Closed Bug 803053 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Thunderbird 16.0.1 freezes with Provider for Google Calendar 0.18pre


(Calendar :: Provider: GData, defect)

Lightning 1.8
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: okko7, Unassigned)


(Keywords: perf)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:16.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/16.0
Build ID: 20121010231231

Steps to reproduce:

Updated Thunderbird to 16.0.1, then started with Lightning 1.8 and Provider for Google Calendar 0.18b activated. 

Actual results:

Thunderbird freezes shortly after starting. 

It is then possible to start Thunderbird in failsave mode and deactivate the addons. I have then reactivated first Lightning (which works well) and then Provider for Google calendar, v.0.18pre. The latter makes Thunderbird freeze again.
If you keep Thunderbird open for 15 minutes, does it get responsive again and doesn't get anymore unresponsive.
Component: Untriaged → Provider: GData
Product: Thunderbird → Calendar
Version: 16 → Lightning 1.8
Waiting for some 10 minutes indeed solved the problem. Hm. Big mystery. Thanks Achaeopteryx for the tip.
You combined wrong versions because the API changed between Lightning 1.8 and Lightning 1.9.

Use Provider for Google Calendar 0.17 with Lightning 1.8 or older.
Use Provider for Google Calendar 0.18pre with Lightning 1.9b2 or newer only. 

Or uninstall Provider for Google Calendar and switch to the built-in CalDAV provider.
Actually I tried it with 0.17 too (and so did this person here: ). 

I haven't tried out the built-in CalDAV, but will do so now, just to compare.
(In reply to Simon from comment #4)
> Actually I tried it with 0.17 too (and so did this person here:
> comments/1 ). 
> I haven't tried out the built-in CalDAV, but will do so now, just to compare.

Simon, how'd you do ?
Flags: needinfo?(okko7)
Keywords: perf
Wayne: As Google Calendar finally worked, I finally didn't take time to test it with CalDAV. And being super busy these days with other stuff, I can't try right now. Sorry.
Flags: needinfo?(okko7)
thanks for the update. please offer feedback when you are finally able to test
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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