Bug 798682
Opened 12 years ago
Closed 12 years ago
[gallery] [edit] Editing a photo causes multiple files to be created with multiple ".edit1" file extensions
(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Gallery, defect)
Firefox OS Graveyard
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: parul, Unassigned)
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:15.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/15.0.1
Build ID: 20120905151427
Steps to reproduce:
Otoro phone, build 2012-10-04
Git commit info: a33396
Test Case: [Camera] Ability to crop photos
1. launch camera app
2. take a picture
3. verify that there's a way to crop the picture after it's been taken.
Test Case: Apply filter to photo
#1861: It should be possible to apply a filter to the photo.
1. launch camera app
2. create a video if no photo exists in the camera app, otherwise go to thumbnail viewer and select a photo
3. select the edit button
4. edit button should allow for filtering to be placed on the photo Filter should allow 3 basic filters to be placed on the photo
Actual results:
Photos can be successfully edited (cropped and / or filtered) but each time an edit operation is performed, a copy of the original file is created with the file name <original-file-name>.edit1.jpg.
For example, if photo img_20121004-184002.jpg is edited the first time, the following file is created in addition to the original: img_20121004-184002.edit1.jpg
Now if photo is edited a second time, the following file is created in addition to the original two files: img_20121004-184002.edit1.edit1.jpg.
Ultimately, 3 files reside in storage:
Only the last edited file is shown in the Gallery app but extra storage space is being consumed.
Expected results:
Only one file should remain after the editing operation is over; any temporary files created should be deleted.
Temporary files created during editing should be named with the proper counter increment, i.e. img_20121004-184002.edit2.jpg instead of img_20121004-184002.edit1.edit1.jpg.
Updated•12 years ago
Component: Gaia → Gaia::Gallery
Comment 1•12 years ago
(In reply to Parul Mathur from comment #0)
> For example, if photo img_20121004-184002.jpg is edited the first time, the
> following file is created in addition to the original:
> img_20121004-184002.edit1.jpg
That is expected.
> Now if photo is edited a second time, the following file is created in
> addition to the original two files: img_20121004-184002.edit1.edit1.jpg.
If you edit the edited file, this is the new file you'll get. If you edit the original again, you should get a .edit2.jpg file.
> Ultimately, 3 files reside in storage:
> img_20121004-184002.jpg
> img_20121004-184002.edit1.jpg
> img_20121004-184002.edit1.edit1.jpg
> Only the last edited file is shown in the Gallery app but extra storage
> space is being consumed.
Actually, all three versions of the photo should be visible in the gallery. The new ones will be at the top. The original will be whereever it was. If you really find that only the edited one is shown and the others go away, please reopen and assign it to me.
> Expected results:
> Only one file should remain after the editing operation is over; any
> temporary files created should be deleted.
Where do you get the "should" here? Are there product requirements about that? I disagree pretty strongly. We shouldn't delete original photos unless the user really wants us to.
> Temporary files created during editing should be named with the proper
> counter increment, i.e. img_20121004-184002.edit2.jpg instead of
> img_20121004-184002.edit1.edit1.jpg.
As above: if you scroll down to find the original photo and re-edit it, you should see filenames with .eduit2.jpg. If you don't then please re-open.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
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