Closed Bug 805644 (bz-release-44rc1) Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Release Bugzilla 4.4rc1, 4.2.4, 4.0.9 and 3.6.12


(Bugzilla :: Bugzilla-General, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: LpSolit, Assigned: dkl)


(Blocks 1 open bug)



(2 files, 4 obsolete files)

All blockers for 4.4rc1 have been fixed and/or have patches ready for checkin. It's high time to release 4.4rc1. We will also release 4.2.4, 4.0.9 and 3.6.12 due to security bugs.
Flags: blocking4.4+
Flags: blocking4.2.4+
Flags: blocking4.0.9+
Flags: blocking3.6.12+
Alias: bz-release-44rc1
Depends on: 805645
OS: Linux → All
Hardware: x86 → All
Depends on: 805647
Depends on: 805649
Depends on: 805650
Depends on: 807978
Attached patch website updates (v1) (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Attachment #680241 - Flags: review?(LpSolit)
Attached file release announcement (v1) (obsolete) —
Attachment #680247 - Flags: review?(LpSolit)
Comment on attachment 680241 [details] [diff] [review]
website updates (v1)

>Index: lib/releases-list.txt
>-4.0	2011/02/15
>+4.0 	2011/02/15

Why did you replace the tab by whitespaces? I see no reason to do it. Unless you plan to remove all tabs from the tab?

>+3.6.11	2012/08/30
> 3.6.10	2012/07/26
> 3.6.9	2012/04/18
> 3.6.8	2012/01/31

Here is a good example of this inconsistency. The first two use tabs, the last two use whitespaces.

>-3.6	2010/04/13
>+3.6	    2010/04/13

All these changes and the subsequent ones are unrelated to this bug.

>Index: src/download/index.html

>+        dev    => { branch => '4.4', current => '4.4rc1', cvs => 0, 
>+                    devbranch => '4.4', branched => 1 },

This change alone is not enough. You must also uncomment the

  [% IF %]
    <h2>Stable Release Candidate ([% %])</h2>

block. Probably this should be done automatically by adding a rc => 0|1 key/value pair to the hash above.

>Index: src/releases/4.0.9/release-notes.html

>+<h1>Bugzilla 4.0.9 Release Notes</h1>
>+<h1>Bugzilla 4.0 Release Notes</h1>

This header is duplicated. The last one must go away.

>Index: src/releases/4.2.4/release-notes.html

>+<h1>Bugzilla 4.2.4 Release Notes</h1>
>+<h1>Bugzilla 4.2 Release Notes</h1>

Same problem here.

>Index: src/releases/4.4/index.html

>-  <li><a href="../../download/#v44">Download Bugzilla 4.3.3</a></li>
>+  <li><a href="../../download/#v44">Download Bugzilla 4.4rc1</a></li>

This page lacks a link pointing to the release notes for 4.4.

>Index: src/releases/4.4/release-notes.html

This file is truncated after 2400 lines.

>Index: src/status/changes.html

> <tr><td><b>Development (trunk):</b></td></tr>
>-<tr><td><a href="[% PROCESS query f='2012-08-30+13:00' t='' %]">4.3.3 &rarr; today</a></td></tr>
>-<tr><td><a href="[% PROCESS query f='2012-07-26+15:00' t='2012-08-30+13:00' %]">4.3.2 &rarr; 4.3.3</a></td></tr>
>+<tr><td><a href="[% PROCESS query f='2012-11-13+13:00' t='' %]">4.4rc1 &rarr; today</a></td></tr>
>+<tr><td><a href="[% PROCESS query f='2012-08-30+13:00' t='2012-11-13+13:00' %]">4.3.3 &rarr; 4.4rc1</a></td></tr>

You must leave the "4.3.2 -> 4.3.3" row alone. Also, you need a whole new column for the 4.4 branch. "4.3.3 -> 4.4rc1" must be in the 4.4 column, while "4.3.3/4.5 -> today" must remain in the trunk column.
Attachment #680241 - Flags: review?(LpSolit) → review-
(In reply to Frédéric Buclin from comment #3)
> you plan to remove all tabs from the tab?

I meant "... from the file?" :)
Comment on attachment 680247 [details]
release announcement (v1)

>  Today we are releasing 4.2.4, 4.0.9, 3.6.12, and the unstable
>release candidate 4.4rc1.

s/unstable//. It's a release candidate and got QA testing, so it's supposed to be more stable than development snapshots.

>  Note that 4.4rc1 is an unstable release candidate and should not
>be used in production environments. We are mostly feature-frozen as
>only WebServices patches are accepted at this point.

Again, remove "unstable". Also, we are definitely feature-frozen. No new enhancements are accepted at this point. This text applies to development snapshots, not RC. I would prefer something which promotes our RC a bit more:

"Bugzilla 4.4rc1 is our first Release Candidate for Bugzilla 4.4. 
This release has received QA testing, and should be considerably 
more stable than the development releases before it. It is still not 
considered fully stable, and so you should understand that if you use 
it, you use it at your own risk.

If feedback from this release candidate indicates that it is mostly 
stable, then Bugzilla 4.4 will be released in a few weeks. If feedback 
indicates that more extensive fixes are needed, there may be another 
release candidate after this one."

This is the text we used for previous 4.2 and 4.0 release candidates. Also, every time we had a release candidate, we talked about it first, and then come stable releases.
Attachment #680247 - Attachment is patch: false
Attachment #680247 - Flags: review?(LpSolit) → review-
Attachment #680247 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #680624 - Flags: review?(LpSolit)
Comment on attachment 680624 [details]
release announcement (v2)

>it, you use it at your own risk

Missing period at the end of the sentence. r=LpSolit
Attachment #680624 - Flags: review?(LpSolit) → review+
Attached patch website updates (v2) (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Attachment #680241 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #680782 - Flags: review?(LpSolit)
Attached patch website updates (v3) (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Attachment #680782 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #680782 - Flags: review?(LpSolit)
Attachment #680825 - Flags: review?(LpSolit)
Comment on attachment 680825 [details] [diff] [review]
website updates (v3)

>Index: src/download/index.html

>+  [% IF %]
>+  <li><a href="#candidate">Stable Release Candidate</a></li> 
>+  [% ELSE %]
>   <li><a href="#devel">Development Snapshot</a></li>

When we will release 4.4 final, we won't release 4.5.1 yet and so there will be neither a RC nor a dev snapshot. So ELSE should be ELSIF

>+[% IF %]
>   <h2>Stable Release Candidate ([% %])</h2>

>+[% ELSE %]
>+  <h2>Development Snapshot ([% %])</h2>

Same here.

>Index: src/status/changes.html

> <tr><td><b>Development (trunk):</b></td></tr>
>-<tr><td><a href="[% PROCESS query f='2012-08-30+13:00' t='' %]">4.3.3 &rarr; today</a></td></tr>

For the trunk column, we still need it, with 4.3.3 -> today replaced by 4.3.3/4.5 -> today.

>+<tr><td><b>4.4 branch:</b></td></tr>
>+<tr><td><a href="[% PROCESS query_bzr rev = '' %]">4.4rc1 &rarr; today</a></td></tr>
>+<tr><td><a href="[% PROCESS query f='2012-08-30+13:00' t='2012-11-13+13:00' %]">4.3.3 &rarr; 4.4rc1</a></td></tr>

This last line must be query_bzr (instead of query) as 4.4 is not in CVS.

r=LpSolit with these comments fixed.
Attachment #680825 - Flags: review?(LpSolit) → review+
Moving forward r+

Note to self before pushing live:
- Update security advisory with actual text
- Change dates and revision ids in src/status/changes.html
- Fix all other dates if we do not ship tomorrow for whatever reason
Attachment #680825 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #680844 - Flags: review+
Version numbers bumped and tags applied. Waiting a few minutes for CVS to catch up before generating diffs and tarballs.

Committing to: bzr+ssh://             
modified docs/en/xml/Bugzilla-Guide.xml
modified Bugzilla/
Committed revision 7307.

Committing to: bzr+ssh://             
modified docs/en/xml/Bugzilla-Guide.xml
modified Bugzilla/
Committed revision 7735.

Committing to: bzr+ssh://           
modified docs/en/xml/Bugzilla-Guide.xml
modified Bugzilla/
Committed revision 8170.

Committing to: bzr+ssh://             
modified docs/bugzilla.ent.tmpl
modified Bugzilla/
Committed revision 8456.
* Tarballs and diffs pushed to staging server
* Website changes checked in
* Version numbers bumped post-release

Go ahead and send the security announcement if you like and I will do the release announcement later on this evening after dinner. May want to give a few mins to for the website to catchup.

(In reply to David Lawrence [:dkl] from comment #13)
> * Tarballs and diffs pushed to staging server

You managed to create the symlinks the wrong way for 4.4rc1 and 4.2.4:

lrwxrwxrwx  1 dkl  webtools  22 Nov 13 15:12 bugzilla-4.4rc1.tar.gz -> bugzilla-LATEST.tar.gz
lrwxrwxrwx  1 dkl  webtools  21 Aug 30 13:27 bugzilla-LATEST.tar.gz -> bugzilla-4.3.3.tar.gz

lrwxrwxrwx  1 dkl  webtools  22 Nov 13 15:12 bugzilla-4.2.4.tar.gz -> bugzilla-STABLE.tar.gz
lrwxrwxrwx  1 dkl  webtools  21 Aug 30 13:27 bugzilla-STABLE.tar.gz -> bugzilla-4.2.3.tar.gz

So 4.4rc1 is a symlink pointing to 4.3.3, and 4.2.4 is symlink pointing to 4.2.3. I hope you still have these tarballs, because you already bumped the version in bzr and so we cannot recreate the tarballs without reverting the version bump.

I don't have enough privs to delete your symlinks, so please fix that asap before someone downloads the wrong tarball.
Depends on: 811532
(In reply to Frédéric Buclin from comment #14)
> I don't have enough privs to delete your symlinks, so please fix that asap
> before someone downloads the wrong tarball.

I asked an admin to remove these symlinks in bug 811532. This is now done. Please upload new tarballs again, and make sure the symlinks are correct this time. :)

Also make sure the Bugzilla version in these tarballs is correct as you already bumped versions again. I will send the security advisory tomorrow (in 12 hours) as the tarballs are not available yet, despite the website says "download 4.4rc1". :(
(In reply to Frédéric Buclin from comment #15)
> (In reply to Frédéric Buclin from comment #14)
> > I don't have enough privs to delete your symlinks, so please fix that asap
> > before someone downloads the wrong tarball.
> I asked an admin to remove these symlinks in bug 811532. This is now done.
> Please upload new tarballs again, and make sure the symlinks are correct
> this time. :)
> Also make sure the Bugzilla version in these tarballs is correct as you
> already bumped versions again. I will send the security advisory tomorrow
> (in 12 hours) as the tarballs are not available yet, despite the
> website says "download 4.4rc1". :(

Ugh. I ran off too quickly thinking I had done it correctly. Next time will be more careful to double check my results first.

I have re-uploaded all files and fixed the symlinks properly. The download links from the website are working properly. I did not send out the release announcement yet as I felt it would be better to do so after the sec advisory is sent to let people perform their updates.

I will send it tomorrow after you have sent the sec adv. I would have done both but I do not have a public key on a key server or the key.

Security advisory sent, and I also updated bugzilla-update.xml.
Release announcement sent. Closing.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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