.dll nsProtocolProxyService::Resolve_Internal netwerk/base/src/nsProtocolProxyService.cpp:1251 9 xul.dll nsProtocolProxyService::Resolve netwerk/base/src/nsProtocolProxyService.cpp:829 10 xul.dll nsIOService::LookupProxyInfo netwerk/base/src/nsIOService.cpp:596 11 xul.dll nsIOService::NewChannelFromURIWithProxyFlags netwerk/base/src/nsIOService.cpp:632 12 xul.dll nsIOService::NewChannelFromURI netwerk/base/src/nsIOService.cpp:576 13 xul.dll NS_NewChannel obj-firefox/dist/include/nsNetUtil.h:192 14 xul.dll nsXMLHttpRequest::Open content/base/src/nsXMLHttpRequest.cpp:1895 15 xul.dll nsXMLHttpRequest::Open content/base/src/nsXMLHttpRequest.h:263 16 xul.dll mozilla::dom::XMLHttpRequestBinding::open obj-firefox/dom/bindings/XMLHttpRequestBinding.cpp:241 17 mozjs.dll js::InvokeKernel js/src/jsinterp.cpp:345 18 mozjs.dll js::Interpret js/src/jsinterp.cpp:2405 ... More reports at:*%29
It's #14 top browser crasher in 16.0b1.
Keywords: topcrash
Masatoshi/Jim - do you agree that this is a regression from bug 771115?
Assignee: nobody → VYV03354
Maybe, but I have no idea how to fix this (looks like operating system's bug). And a simple backout will cause another serious issue (bug 774242).
No longer a top crasher on recent betas (hovering around #50) - untracking.
Keywords: topcrash
Crash Signature: [@ MEMMAP_FILE::GetHeaderData(unsigned long, unsigned long*)] → [@ MEMMAP_FILE::GetHeaderData(unsigned long, unsigned long*)] [@ MEMMAP_FILE::GetHeaderData]
gone from crash stats
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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