Closed Bug 790953 Opened 12 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Create Eideticker version of the S1S2 startup tests


(Testing Graveyard :: Eideticker, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: wlach, Assigned: wlach)



I should have done this a while ago, but better late than never.

This is a tracking bug for the Q3 goal of doing an eideticker version of the S1S2 tests for Fennec. These tests measure two metrics when fennec starts up:

1. Time to throbber start (S1)
2. Time to throbber stop (S2)

Much work on this has already been done, albeit not tracked in the bug. We currently have two types of startup tests for Eideticker:

1. One test that measures the amount of time from cold start to about:home
2. Another test that measures the amount of time from cold start to a specifically web page being loaded and stable (equivalent to S2) 

Neither of these tests are currently hooked up to the dashboard as it stands, though I have a patch (which I will file a bug for) which does this for the first.

Once that's done, it makes sense to start hooking up (2) to the dashboard. Once that's done, we can also look at adding time-to-throbber numbers for (2) as well.

It's also desirable to get some startup-time metrics for the upcoming webapps feature. I should be able to shoehorn that into this work, it's a minor extension to the code already written to measure startup. I'll file a bug about that as well.

For extra bonus points, we'll hook up all of these startup tests to the sampling (SPS) profiler, so we can measure what the startup bottlenecks are on an ongoing basis!
Depends on: 790955
I didn't wind up implementing this exactly, but I think the existing suite of startup tests covers the underlying requirements that the above description was meant to fulfill.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Product: Testing → Testing Graveyard
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