Open Bug 825601 Opened 12 years ago Updated 3 years ago

randomly adding spaces in Chinese text


(SeaMonkey :: Composer, defect)

SeaMonkey 2.14 Branch
Windows 7
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: xinjin_canada, Unassigned)




(4 files)

when using seemonkey to edit html file in Chinese, it randomly adds space here and there, after manually delete them, they randomly reappear.
Component: OS Integration → Composer
additional observations: 
I have two Hard Drives that can boot up from the same PC, both installed Win XP (media center edition) SP3, and both installed same version and build of SeaMonkey (2.13.1, build 20121011080919, but on one of the boot-up HD, it adds spaces a lot more often than the other, so the worse one almost not useable because so many spaces are added randomly, but on the other boot-up HD, I can manually delete the occasiobally added spaces, i.e., the random adding is "slower" than my manual deleting. 

I also tried 2.8 , 2.13.2, and 1.14.? versions on the bad boot-up HD, they behave as bad and no difference.

Let me know what additional information do you need to fix it. I am happy to try out your fix builds.
it is OS dependent!!
XP professional SP3 is found bad
Win7 is found bad
but XP Media Center Edition was found good!!!

from 2.14 to 2.17 had been tried.
Severity: normal → critical
OS: Windows XP → Windows 7
Version: SeaMonkey 2.14 Branch → SeaMonkey 2.17 Branch
(In reply to xinjin_canada from comment #1)
> additional observations: 
> I have two Hard Drives that can boot up from the same PC, both installed Win
> XP (media center edition) SP3, and both installed same version and build of
> SeaMonkey (2.13.1, build 20121011080919, but on one of the boot-up HD, it
> adds spaces a lot more often than the other, so the worse one almost not
> useable because so many spaces are added randomly, but on the other boot-up
> HD, I can manually delete the occasiobally added spaces, i.e., the random
> adding is "slower" than my manual deleting. 
> I also tried 2.8 , 2.13.2, and 1.14.? versions on the bad boot-up HD, they
> behave as bad and no difference.
> Let me know what additional information do you need to fix it. I am happy to
> try out your fix builds.

Correction: the two HD in fact installed different OS, one is XP professional SP3, the other installed XP Media Center Edition SP3. It is OS dependent!
I have found the reason why unwanted spaces are added into Chinese characters: if you view the html source, you will find that ling Chinese texts are broken into multiple lines, every time it breaks into a new line, in the browser you will see a space added. Some OS breaks the line more often, some other OS does not break the lines as often, that is why previously I reported that some OS appears worse than some other OS. 

Now that I have pointed out the reason, can someone please fix it? I am not a programmer. I really need to fix the problem! Please help.
Version changed due to

@Reporter: Still a problem for you? If “yes”, please:
a) Contribute a problem related step by step instruction containing every 
   key press and every mouse click how to reproduce your problem due to 
   (similar to report in Bug 1139273). Best possibility would be a sample document 
   with what you can provoke the problem with few additional characters and a 
   description what will allow users without chinese language knowledge to 
   reproduce the problem.
b) Attach screenshots with comments if you believe that that might explain the 
   problem better than a text comment. Best way is to insert your screenshots
   into a OOo or LibreOffice DRAW document and to add comments 
   that explain what you want to show (attach .png or PDF from source document)
c) add information 
c1) concerning your Operating System (Language)
c2) concerning your SM localization (UI language, Locale setting)
c3) SM settings that might be related to your problems 
    May be you should attach a copy of menu 
   'Help → Trouble shooting information”
c4) how you launch SM (Double click on document? console? …)
c5) Whether problem persists in safe mode without add-ons
c6) Whether problem persists with blank new profile
c7) everything else crossing your mind after you read linked texts
d)  Contribute information whether the problem also can be observed in 
    email clinet editing HTML e-mails.
e) A sample document what shows the problem
f) An additional sample document what allows to reproduce the problem (see (a)).
Flags: needinfo?(xinjin_canada)
Version: SeaMonkey 2.17 Branch → SeaMonkey 2.14 Branch
Never confirmed by a second user, no response, so I close this one for now.
@Reporter: Please feel free to reopen this Bug if you still can reproduce the problem with a current SeaMonkey version and a current OS and if you can contribute a step by step instruction how to reproduce the problem due to <>  (containing every key press and every mouse click) how to reproduce the problem reliably.
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
I would like to re-confirm that the latest 2.4 version still has the problem. The spaces are added at exat positions where the text wrap into a new line if you view the htmil source using th composer. step by step instructions to reproduce:

Open an html file that contains Chinese text in the composer, you may use the previously submitted example, edit it and save it;
open the saved html file using a brower, such as IE;
In the composer, View> HTML source;
Identify text positions where it wrap to a new line.

You will find, every line-wrap position in the view source page correcponds to a space added as displayed
in the brower.

Such problem not only exist with Seamonkey composer, also seen in kompoZer.
Flags: needinfo?(xinjin_canada)
showing where line wraps in the source view
shows where the spaces were added, corresponding to the line-wrap
you may unzip this html page to reproduce it.
(In reply to Rainer Bielefeld from comment #6)
> Never confirmed by a second user, no response, ...

Sorry Rainer for the delayed response, I just added more details for reproducing the bug.
Attachment #8737192 - Attachment description: screen shot → screen shot: page source in composer
Attachment #8737193 - Attachment description: screen shot → screen shot: page result in Browser
Until now I failed to reproduce the problem with with  en-US SeaMonkey 2.40 final Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:43.0) from official download page,  Gecko/20100101  Firefox/ 43.0  Build 20160120202951, (Classic Theme) on German WIN7 64bit.

I think that I already saw something similar, unrelated to Chinese fonts, I will check that.
Thank you for additional information.
- do not touch the Status and resolution selectors
- Contribute copy of User Agent String of affected SeaMonkey from menu 'Help → 
  About SeaMonkey'
Any rudimentary instruction how to provoke the problem with a not affected document and a small number of edits can be reproduced?
Flags: needinfo?(xinjin_canada)
Typing a long line so that the line is forced to wrap in the source view may help you reproduce the problem. I observed one of my computer having long lines withour wraping in the source view, that machine inserts much fewer spaces, but other machines wrap with very short lines, inserting a lot spaces and look very ugly.
Flags: needinfo?(xinjin_canada)
The 1st attachment file that I uploaded in 2012 has ling lines, you may try it.

By the way, what parameter controls the legth of lines in the vew source screen? some PC has longer lines, some shorter, even with OS installed exactly from same CD.
the screenshots were produced from 
User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:43.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/43.0 SeaMonkey/2.40
Build identifier: 20160120202951
See Also: → 1212771
Currently I even don't know how you "edit" the document. Normal view? Source View? HTML Tags view? Without precise information it's hopeless to try to make your problem reproducible. 

Currently I only can reproduce "Bug 1212771 - Composer inserts unwanted newline characters " with your document from 2012-12-31 15:46 CET,

Did you laready gamble with menu 'Edit → Preferences → Composer - Preserve original Source formatting' and 'about:config → editor.prettyprint'?
Resolution: INCOMPLETE → ---
I used either nomal view or source view to edit it, and I think it does now matter, editing it is just for the purpose to give me chance to save it. As long as a save action happened, the unwanted "spaces" are added when vieing in browser.

By adding "space", it does not necessarily mean adding a "space character", it means when viewing in a browser, there is an unwanted space (or gap) being displayed between words. 

I did not intentionally change the setting of 'Edit → Preferences → Composer - Preserve original Source formatting', but after you asking, I verified and found that, the a particular PC that adds fewer gaps happened to be one with 'Edit → Preferences → Composer - Preserve original Source formatting'  checked. Another PC adds a lot gaps happened to be one that 'Edit → Preferences → Composer - Preserve original Source formatting'  unchecked. In the source view, the latter PC wraps more often (wrapped into shorter lines). 

I do not know what 'about:config → editor.prettyprint' means.
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