Bug 795491
Opened 12 years ago
Closed 12 years ago
when I invoke mach with a misspelled command, its error output is redundant and includes odd "u" prefixes
(Firefox Build System :: Mach Core, enhancement)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: dholbert, Assigned: gps)
(1 file, 1 obsolete file)
5.88 KB,
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Run ./mach warning-summary
(note that I've intentionally misspelled the command -- the correct command is uses plural "warnings" in "warnings-summary")
ACTUAL RESULTS: This is printed to my terminal:
usage: mach [-h] [--settings FILENAME] [-v] [-l FILENAME] [--log-interval]
mach: error: argument action: invalid choice: 'warning-summary' (choose from u'build', u'settings-list', u'settings-create', u'test', u'mochitest-plain', u'mochitest-chrome', u'mochitest-browser', u'xpcshell-test', u'warnings-summary', u'warnings-list')
* No duplicate list of commands (there are 2 lists of the build,settings-list, etc. commands above)
* No weird u'...' prefixes on the options. (in the second list above)
Reporter | ||
Comment 1•12 years ago
Maybe the first list of options is supposed to be part of the "usage: ..." line? If so, that's not immediately clear, to me at least, due to the blank line between "usage" and that list.
Assignee | ||
Comment 2•12 years ago
Removing the duplicate list of commands is definitely on my todo list. I think it requires reimplementing parts of argparse, sadly. I could be wrong. Maybe a Python guru knows better than me.
Again, blame Python on the u'' prefixes. I'm really not sure why it is doing that. Typically when you print() a unicode it drops the u'' prefix. Oh, Python.
Assignee | ||
Comment 3•12 years ago
The monkeypatching is the least hacky and simplest way to fix this. The alternative would be implementing alternative classes for things in the argparse hierarchy. It would be a lot of work and I'm not sure if the payoff would be that good.
Anyway, the output now:
$ ./mach foo
Invalid command specified. The list of commands is printed below.
usage: mach [global arguments] command [command arguments]
build Build the tree.
settings-list Show available config settings.
settings-create Print a new settings file with usage info.
test Perform tests.
mochitest-plain Run a plain mochitest.
mochitest-chrome Run a chrome mochitest.
mochitest-browser Run a mochitest with browser chrome.
xpcshell-test Run an individual xpcshell test.
warnings-summary Show a summary of compiler warnings.
warnings-list Show a list of compiler warnings
Global Arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
--settings FILENAME Path to settings file.
-v, --verbose Print verbose output.
-l FILENAME, --log-file FILENAME
Filename to write log data to.
--log-interval Prefix log line with interval from last message rather
than relative time. Note that this is NOT execution
time if there are parallel operations.
Assignee | ||
Comment 4•12 years ago
Now with that silly {foo,bar} list stripped from the help text:
$ ./mach foo
Invalid command specified. The list of commands is below.
usage: mach [global arguments] command [command arguments]
build Build the tree.
settings-list Show available config settings.
settings-create Print a new settings file with usage info.
test Perform tests.
mochitest-plain Run a plain mochitest.
mochitest-chrome Run a chrome mochitest.
mochitest-browser Run a mochitest with browser chrome.
xpcshell-test Run an individual xpcshell test.
warnings-summary Show a summary of compiler warnings.
warnings-list Show a list of compiler warnings
Global Arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
--settings FILENAME Path to settings file.
-v, --verbose Print verbose output.
-l FILENAME, --log-file FILENAME
Filename to write log data to.
--log-interval Prefix log line with interval from last message rather
than relative time. Note that this is NOT execution
time if there are parallel operations.
Attachment #666128 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #666128 -
Flags: review?(jhammel)
Attachment #666131 -
Flags: review?(jhammel)
Comment 5•12 years ago
Comment on attachment 666131 [details] [diff] [review]
Improve help text, v2
+ def format_help(self):
+ text = argparse.ArgumentParser.format_help(self)
+ # Strip out the silly command list that would preceed the pretty list.
+ #
+ # Commands:
+ # {foo,bar}
+ # foo Do foo.
+ # bar Do bar.
+ search = 'Commands:\n {'
This is pretty hacky :( However, I don't know a better way of doing this OTTOMH. Might be worth noting that this is pretty fragile vs e.g. using an actual API
Attachment #666131 -
Flags: review?(jhammel) → review+
Assignee | ||
Comment 6•12 years ago
I realize it is fragile. I looked at the source of argparse and unfortunately there is no formal API for formatters aside from the high-level "format_help" and "format_usage" functions. While I would like to change specific low-level functions (e.g. the one that does the formatting for a "choices" list), since this isn't part of the formal API, this would be "extremely hacky" rather than "pretty hacky" so I decided against it.
Long term I envision this culminating with us writing our own full-fledged formatter (I'm pretty sure that's what Mercurial did). But, I'd rather not cross that bridge just yet.
Assignee | ||
Comment 7•12 years ago
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla18
Updated•7 years ago
Product: Core → Firefox Build System
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