Closed Bug 81706 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

disable -turbo for multiple profile case


(Core Graveyard :: Profile: BackEnd, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: cathleennscp, Assigned: ccarlen)



(Keywords: relnote, Whiteboard: PDT+)


(5 files)

when running in -turbo mode (bug 75599), users with more than one profile will see profile manager come up. selmer said that bhuvan can do a 2 line fix to prevent profile manager comes up. Wanted to make sure a bug is filed, and get bhuvan to help us implement the fix.
Blocks: 75599
Patch attached; I haven't tried that, though.
Reassigning to Conrad to take over from here...
Assignee: racham → ccarlen
Does this patch allow the case where -P is used to go into -turbo mode?
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.2
Steve: This will only effect the "-P" case when the profile used with "-P does not exist. Assuming the profile exists, "-P" will start the program with that profile and no UI. If that profile does not exist, the UI would come up and this patch will supress that. Bill, Bhuvan: What this patch ends up doing in the multiple profile "-turbo" case is to select the first profile. The patch prevents the UI from coming up but, if after that point, there is no current profile, the first profile will be made the current profile. Is that the desired result? In some prior email, you said that, in this case, the profile mgr should return an error and then, when the program was *really* started, they get the profile mgr window.
I envisioned that cases that would otherwise show the Profile Manager profile-chooser would return an error in "turbo mode." That way, user's don't see any functional difference if the inadvertently choose this option when they have multiple profiles. But that's just my opinion. When you say "the first profile" do you mean the first alphabetically, or what? If it were the one most recently used or something, that would seem more likely to be the one they actually wanted.
> I envisioned that cases that would otherwise show the Profile Manager > profile-chooser would return an error in "turbo mode." That error would have to be handled somewhere. Currently, if an error is returned from profile initialization, it will propagate all the way out of main1 and the program will terminate. Actually, if you don't want profile mgr UI to show at startup while in server mode, there's a better way: use the profile mgr like embedding apps do. Don't call StartupWithArgs, but instead do something like this: Here, the embedding app is made to deal with the case of not showing UI at startup. And, it requires no changes to profile mgr and profile mgr does not need to know about server mode. It's slightly more work, but I think better to change the startup code in nsAppRunner.cpp. It's better to confine the changes for server mode to there. > When you say "the first profile" do you mean Sorry, I was wrong. It's not the first profile, but the current profile which, at this point, is the last used profile.
Just so we know the issues, here are the cases that we can encounter when starting up mozilla in "server" mode and what I think should happen in each case: I. Starting up in server mode 1. No profiles - create default profile, start with it 2. 1 4x profile - auto migrate it (without UI), start with it 3. 1 6x profile - start with it 4. Multiple 6x profiles - start with last used profile, return interractionNeeded 5. Multiple 4x profiles, no 6x profile - create and start with default profile, return interractionNeeded To do this, I propose we add a new method to nsIProfileInternal: [noscript] void startUp(in boolean allowInterraction); This method could replace startupWithArgs (which needs to die). When used from "server" mode, it would be passed PR_FALSE for allowInterraction. This would always put the program in a runnable state, but not nescesarily the right profile. Then, when starting the program for real, it could be called again, passing PR_TRUE. This would allow proper selection of profiles, migration, etc.
I can see people having problem with case #4 (unless I'm missing something) 4. Multiple 6x profiles - start with last used profile, return interractionNeeded I am not sure starting with the last used profile is a good thing, if people are sharing the same machines at home or at school lab... wouldn't this cause privacy issues? Is there a way to load up everything to the point where profile picker comes up?
> I am not sure starting with the last used profile is a good thing, I'm not saying we start the normal run of the program with the last used profile. We just start the server in this way. When the program is started for real, the profile selection dialog comes up and they get to choose the right profile.
got it! :-) that sounds good. thanks!
The plan is, when starting the app in server mode and there are multiple profiles, start with the last used profile or a temp profile and then later show the profile UI when the app is started for real. The problem with this is the cached browser window. It is made at server startup time - a time at which we may not have the right profile yet. What if the user's different profiles have diferent UI locales? Say we start server mode and create the cached window's chrome in en-US but then, when the program is started for real, the user picks a profile which is ja-JP. That cached window's chrome had better become ja-JP. As a function of profile switching, this *may* work - I'll find out ASAP.
In today's performance meeting, the consensus was that we didn't need -turbo/-server to work properly in the multiple profile case before RTM. That instead, an error should be returned by the profile mgr when it would have to put up UI. I don't see the point in that. That would mean, in -turbo/-server mode with multiple profiles, the program wouldn't run. If we do nothing, the profile mgr needing to put up UI will prevent -turbo/-server from happening. That, IMO, is better than just not being able to run.
Conrad, that is not currently the case. Right now, the profile picker comes up when -server is used. This doesn't _prevent_ -turbo, it just requires the user to respond to something they don't expect at startup and then -turbo continues. We want to punt on the multi-profile issues for RTM because they're complex and only affect a smallish portion of the market. Worse than not giving those folks this feature is to give them something very broken that makes them give up on us. Any solution that has us guessing the profile for them is going to cause problems in the RTM timeframe. We previously discussed stopping before picking the profile, but this doesn't give enough improvement to be worth the headaches right now. Let's stick with what we agreed to in the meeting: put in the fix to disable -turbo in the multiple profile case (unless the -P option was explicitly passed along with -turbo) and file another bug about how that sucks and we should fix it after RTM.
Steve, here is what currently happens with a build from yesterday: 1. With one profile mozilla -server - works as expected, no initial browser window 2. With > one profile mozilla -server - profile picker comes up, pick profile, browser starts with a visible window. When this window is closed, the program exits. Exact same behavior as if you started without -server. Here's why the appearance of a profile dialog does in fact turn off -server mode: Profile mgr, when putting up dialogs, gets the appshell service and spins up an event loop. The profile mgr front-end code calls nsIAppShellService::Quit to end the modal loop. As you can see here:, this destroys the native app support and thus -server mode.
if that's the case then create profile, profile manager, installer and anything else that creates profiles or enables -turbo MUST warn the user.
Keywords: relnote
sorry, that's a response to Additional Comments From Conrad Carlen 2001-05-31 15:31
what's the latest w/ this? is this bug still valid now that we're no longer persuing multi profile turbo mode? or should the summary be changed?
Changing the summary and futuring. As I explained 2001-06-01 06:31, any case in which the profile mgr would have to put up UI *will* turn off -turbo mode. Given that we're not properly supporting multiple profiles for -turbo mode for RTM, there's nothing to do here. I don't think that the profile mgr should pop a warning saying that -turbo mode is being supressed. I think that's best left to the installer or a release note.
Summary: multiple profile case for -turbo/-server mode → implement multiple profile case for -turbo/-server mode
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.2 → Future
ccarlen, do we have everything we need in the tree to 1) disable -turbo mode in multiple profile cases and 2) enable -turbo mode when users launch by using -p with specific profile?
Catleen - Yes.
The original bug comment said we want to prevent the profile picker dialog appearing when starting with "-turbo mode." I think that's what we want. It doesn't work that way now.
Preventing the UI from showing is *not* what we want. See the last paragraph of selmer's comment from 001-06-01 01:38. The reason it's not what we want is that if you just supress the UI in a case in which it's needed, the only options are to: (1) Just pick the last used profile. That idea was very unpopular. (2) Fail. There is no point in failing unless the app startup code can remember the failure and then present the dialog later when it *is* appropriate to show it.
so, I think there is a confusion here. I thought we want to bail out for multiple profile users because the profile picker dialog gets displayed... And if we make mozilla -turbo to start at machine boot time, it's going to look real weird that our profile picker comes up. I believe we want to prevent profile picker dialog from coming up in conjuction with not allow -turbo to work for multiple profile users.
Thanks, Conrad. r=law But I have one suggestion: Can we extract the "get server mode" code into a little static utility function and re-use that in this new place, and, where it already exists in Ensure1Window? I hate to see the same code replicated more than once and the need to call it has a tendency to expand over time.
> But I have one suggestion: Can we extract the "get server mode" code Definately. I should have known it was already in nsAppRunner. I'll make a new patch.
+#ifndef nsError_h +#include "nsError.h" +#endif Do we want to #define nsError_h in that case? Nit: one 'r' in "interact"/"interaction"? I think a helper function to retrieve the server mode is a good idea. sr=blake
blake: no nsError.h defines it.
New patches: (1) It's not nescesary to include nsError.h in any .idl file because it gets included already in order for nsresult to be defined. (2) Misspellings of interact are gone. (3) The static routine in nsAppRunner.cpp actually needed to be two if anything. One caller needed the nsINativeAppSupport, one just needed to know if we were in server mode.
update summary and target milestone... :-)
Summary: implement multiple profile case for -turbo/-server mode → disable -turbo for multiple profile case
Target Milestone: Future → mozilla0.9.2
Blocks: 83989
a= for checkin to the trunk. (on behalf of drivers)
Whiteboard: PDT+
Fix checked in. This is hopefully a temporary measure. Continuing to work on making multiple profiles work - bug 86021.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
QA Contact: gbush → ktrina
Verified on branch build 2001071306 Added vtrunk
Keywords: vtrunk
Verified on branch and trunk (build 2001072406)
Keywords: vtrunk
No longer blocks: 75599
Blocks: 75599
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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