Bug 816346
Opened 12 years ago
Closed 7 years ago
Tapping lock screen's camera button too eagerly will launch the dialer, due to ~1-second-long flash of home-screen before camera opens.
(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::System::Lockscreen, defect, P4)
blocking-basecamp | - |
(Reporter: dholbert, Unassigned)
(Keywords: b2g-testdriver, polish, unagi)
When I hit the "Camera" button on my lock screen, this is what happens:
(a) nothing happens at first (there's a delay)
(b) then, I'm taken to my home screen for a few moments
(c) then, the camera app opens.
I think (b) is wrong -- we shouldn't visit the home-screen at all. Currently, the fact that we show the home-screen means that if you're impatient and hit the camera button a few times, you'll end up launching the dialer. (because one of your repeated button-presses will likely be interpreted as a _home-screen_ button-press, and the dialer's position on the home-screen is the same as the camera's position on the lock-screen)
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Comment 1•12 years ago
... and here's a video of me just tapping the camera button once:
to show the initial-delay (on the order of 1 second) and the home-screen flash. (for on the order of another 1 second)
Description of the video:
* I touch the camera button just after 0:03.
* There's no response until just after 0:04.
(at which point the phone goes to home-screen, when I'm expecting a camera)
* Finally, at 0:05, the camera launches.
To reiterate: my intent with this bug is that we should go *directly* to the camera app (without displaying the homescreen), so that repeated button-presses from confused/impatient users don't get interpreted as a request to launch other apps (like the dialer).
The build I'm running is: 20121127132302
Updated•12 years ago
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Updated•12 years ago
Summary: Tapping lock screen's camera button too eagerly will launch the dialer, due to brief home-screen flash → Tapping lock screen's camera button too eagerly will launch the dialer, due to ~1-second-long flash of home-screen before camera opens.
Updated•12 years ago
Component: Gaia → Gaia::System::Lockscreen
Comment 2•11 years ago
Since we changed our implementation of LockScreen and many patch for performance issues of similar cases, can Daniel confirm this bug and to update the symptom (if it still exists) or close this bug? I did notice the lag of first time launching the Camera app, and want to find a way to "pre-launch" it before unlocking, but I think it's not the same problem with this bug.
Flags: needinfo?(dholbert)
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Comment 3•11 years ago
I can still reproduce. Now I have to slide to launch the camera, but there's still a delay, and if I tap the camera button (at the end of the slider) during that delay, I may still end up launching the dialer, because the homescreen still flashes before the camera pops open.
(I'm testing with a local tip build that I did a few weeks ago. I can test with a newer build, too, if necessary/helpful.)
Flags: needinfo?(dholbert)
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Comment 4•11 years ago
(In reply to Daniel Holbert [:dholbert] from comment #3)
> if I tap the camera button (at the end of the slider)
> during that delay, I may still end up launching the dialer, because the
> homescreen still flashes before the camera pops open.
However, on the bright side, the new design does mean that (psychologically) this is probably less likely to happen to users in practice now.
With the old lockscreen design, there wasn't great visual feedback about whether you'd successfully tapped the camera button, and that (combined with the long delay) made it really easy to accidentally trigger this bug.
Now that we have the visual feedback of the slider lighting up (and staying lit, through the delay), there's less of a reason for the user to tap the screen repeatedly and stumble on this issue.
Comment 5•11 years ago
I opened Bug 958392 bug only for the Camera launching lag. This bug concerns dialer problem, too. So if it's possible, we may close this bug and move to the new bug.
Comment 6•7 years ago
Firefox OS is not being worked on
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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