Closed Bug 793900 Opened 12 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Brightcove video player using flash fallback renders white content on videos until you change the orientation of the phone


(Firefox for Android Graveyard :: Plugins, defect)

18 Branch
Not set



Tracking Status
fennec + ---


(Reporter: adora, Assigned: snorp)




Nightly 2012-09-24
Device: Samsung Galaxy Nexus (Android 4.1.1)

Steps to reproduce:
1. Go to
2. Tap "Select a section" and choose video
3. Observe the video displayed at the top of the screen

Expected results:
The video starts playing and is correctly displayed.

Actual results:
Audio starts playing, but video shows a static image with a big "play button" overlay.  Browser crashed at the end (I think) of the clip.

Issue is reproducible on Samsung Galaxy Note (Android 4.0.4).
This sounds like two bugs - one about the crash at the end of the clip, the other about the video stream not showing. Sounds like a plugin issue too possibly.
Component: Web Apps → Plugins
QA Contact: aaron.train
I can't reproduce on a galaxy nexus. For the crash, can you get a crash report URL from about:crashes and file that as a separate bug in FF Android --> Plugins?
I get different behavior (still a bug) when selecting the video on the top of Upon clicking the content to start playing the video, I get blank white content with no video stream playing, but audio is playing. If I change the orientation of the device, the video stream shows.
Aaron - Are you able to reproduce the behavior in this bug? I've tried a few phones so far, but no luck outside of what I saw in comment 3.
fwiw, I can get the video to play on my tablet in browser with the default UA string, but after sending a Mobile UA string I just get white content like Jason.  So I'd guess its more to do with their implementation for the Mobile specific pages.
It's H.264 video they are serving and our OMX video decoder should play it. What I see is an issue with with the BrightCover player they are using. In Chrome for Android, I can't get the video to play either.
Component: Plugins → Evangelism
Summary: Flash videos in Wired website load, but don't play → H.264 video player (Brightcove) is broken
(In reply to Aaron Train [:aaronmt] from comment #6)
> It's H.264 video they are serving and our OMX video decoder should play it.
> What I see is an issue with with the BrightCover player they are using. In
> Chrome for Android, I can't get the video to play either.

Ugh. The original bug here focused here on the flash content issue for what's served currently. I'd suggest filing a separate bug for the h264 evangelism issue and see if we can get help from Lisa or Andrew on this, as this probably shouldn't pass app review (cause flash content isn't going to work on FF OS anyways, and flash support is being discontinued for development by Adobe). 

Brightcove is a highly used as we found out earlier in testing, so we're going to need to outreach for the h264 issue in general.
Summary: H.264 video player (Brightcove) is broken → Flash videos in Wired website load, but don't play
Actually I'll file it, one sec...
(In reply to Jason Smith [:jsmith] from comment #8)
> Actually I'll file it, one sec...

Okay, I filed bug 794100 for that. Let's focus this bug on when we get served flash content instead as the fallback.
Component: Evangelism → Plugins
Summary: Flash videos in Wired website load, but don't play → Brightcove video player using flash fallback renders white content on videos until you change the orientation of the phone
tracking-fennec: --- → ?
Assignee: nobody → snorp
tracking-fennec: ? → +
I can't seem to reproduce this on trunk. Video plays fine on Galaxy Nexus.
Wired videos play fine for me too (Tested in FirefoxOS on device and a desktop build spoofing as Android). Closing WORKSFORME.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Product: Firefox for Android → Firefox for Android Graveyard
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