Closed Bug 82368 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

Changing newsgroups brings back window horkage from bug 81787.


(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Message Display, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: stephend, Assigned: danm.moz)




(1 file)

Build ID: 2001052304, Windows 2000. Summary: Changing newsgroups brings back window horkage from bug 81787. Steps to Reproduce: 1. Add a news server, and subscribe to 2 or more newsgroups. 2. Maximize the mail window. 3. Click on one newsgroup, then the other, and then go back to the 1st group. Expected Results: Newsgroups should load, all in the same window space. Actual Results: The window attempts to resize itself again, just like in bug 81787, and this causes painting problems with regards to window close widgets, scrollbars, etc.
Shouldn't it be re-assigned to the owner of bug 81787 (danm), even as it affects now only the mailnews window?
Maybe, but I'm not sure if the new DOM calls mentioned by danm in bug 81787 are something that Seth will have to account for in the news window code, or if that is indeed Dan's area. I'll let them decide.
QA Contact: nbaca → stephend
A *temporary* workaround is as follows: When you experience the problem, find the window's maximize widget and use it, this seems to (per session) alleviate the problem.
Another problem no one has yet reported. On a dual monitor WinME system, even when the Mail window is not full screen, wen you change the newsgroups the wondow magially jumps to the default display (that is from the 2nd monitor to 1st monitor). It looks as if the the window tried to assume the default position for a new window. I hope that helps in looking for the source of this bug. I do not believe this should be reported as a separate bug as it is only another symptom of the same regression.
WFM in a build from this morning's source, Win2k. (Though I can't speak for the dual-monitor WinME system!)
I still see this, but the same steps don't work now. I'll attempt to narrow it down to a 100% reproducible testcase.
I still have this bug on WinME, installer build 2001052404. And it is not the dual monitor one ;-) Stephend: Have you used the steps to reproduce it using a *full screen* Mailnews window? It is imotratnt. You do not see this bud on a non-full screen windows anymore (except for the dual display weirdness).
Okay, do as follows to reproduce: 1. Add two newsgroups (n.p.m.macosx and n.p.m.mail-news are what I have) 2. Select netscape.public.mozilla.macosx, and in the thread pane, select a message. 3. Now, select the netscape.public.mozilla.mail-news group and this should occur (does for me, everytime)
Jacek, yes, maximize is critical to reproducing this bug, as it was in bug 81787.
Actually after thinking it over, I think my dual screen testcase shows that the "wild" repaint happens even with a non-maximized window. You just do not see it, because the window repaints over itself, so the non-repainted widgets are where they should be (and everything works OK). That in my case the windows repaints itself in the wrong display makes the problem visible even with not maximized windows.
I'm seeing it now. It's important to select a message before switching newsgroups. Even then it seems to happen only a few times; after a while it seems to settle in and get comfortable. This problem (and probably bug 81787) is caused by radha's checkin 3.239 to nsDocLoader.cpp, last Friday, for bug 56062. I think it was a bad checkin, and I'm starting an offline dialog about that.
Survey says (so far) that we're keeping the abovementioned fix for bug 56062. I'm attaching a patch that builds on that patch, with some borrowed bits from a patch in bug 82368 (the change to nsDocShell is included there), and fixes this bug.
errrr...make that bug 82236
--> danm
Assignee: sspitzer → danm
sr=hyatt, and kudos for using a variable called "itsForYou"...
Blocks: 82413
r=radha, I will be checking in my patch to 82236 RSN which already has the diffs to docshell.
patch is in, 0.9.1.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.1
a= for checkin to 0.9.1
Verified FIXED: Windows 2000 build 2001053004 Mac OS 9.1 build 2001053009 RedHat 7.0 build 2001053008
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
Depends on: 1223303
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