Closed Bug 79140 Opened 24 years ago Closed 23 years ago makes document not update.


(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, defect)

Not set





(Reporter:, Assigned: danm.moz)





(1 file)

From Bugzilla Helper: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:0.9+) Gecko/20010503 BuildID: 2001050304 If JavaScript code"","mywindow"); is executed, nothing happens and no javascript code can be further executed. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Go to 2. Click on "open and close a new window" Actual Results: A new window should pop up. Expected Results: No window pops up. No JavaScript code will be executed after clicking on that link. If you close mozilla, it still will hang (you can see this in the windows taskbar). The test case originally was planned as a test case for bug 68321. Maybe both bugs are somehow related, maybe not. I set "severity" to "major" because this is a basic javascript function, even if I do not need it for my projects, currently.
Browser, not engine --> DOM Level 0
Assignee: rogerl → jst
Component: Javascript Engine → DOM Level 0
QA Contact: pschwartau → desale
Keywords: hang
Marking WORKSFORME. Using build 2001050620 on WinNT, the "open and close a new window" link seems to work just fine. Also, keying this directly in the URL bar is working fine: javascript:"","mywindow"); Xuan, could you try this again with a more recent build? If it works fine for you, please mark this bug "Verified". Otherwise, you can reopen it - thanks.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
works for me too with 2001050620 on win2k sp1
I have seeing this kind of failure a lot in various sites. I got an Alert dialog ""","mywindow"); 1" when I clicked the indicated URL using 2001050705 trunk for Mac. Afterwards, a phantom window is listed under task menu. This usually causes hang on exit (bug 73893). I do not think it is a good idea to change status based on the result of testing in a different platform from original report. Reopening and All/All.
Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---
Does _not_ work for me for Mozilla 2001050620, Win98SE. Can anyone please try to positively or negatively confirm it on Win98SE?
There was a new window crasher late last week. Can't remember the bug for are probably using one of those builds. You should really not report a bug on the 7th using a build from the 3rd. Works for me on win2k using build 2001050704 Jake
Could you please changing status to WFM based on the result of W2k platform? This has been confirmed in W98 and MacOS9.1.
Ever confirmed: true
This bug happens even in the latest builds on Linux from the release 0.9
worksforme in case to report with 2001052020 on Win95 But after the third alert form, I get the What to do with download form for downloading Why?
Closed: 24 years ago24 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
This is still failing. 2001052308 trunk for Mac.
OS: Windows 98 → All
Hardware: PC → All
Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---
Still hangs with nightly mozilla 2001060708 on linux. On the top of that all links stop responding. Navigation ia possible only with back and forward buttons and typing an URL to the address bar. btw, could not verify with the above testcase link, but here's how I stumbled across this: 1) Goto 2) select Formula 1 -> Gallery from the javascript menu on the left. 3) Follow a link to any Grand Prix that has images (as of Jun 12 Monaco is the latest). 4) Click on any gallery image to open it. What sould happen: 5) A window should open containing the large image. What happens: 5) Mozilla stops responding to clicks on links.
So this is not really a hang then? Removing hang keyword and changing summary.
Keywords: hang
Summary: makes mozilla hang → makes document not update.
This also causes form submission impossible and causes hang on exit (see also bug 73893). nominating for 0.9.2. This has regressed several times recently. I suppose there be a fundamental fix for this to make it unaffected by other changes.
Keywords: mozilla0.9.2
I still can't reproduce this, over to danm in hope that he can reproduce this...
Assignee: jst → danm
I've tried the wy from Johannes Almiala ... but all do work with Build 2001062904 under Win95.
It is now WFM in 2001062914 trunk. I hope this will not regress any more."","mywindow") in the URL bar WFM in today's trunk build, Redhat/Sawfish, Win2k, Mac OS 9. Closing. If you (whoever you are) reopen after finding a website that shows the problem even though in the URL bar doesn't, JS specifics would be nice.
Closed: 24 years ago24 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Well it doesn't work in certain situations. For example, 1] 2] click on any thumbnail images in center. EXPECTED RESULTS: New popup window should open to enlarge clicked image. ACTUAL RESULTS: Nothing happens. BUILDS USED:2001-08-28-09-trunk on Win-95.
Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---
see bug with 2001083016 under Linux. correct my last comment, I've also that problem. The problem inherits after a unkown time or a unknown doing with mozilla. Sometimes it works and sometimes not. If it don't work and I close _all_ mozilla windows then it left running processes. If I kill them and start mozilla new the problem disappears.
There is a new testcase which show me the bug under Linux with build 20010920! The testcase loads the car images from the example from Prashant Desale (2 comments above) this are round 350kByte. The images have a link to a javascript function with After you have fully load the page (with images) and click on one image mozilla doesn't show a new window with the same page. It hangs a little bit around. The stop button and the mozilla activity animation disappear on my 256MB maschine under KDE. If it works fine by you, close the opened window, reload the testcase and try again (the bug should seen after 1, 2 or 3 loads). If I reduse the count of images, sometimes it works fine then I also reload the testcase and the bug is showing again. It looks like it is a Memory problem. Ok, go on. After you see the bug you can go to every page and all works correctly. All scripts should work, but not"",""); Example ... the page works but if you click on the left side on "User online" no popup comes. (To try, click on "This works fine", behind the link is a function which open an alert window.) Ok, I hope it helps you. Take also a look to bug #88355 it looks related ... but seems a little bit other, because the stop button and the animation don't go away.
is dup of closed bug 104769 I've tried my testcases and I'm happy to see, that all works well.
let's wait for Xuan's comment before marking dup
Works for me with build 2001102503. Updated testcase URL.
Closed: 24 years ago23 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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