Closed Bug 824295 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

crash in nsJSScriptTimeoutHandler::~nsJSScriptTimeoutHandler


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: General, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set



blocking-basecamp +


(Reporter: m1, Unassigned)


Seen during stability test. Crash reason: SIGSEGV Crash address: 0xce902d40 Thread 0 (crashed) 0 0xce902d40 r4 = 0x4339cf2c r5 = 0x00000000 r6 = 0x00000002 r7 = 0x00003561 r8 = 0xbe9f684f r9 = 0x40407c0c r10 = 0x00000000 fp = 0x00000000 sp = 0xbe9f6780 lr = 0x409ae973 pc = 0xce902d40 Found by: given as instruction pointer in context 1!nsJSScriptTimeoutHandler::~nsJSScriptTimeoutHandler [nsCOMPtr.h : 451 + 0x7] sp = 0xbe9f6788 pc = 0x40ced7f1 Found by: stack scanning 2!nsJSScriptTimeoutHandler::Release [nsJSTimeoutHandler.cpp : 126 + 0x3] r4 = 0x4339cf10 sp = 0xbe9f6790 pc = 0x40ced8bf Found by: call frame info 3!mozilla::dom::AudioNode::Input::~Input + 0xd r4 = 0x486ae780 r5 = 0x00000000 r6 = 0x00000002 sp = 0xbe9f67a0 pc = 0x409ae973 Found by: call frame info 4!nsTimeout::~nsTimeout [nsCOMPtr.h : 451 + 0x7] r4 = 0x486ae740 r5 = 0x00000000 r6 = 0x00000002 sp = 0xbe9f67a8 pc = 0x40cf2b29 Found by: call frame info 5!nsTimeout::Release [nsGlobalWindow.cpp : 10004 + 0x5] r4 = 0x486ae740 r5 = 0x00000000 r6 = 0x00000002 sp = 0xbe9f67b0 pc = 0x40cf6d47 Found by: call frame info 6!nsGlobalWindow::TimerCallback [nsAutoPtr.h : 874 + 0x5] r4 = 0x486ae740 r5 = 0x40cffca1 r6 = 0x00000002 sp = 0xbe9f67c0 pc = 0x40cffcbb Found by: call frame info 7!nsTimerImpl::Fire [nsTimerImpl.cpp : 473 + 0x5] r4 = 0x4339eac0 r5 = 0x40cffca1 r6 = 0x00000002 sp = 0xbe9f67c8 pc = 0x41170aa9 Found by: call frame info 8!nsTimerEvent::Run [nsTimerImpl.cpp : 556 + 0x5] r4 = 0x4339eac0 r5 = 0x00000000 r6 = 0x00000000 r7 = 0x00000001 sp = 0xbe9f6800 pc = 0x41170b63 Found by: call frame info 9!nsThread::ProcessNextEvent [nsThread.cpp : 620 + 0x5] r4 = 0x40407be0 r5 = 0x00000000 r6 = 0x00000000 r7 = 0x00000001 sp = 0xbe9f6808 pc = 0x4116ec9b Found by: call frame info 10!NS_ProcessNextEvent_P [nsThreadUtils.cpp : 220 + 0xb] r4 = 0x00000000 r5 = 0x404390c0 r6 = 0x404024d0 r7 = 0x00000001 r8 = 0x00000000 r9 = 0x40429000 sp = 0xbe9f6848 pc = 0x4114f0b7 Found by: call frame info 11!mozilla::ipc::MessagePump::Run [MessagePump.cpp : 82 + 0x7] r4 = 0x404024c0 r5 = 0x404390c0 r6 = 0x404024d0 r7 = 0x00000001 r8 = 0x00000000 r9 = 0x40429000 sp = 0xbe9f6858 pc = 0x41086d35 Found by: call frame info 12!MessageLoop::RunInternal [ : 215 + 0x5] r4 = 0x404390c0 r5 = 0x43aa9520 r6 = 0x40407be0 r7 = 0xbe9f6afd r8 = 0x00000000 r9 = 0x40429000 sp = 0xbe9f6880 pc = 0x41190409 Found by: call frame info 13!MessageLoop::Run [ : 208 + 0x5] r4 = 0x404390c0 r5 = 0x43aa9520 r6 = 0x40407be0 r7 = 0xbe9f6afd r8 = 0x00000000 r9 = 0x40429000 sp = 0xbe9f6888 pc = 0x411904bf Found by: call frame info 14!nsBaseAppShell::Run [nsBaseAppShell.cpp : 163 + 0x7] r4 = 0x00000000 r5 = 0x43aa9520 r6 = 0x40407be0 r7 = 0xbe9f6afd r8 = 0x00000000 r9 = 0x40429000 sp = 0xbe9f68a0 pc = 0x4100f751 Found by: call frame info 15!nsAppStartup::Run [nsAppStartup.cpp : 290 + 0x5] r4 = 0x43a87a90 r5 = 0x41159a09 r6 = 0x00000000 r7 = 0xbe9f6afd r8 = 0x00000000 r9 = 0x40429000 sp = 0xbe9f68b0 pc = 0x40f733c9 Found by: call frame info 16!XREMain::XRE_mainRun [nsAppRunner.cpp : 3794 + 0x5] r4 = 0xbe9f6a0c r5 = 0x41159a09 r6 = 0x00000000 r7 = 0xbe9f6afd r8 = 0x00000000 r9 = 0x40429000 sp = 0xbe9f68b8 pc = 0x409afcbb Found by: call frame info 17!XREMain::XRE_main [nsAppRunner.cpp : 3860 + 0x5] r4 = 0xbe9f6a0c r5 = 0xbe9f69e7 r6 = 0x00000000 r7 = 0xbe9f8bf4 r8 = 0x40424000 r9 = 0x40429000 r10 = 0x00000000 fp = 0x00000000 sp = 0xbe9f69e0 pc = 0x409b2459 Found by: call frame info 18!XRE_main [nsAppRunner.cpp : 3935 + 0x3] r4 = 0x0001f180 r5 = 0xbe9f8bf4 r6 = 0x00000001 r7 = 0x00000000 r8 = 0xbe9f6a0c r9 = 0x00000000 r10 = 0x00000000 fp = 0x00000000 sp = 0xbe9f6a08 pc = 0x409b25a5 Found by: call frame info 19 b2g!main [nsBrowserApp.cpp : 164 + 0xf] r4 = 0x409b2559 r5 = 0x00000000 r6 = 0x00000001 r7 = 0xbe9f8bf4 r8 = 0x00000000 r9 = 0x00000000 r10 = 0x00000000 fp = 0x00000000 sp = 0xbe9f6b18 pc = 0x0000a11f Found by: call frame info 20!__libc_init [libc_init_dynamic.c : 114 + 0x7] r4 = 0x00009ec4 r5 = 0xbe9f8bf4 r6 = 0x00000001 r7 = 0xbe9f8bfc r8 = 0x00000000 r9 = 0x00000000 r10 = 0x00000000 fp = 0x00000000 sp = 0xbe9f8bd8 pc = 0x40093a77 Found by: call frame info 21!__cxa_atexit [atexit.c : 99 + 0x3] r4 = 0x00000000 r5 = 0x00000000 r6 = 0x00000000 r7 = 0x00000000 r8 = 0x00000000 r9 = 0x00000000 r10 = 0x00000000 fp = 0x00000000 sp = 0xbe9f8bf0 pc = 0x4009c437 Found by: call frame info 22 0xbe9f8db3 r4 = 0x00000000 r5 = 0xbe9f8d03 r6 = 0xbe9f8d15 r7 = 0xbe9f8d28 r8 = 0xbe9f8d4b r9 = 0xbe9f8d64 r10 = 0xbe9f8d81 fp = 0x00000000 sp = 0xbe9f8c18 pc = 0xbe9f8db5 Found by: call frame info
Michael, can you provide more information about the test case that can be used to reproduce this crash?
Flags: needinfo?(mvines)
Test Steps: 1. Receive MT calls and MT SMS randomly.
Flags: needinfo?(mvines)
This looks like someone leaving dangling pointers hanging around... Could be related to bug 824299.
and maybe a dup of bug 823784.
We saw this crash during a test run that also contained the crashes captured in bug 824294 and bug 823784. If nothing obvious can be discerned from the back trace (sounds like no) then I suggest we just sit on this for another couple days, as fixes for the two bugs I mentioned have landed and will be picked up by the next round of stability test. If this bug doesn't reoccur then withdrawing sounds good.
This may or may not be bug 822398, but mass-closing so that we can get better resolution on crashes that still reproduce.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
blocking-basecamp: ? → +
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