Closed Bug 819442 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

[Flicks] Home: Prizes


(Marketing :: Design, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bensternthal, Assigned: ltom)



(Whiteboard: Due: 12/21)


(2 files)

218.05 KB, image/png
168.58 KB, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
Provide design for prizes section.
Whiteboard: Due: 12/21
Please note that the visual design elements are all WiP. This is mostly to provide a starting-point for discussion around requirements, copy and content. Thanks!
This may not be possible if we don't have assets, but is there a way to represent these prizes as a more visual summary than a full list? Do we have SXSW and Toronto Film Fest logos? Images of Flicks swag and items in the Panavision prize package? If it's possible to make the summary more visual and cut out some of the text, I think that would be a nice way to keep the simple theme you have going for the other sections. They can see the details in the full prize list.
Hi, Here is the info on prizes pulled from the brief: Contest Prizes Use this copy as FPO. Looking to finalize the prizes with C.Beard on Wed. • Enter early for an opportunity to win a great early prize and to automatically be one of the films voted on during the “people’s choice” awards/voting at the end of the festival. (we are going to pick 5 films from each of the festival’s that will automatically be eligible to be voted on and be one of the People’s Favorites. Looking to have 40-60 films in the voting section.) • $1,000 Early Entry Awards | Awarded at each film festival event listed o Awarded to filmmakers that submit their film in time for one of four Firefox film festival sponsorships (film festivals TBC) • April 10 - BAFICI Sponsorship, Buenos Aires, Argentina • June 28 - Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, Czech Republic • July 23 - Cinemalaya Sponsorship, Manila, Philippines o Don’t include in the copy. FYI Films evaluated by Firefox engagement, PMM and leadership teams • People’s Choice Awards | September 13 – Toronto Film Festival (TBC) o Win a Flicks swag bag full of all sorts of great stuff plus exposure throughout the Flicks site and our Flicks social cahnnels. o Awarded to the 3 films that earn the most votes during the People’s Choice Awards voting period • August 1 – August 31 (TBC – could change to mid-August) • 2013 Firefox Grand Prize Winner | September 13 – Toronto Film Festival o Prize – Panavision Prize Package valued at $60,000 (TBD) o Awarded to best film of the competition o Films evaluated by the Celebrity Judge’s panel • Regional Prizes awarded at Toronto Int’l Film Festival to best films from each contest region and exclusive of the Grand Prize o Latin America - $5,000 Winner + $2,500 runner up o North America - $5,000 Winner + $2,500 runner up o Europe - $5,000 Winner + $2,500 runner up o Asia - $5,000 Winner + $2,500 runner up
Hi! Bob here from the Mozilla Philippines Community. Let me know how we can be of help. I know a couple of guys from the organizers of Cinemalaya Film Festival. Thanks! • July 23 - Cinemalaya Sponsorship, Manila, Philippines
Bug Triage. This was designed.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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