Closed Bug 782199 Opened 13 years ago Closed 13 years ago

HTML5 video not drawn when exiting the full screen mode


(Firefox for Android Graveyard :: Toolbar, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: xti, Unassigned)


Firefox 17.a1 (2012-08-12) Device: Galaxy Nexus OS: Android 4.1.1 Steps to reproduce: 1. Open Fennec 2. Go to ( 3. Long tap on the video from the right frame 4. Select Full Screen option 5. Tap on device back button Expected result: The video is still displayed on the right frame. Actual result: The video is no longer displayed. I have to reload the page to see it again.
Perhaps it has something to do with a potential resize? E/GeckoConsole( 4987): Warning: setDisplayPort resolution did not match zoom for background tab! I dont even see the video in full-screen.
Summary: HTML5 video placeholder is missing when exiting the full screen mode → HTML5 video not drawn when exiting the full screen mode
This works for me on the 27th nightly. Re-test? (Note that the video doesn't actually play for me, but I can hear the audio and see the play/pause button and that behaves as expected).
(In reply to Kartikaya Gupta (:kats) from comment #2) > This works for me on the 27th nightly. Re-test? (Note that the video doesn't > actually play for me, but I can hear the audio and see the play/pause button > and that behaves as expected). I cannot reproduce it either on the latest Nightly. I will close the bug as WFM and it will be reopened if the issue will occur again. -- Firefox 18.0a1 (2012-08-28) Device: Galaxy Note OS: Android 4.0.4
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Product: Firefox for Android → Firefox for Android Graveyard
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