Closed Bug 802034 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

what means "Anzeigename immer über Nachrichtenkopf bevorzugen" in adresses


(Mozilla Localizations :: de / German, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: eSoftware2021, Assigned: kairo)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:16.0) Gecko/20121011 Firefox/16.0 SeaMonkey/2.13.1
Build ID: 20121011080919

Steps to reproduce:

In SeaMonkey 2.13.1 adressbook I find in the first section a Text with the possibility to activate the function "Anzeigename immer über Nachrichtenkopf bevorzugen".
What does it mean?

Expected results:

Explanation in help
If you don't understand German, you could try running the en-US build, or anything else that you do understand.

I don't really understand german either, but in my address book (in the en-US version of SeaMonkey) there is a checkbox in the individual address book card ("Properties" on a single address, or also when creating) which says:

[x] Always prefer display name over message header

I think that's what you mean.

I don't see help about it under "Help → Help Contents → Using Mail & Newsgroups → Using Address Books → Creating a New Address Book Card", probably because it is a new widget, I hadn't noticed it before.

IIUC that checkbox decides where to copy the display name from when replying: either from the address book or from the email being replied to (and fall back on the other one if the preferred one isn't found).
Good morning,

You understand it right, but the german/austrian translation is a little bit curious.

I hope Robert Kaiser will read it and give this part a more "speaking trabslation" and add something in the help function (Hilfe). So do the master programmers for the englisch version.

Hinweis Die Passage auf 
Bitte erstellen Sie einen Bug Report in Bugzilla. Wenn es die deutsche Übersetzung angeht, sollte die Meldung im Produkt "Mozilla Localizations", Komponente: "German-Austria/de-AT" erfolgen.
müßte auch überarbeitet werden, da diese zweigeteilt ist und die Komponente nur German-de heißt!
Component: General → de / German
Product: SeaMonkey → Mozilla Localizations
Version: SeaMonkey 2.13 Branch → unspecified
(In reply to TestObb-SW12 from comment #2)
> Hinweis Die Passage auf 
> ....
> Bitte erstellen Sie einen Bug Report in Bugzilla. Wenn es die deutsche
> Übersetzung angeht, sollte die Meldung im Produkt "Mozilla Localizations",
> Komponente: "German-Austria/de-AT" erfolgen.
> ....
> müßte auch überarbeitet werden, da diese zweigeteilt ist und die Komponente
> nur German-de heißt!

Yes, AFAICT the only "official" German-language version for SeaMonkey or even for Firefox is just de (German, in general). However Robert Kaiser is from Austria and ISTR that he has been caring (in a former life, maybe ;-) ) for SeaMonkey's German translation. I'm adding him to the CC list to make sure he gets bugmail from this bug (unless or until, maybe, he removes himself from the list).

If you got this "Austrian" localized version from some other source than or, please mention in a comment where you got it from.
OS: Windows XP → All
Hardware: x86 → All
P.S. At I see:

Verwenden Sie BugZilla (englisch), um Bugs zu melden, Übersetzungsprobleme/-bugs melden Sie bitte dort im Produkt "Mozilla Localizations", Komponente "de / German localizations"

so either the change you mentioned has been made, or the error was on a different page (at which URL?)
P.P.S. Ah, I see. Near the bottom of -- that problem should be in a different bug though: "one issue, one report". I'm not sure though, where "content bugs" about should be reported.
Karsten: You speak German better than I do ;-) and in addition, MailNews is your pidgin.

This here bug (in Mozilla Localizations) is IIUC about giving a better German translation to the "Always prefer display name over message header" checkbox in the address book card.

But there is an additional issue (which deserves a separate bug unless it will automagically cure itself): namely, even in English that checkbox is not (yet) mentioned in the Help.
Guys, don't worry, I'll look into it, I'm just badly overworked and even right now on my way to a Mozilla workshop in Italy. This is on my TODO list, and I also know that might have some outdated comment that I'll need to fix one day, I'm just slow to get to anything at the moment, but I will get to it.
Assignee: nobody → kairo
(In reply to Tony Mechelynck [:tonymec] from comment #5)
> P.P.S. Ah, I see. Near the bottom of --
> that problem should be in a different bug though: "one issue, one report".
> I'm not sure though, where "content bugs" about should be
> reported.

Fixed now.

That setting is rather hard to translate, as even the original title "Always prefer display name over message header" is not as understandable as one would like.

I'll for now use "Anzeigename immer statt Namen aus dem Nachrichtenkopf verwenden" but for one thing that might not always fit the screen well and for the other, it's also not really telling the story completely well, but I have no better idea. I'm also only doing this for trunk right now.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
that´s good
not to snowy weekend
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