Closed Bug 78757 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

updating autocomplete search engine text is slow


(SeaMonkey :: Location Bar, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jhayryne, Assigned: hewitt)


(Keywords: perf, Whiteboard: [nav+perf])


(1 file)

linux 2001050308

when i type an url to location bar, a line appears under it with the text
"search <some search engine> for <the url you are typing>".
well, that is just fine and dandy, but even when typing at a "normal" speed,
this automatically updating and resizing search-bar thingie seems to hog all the
cpu in the world and can't keep up to my typing on a 600mhz machine.

and more to the point, what is this search-bar-thing needed for anyway? there is
already a "search" button right of the location bar that does exactly the same
thing, so what good does this little eye-candy do? and seems like there is no
way of getting rid of it either, turning the search-button off from preferences
doesn't get me rid of this "search netscape search for qwer..." line.

*me very cranky*
that's not search, that's url bar. and how do you know what's eating the cpu?
Assignee: matt → alecf
Component: Search → URL Bar
Keywords: perf
yes, you're right, i haven't really done any digging on this so it's mostly

but anyhow, as an average user the only difference i can see to a build few days
ago is the search-thing. before that came along, typing to url bar hardly caused
any noticeable cpu usage, now cpu usage leaps to 100% and it can't keep up.

so it might or might not be the cause, just my observation.. :)
I guess this should be on a timer.. hewitt?
Assignee: alecf → hewitt
Summary: the "search <somesearchengine> for" -line hogs cpu, makes typing an url slow and is redundant & irritating in every way i can think of. → updating autocomplete search engine text is slow
Ever confirmed: true
This has been affecting me as well, since hewitt's landing. Typing a url in is
definitely too slow. It is unfortunately not easily measurable, but characters
do 'lag' some way behind my typing. It is also very noticable when you have the
caret at the end of a longish url, and hold down the delete key - takes some
time to blank the field.
The search should not append and the dialog should not appear unless the typing
speed is less than X. Like the time between two keystrokes is less than X...
Would not be hard to implement, wasn't like that before?, and it would make a
huge speed improvement to enter text. Autocomplete is just unusable here...
It turns out that typing speed doesn't change that much with autocomplete turned
off. With it switched off, it's still unacceptably slow. See bug 83205, ccing
hyatt from there.
Whiteboard: [nav+perf]
My computer is too fast (and is win2k) to notice the slowdown anyway - can
somebody experiencing the pain please try out the patch I just posted and let us
know if it improves performance?
just landed patch that should speed this up.  I hope it helps.  Marking fixed,
but if people feel that even with this patch it is still slow, reopen.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
The problem has disappeared here on 0.9.4. There is also a nice pref to disable
this behavior, so I guess it is safe to mark this as verified.
I think this should be reopend... (regression?)

On my PII-266MHz/256MB/Linux 2.4.4/Gnome1.4/Sawfish with build 2001112308 typing
in the locationbar is slow unless I turn autocomplete off..

This happens since a couple of days ago (as far as I can remember). Have not
checked with previous builds. Will do that tomorrow.
Product: Core → SeaMonkey
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