Closed Bug 81210 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

Image insert not working


(Core :: DOM: Editor, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: tracy, Assigned: security-bugs)



(Keywords: smoketest)

seen on commercial builds: windows 2001-05-16-06-trunk linux 2001-05-16-05-trunk mac 2001-05-16-04-trunk -open composer -click on Image icon (or Insert | Image) -from the the dialogue, "Choose file", select an image to insert (I tried jpg and gif images) -type in some alternate text, then clcik okay. the image is not inserted into the composer window.
Keywords: smoketest
why is this a blocker? Blocker means people can't get work done; ok, don't insert images. I think this should get downgraded.
I see the problem.. HTML is inserted in the compose window. but when you save the fil and hit can see the image in the browse window.
Is this really a blocker and can it be reduced to 'critical' ? Tree opening todays depends on this.
Agree with jj, bumping down to critical. Talk to me or jj, or comment here to change this.
Severity: blocker → critical
The editor is actually inserting the image into the document, but whatever loads the image on the layout side is failing. Here is the warning I'm seeing in the console: The link to file:///Y:/mozilla/dist/WIN32_D.OBJ/bin/res/samples/raptor.jpg was b locked by the security manager. Remote content may not link to local content. /content/EdImageProps.xul Remote images (http, etc) load fine in composer. This bug may be related to the XPCDOM landing or security changes?
I have a 5/15/2001 9:15pm build on WINNT and it works correctly. Regression must have happened after that.
In my 5/15/2001 9:15 build I can add images referenced through a http: URL, but not file URL's. Inserting this image works: Inserting this image fails: file:///S:/mozilla/dist/WIN32_D.OBJ/bin/res/samples/raptor.jpg
My fault. I turned on a security check for image loading yesterday. I'll take a look and back it out if necessary.
Assignee: beppe → mstoltz
So can this be fixed soon please? It is blocking my work.
Blocks: 76177, 78351
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.1
Fixed (backed out image loading security check).
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
verified in 5/22 build.
No longer blocks: 78351
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