Closed Bug 809825 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Consider removing or changing "Comparing last week with previous 3" in Telemetry Evolution


(Mozilla Metrics :: Frontend Reports, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)

Backlogged - BZ


(Reporter: smaug, Assigned: paulo.pires)


(Whiteboard: [Telemetry:P2])

"Comparing last week with previous 3" isn't too useful. It lists stuff in some order, which is somewhat random. Some measurements increase when behavior gets better, some decrease. Might be better to just list things in changed-most - increased or decreased. Or just remove the whole table from the page (I personally haven't really used it too much).
I personally disagree. It's absolutely true that the order is somewhat random (we have no idea what "good" or "bad" means on measures). But it calls out for changes in the data. The idea behind the 3 weeks is to help the decision around release time, to compare the current with the previous releases. I'd be somewhat careful about the conclusion that no one uses it though, but in the end that's not my call to do
Yeah, need to get some feedback whether the feature is used.
I totally agree with Olli. If it's worth doing something, it's worth doing it right. Half-broken data like this serves only to confuse people.
What exactly do you mean by "half broken"? All the data displayed in that table is correct. What we can't guarantee is the interpretation of the data because we have no idea or information about how to do that. But like I said, any data is only valuable if it has consumers acting on it, and I'm not defending it should stay or go.
> All the data displayed in that table is correct. What we can't guarantee is the > interpretation of the data because we have no idea or information about how to do that. It sounds like you're considering correctness from an implementer's point of view. Have you considered looking at this from a user's point of view? To a user, the "data" in the table includes things like the order of the elements, which is not what Olli or I expects.
Justin, don't think I'm arguing here - I'm the first one that wants to change that (or remove) to better match your usage!
need PM priority
Target Milestone: Unreviewed → Backlogged - BZ
I've set this as P2 from the Telemetry perspective. However, I expect that at least hiding this information (dropping the table) should be fairly simple. Actually removing the table from the evolution page may actually provide a perf with for the Telemetry application. I think the priority of this request is likely to increase in time as more people become confused by the data.
Whiteboard: [Telemetry:P2]
The table is now removed (hidden) as requested.
Assignee: nobody → paulo.pires
Resolving as per comment 9.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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