Closed Bug 820303 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Click-to-Play doorhanger keeps appearing even if I click "never activate plugin for this site"


(Firefox :: General, defect)

Not set



Firefox 20


(Reporter: paul, Assigned: keeler)




(1 file, 4 obsolete files)

- go to
- see the popup
- click "never activate plugin for this site"
- reload (ctrl-r)
- popup appears again

It started with yesterday's nightly (20121210).
It is quite painful to browse imgur now
I think this is a dupe of bug 819992.
Depends on: 819992
I cannot reproduce on Nightly 20.0a1 (2012-12-10) Win 7 x64
Attached patch patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
The "do we have an invisible plugin" logic needed a bit of an upgrade. With this patch, it must be the case that a) there be an invisible click-to-play plugin and b) there not be a visible click-to-play plugin, where a "click-to-play plugin" returns true when passed to canActivatePlugin (which is where the permissions check comes in).
Assignee: nobody → dkeeler
Attachment #691445 - Flags: review?(jaws)
Comment on attachment 691445 [details] [diff] [review]

Review of attachment 691445 [details] [diff] [review]:

::: browser/base/content/browser-plugins.js
@@ +268,4 @@
>        let doc = plugin.ownerDocument;
>        let overlay = doc.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(plugin, "class", "mainBox");
>        if (!overlay)
> +        break;

Why do we want to stop checking if we come across a plugin without an overlay?

@@ +280,5 @@
>                           gPluginHandler.isTooSmall(plugin, overlay));
> +      if (isInvisible) {
> +        haveInvisibleCTPPlugin = true;
> +      }
> +      else {

} else {
Attachment #691445 - Flags: review?(jaws) → review-
Attached patch patch v2 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Hmm - good point.
Attachment #691445 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #691549 - Flags: review?(jaws)
Comment on attachment 691549 [details] [diff] [review]
patch v2

Review of attachment 691549 [details] [diff] [review]:

::: browser/base/content/browser-plugins.js
@@ +259,5 @@
>      let cwu = contentWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
>                              .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils);
> +    let haveVisibleCTPPlugin = false;
> +    let haveInvisibleCTPPlugin = false;

I think we can just use one variable here, since they are complimentary of each other. We can get rid of the haveInvisibleCTPPlugin variable.

@@ +260,5 @@
>      let cwu = contentWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
>                              .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils);
> +    let haveVisibleCTPPlugin = false;
> +    let haveInvisibleCTPPlugin = false;
> +    for (let plugin of cwu.plugins) {

cwu.plugins is calculated each time that the array is accessed, so it is better to cache the result of the array before the loop. for example, |let plugins = cwu.plugins|

@@ +290,3 @@
>      let notification = PopupNotifications.getNotification("click-to-play-plugins", aBrowser);
> +    if (notification && haveInvisibleCTPPlugin && !haveVisibleCTPPlugin && !this._notificationDisplayedOnce) {

> if (notification && !haveVisibleCTPPlugin && plugins.length && !this._notificationDisplayedOnce) {
Attachment #691549 - Flags: review?(jaws) → feedback+
Attached patch patch v3 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Thanks for the review. The second boolean was to catch the situation where there weren't actually any plugins that could be activated (e.g. if all plugins were removed from the page between the time the PluginScripted event was fired and this handler ran, or if the permission were set to "deny always"). I've re-worked it a bit, though, so maybe this makes more sense.
Attachment #691549 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #693015 - Flags: review?(jaws)
Comment on attachment 693015 [details] [diff] [review]
patch v3

Review of attachment 693015 [details] [diff] [review]:

::: browser/base/content/browser-plugins.js
@@ +264,5 @@
> +      return gPluginHandler.canActivatePlugin(objLoadingContent);
> +    });
> +
> +    let haveVisibleCTPPlugin = false;
> +    for (let plugin of plugins) {

This can go use plugins.some() now.

let haveVisibleCTPPlugin = plugins.some(function(plugin) {
  return !isInvisible;

@@ +287,5 @@
>      let notification = PopupNotifications.getNotification("click-to-play-plugins", aBrowser);
> +    // If there aren't any plugins that can be activated (i.e. canActivatePlugin
> +    // returned false), haveVisibleCTPPlugin will still be false.
> +    // So, before opening the popup, check that we actually have any plugins
> +    // to which it applies.

I don't know if this comment actually adds much value, it seems pretty clear to me from reading the code below it.
Attachment #693015 - Flags: review?(jaws) → review-
Attached patch patch v4 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Ok - changed it to use plugins.some and removed the superfluous comment.
Attachment #693015 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #694630 - Flags: review?(jaws)
Comment on attachment 694630 [details] [diff] [review]
patch v4

Review of attachment 694630 [details] [diff] [review]:

::: browser/base/content/browser-plugins.js
@@ -262,4 @@
>        let doc = plugin.ownerDocument;
>        let overlay = doc.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(plugin, "class", "mainBox");
> -      if (!overlay)
> -        return false;

We can put the |if (!overlay) return false| back and remove the added |!overlay ||| below.
Attachment #694630 - Flags: review?(jaws) → review+
Attached patch patch v4.1Splinter Review
Changed the overlay bit back to how it was. Carrying over r+.
Try run:
Looked good, so here's the checkin:
Attachment #694630 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #697710 - Flags: review+
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → Firefox 20
I cannot verify this, wasn't able to reproduce the initial problem on nightly 2012-12-10, 2013-01-03.
You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.


