Closed Bug 818900 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Create Videos with Flicks 2012 Winners


(Websites :: Firefox Flicks, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: tleingruber, Unassigned)



Hi all!

Underneath the brief in the standard format. This is in addition to the promo videos, as we want to work with the 2012 winners as well. We will finalize the exact concept of these videos in our meeting (Invite coming), but the current idea is to get interviews and special content together like take-outs, "deleted scenes" etc. and produce a couple of 1-2min videos to get people to participate in Flicks 2013. Rainer will be working on this.

***Project Goal

Use the Firefox Flicks 2012 winners to create 1-4 videos to be used on the Firefox Flicks site, in the Flicks specific channels and throughout Mozilla promotional channels, Facebook, twitter, email, about:home

***Project Background

Firefox Flicks 2013 is a campaign targeted at engaging the Firefox contributor community and Mozilla reps to drive a film-creation process that builds awareness of and excitement for Firefox OS. We want out promotional videos to generate attention around the Firefox Flicks 2013 short-film contest. We want to leverage the 2012 Flicks winners to inspire and engage filmmakers, creative types and consumers.

(ideally would include the go-live date and  the creative due date)
- Targeting late Jan.
- Not all interview-videos have to be done at the same time, can roll-out

***Target Audience

Filmmakers, Creatives, Open web enthusiasts, Students, Mozilla Community

***Primary Message

Firefox Flicks a global short-film competition is back with amazing prizes.

***Secondary Messages
Submit your short-film letting the world know how to "Get mobilized"
Firefox OS
Tips on making a great short film
Get noticed by celebrity judges
Enter early for a chance to win an early prize

***Call to Action

Create and submit a short-film.

***Thoughts and Feelings
We want a video that will engage and inspire consumers so that they want to go out and create their own video.

We want the Flicks 2012 winners to be informative, likeable and knowledgeable so that they are inspiring.

We want to communicate that we’re passionate and respectful of their talent and the future of the mobile web simultaneously.

Establish Flicks as a thoughtful film competition that values the energy and talent needed to produce inspiring stories. And we intend to reward the filmmakers that inspire us.

· We want contestants and voters to be impressed with the quality of past entries, respectful of the contests objectives and giddy with potential prizes
· We want contestants to feel inspired by the website design, contest opportunity and prizes to develop quality film in support of a tight Firefox OS story
· Motivated and equipped with the all information needed to create great, unique Firefox OS films
· We want to pique the curiosity of all visitors to any of the Flicks properties that support the Firefox OS and motivate them to try it

***Additional Guidelines

- Rainer and Spencer will be editing this. Tobi responsible for it to happen
- Mozilla to provide questions and work with the winners on answers prior to film.
- Mozilla to provide film guidelines to the Flicks 2012 winners.
- Team from Australia can either film themselves or mix in some animation if they’d like to.
- Tobi to monitor and ensure that the teams don’t all answer the same questions. We need a mix of content.
Blocks: 818868
Tobias: I think this has been done? Can you mark this bug as FIXED or WONTFIXED based on what we ended up doing?
All done! Videos can be found on our Vimeo channel:
Thanks Rainer & Spencer!
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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