Closed Bug 82708 Opened 24 years ago Closed 23 years ago

using Find doesn't alert user when completed searching


(Core Graveyard :: Embedding: APIs, defect)

Windows 98
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bmartin, Assigned: chak)




(3 files)

Latest mfcembed dated: 05-24-01 O/S: Win98 System: Dell Latitude CPi 400Mhz 128MB RAM Steps: 1. Download and extract latest 2. Launch mfcembed.exe 3. Select Ctrl+f to launch the Find dialog 4. Search for the word 'the' and continue until last word is found. Results: A dialog should be presented to user once the last word has been found on the page. Dialog should state "Search string not found" or something similar.
See also bug 63410
-> Chak
Assignee: adamlock → chak
*** Bug 97862 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.7
Still not working with MFCEmbed 11/20/2001 Nightly build.
Hi Adam : Can i get an r=? Can someone else sr= ?
Hi Adam : Can i get an r=....thanks
r=adamlock You may wish to consider putting the string into the resource. There is a version of AfxMessageBox that takes an ID as a parameter.
Attachment #58611 - Flags: review+
Per Adam's suggestion....we read the string from the res file now
Comment on attachment 58712 [details] [diff] [review] Updated patch to get the string from the resource file
Attachment #58712 - Flags: superreview+
Fix checked in...
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
I am still seeing this problem, but not all the time. I will be attaching an html file to this bug. To see the problem, load the attachment in the browser, and try to search for the word "local" you will notice that no dialog is presented when the end of the document is reached. But if you search for the word "karzai" a dialog is shown. I am reopening this bug.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Attached file Testcase
Testcase referred to in comment #12.
I was able to reproduce it(both in Netscape 6.2 and in MfcEmbed) using Michael's attachment given above. Cc:ing Conrad...
Why are bugs like this getting filed against MfcEmbed? I always thought its point was to show how to use embedding APIs, not be an end-user product. This is an app useabilty issue, not an embedding issue. It would be an embedding issue if the Find API put up that alert internally using nsIPromptService - fortunately it doesn't. I suggest WONTFIX.
Generally I agree and maybe we should be more strict, but if this reproducable in Mozilla also, it suggests a common cause.
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.7 → mozilla0.9.8
These bugs are filed against MFCEmbed because embedders see problems in their embedded apps that don't appear in Mozilla. If they can reproduce the problem in MFCEmbed, it is indicative of a problem in the same core files they use to build their applications. Now, in some cases, the functionality might be outside the range that can be expected from those core files and MFCEmbed. If that's the case, let the reporter know and close the bug report. But, there is functionality, like this one, that should be available to embedders. If you don't think that's the case, tell us why or let us know what files we should be including in our builds to provide the functionality. I doubt all reporters are going to know which bugs fall exactly where. I know that I don't. Unfortuantely, in most cases, there is little or no documentation that tells us what we can and can not expect for embedded apps, especially if we are not coders.
If an embedded application encounters a failure and that failure is reproducable in MFCEmbed then it is a failure worthy of investigation. There may be several failures only reproducible in an "embedded" context. In that case MFCEmbed serves as a suitable reference to isolate the failure.
The point in this instance is that this bug IS reproducable in mozilla as well as embedding. This implies a root cause which is not embedding specific. The find component doing the searching does reside in mozilla/embedding but it uses a textservices object from mozilla/editor/txtsvc/ for the grunt work. So the problem most probably exists in one of these.
Conrad -- Obviously if repro in MOzilla then that should be noted and the bug assigned as appropriate (certainly not Chak in this case). Can you set the owner.
Here's what I found with the testcase attachment: The word 'local' exists in the blue sidebar on the left and in the main body of text. These two are apparently different frames and we always wrap through multiple frames by default (bug 92102). On searching for "local" it found one occurence in one frame, finding the next found nothing (a real bug) and finding the next found the one in the next frame. AFAICT, this is a symptom of bug 92102 which is implemented for both mozilla and embedding by the same component. Simon - do you want this or should I take it?
Conrad: you can take this and 92102 if you like. Bug 78305 is also related.
Taking bug 92102 and making this a dup since I really think it is. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 92102 ***
Closed: 23 years ago23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
I don't think this was resolved properly. I don't think this bug is a DUPE of 92102. The fix that Chak checked in resolved the reported bug. The problem that was reported on 12/7/2001 was of a different enough nature that it should have been filed as a separate bug report or directed to 92102, if that's the proper bug for that problem. This bug should have been closed and reported as FIXED. This may seem like a minor issue but for those of us trying to follow particular bugs, it is really confusing to have old bugs marked as a DUPE of a more recent bug. How can #82708 be a DUPE of #92102? Also, if you didn't read every entry here, you might think that this issue is still open in Bug 92102. I agree that some issue is still open in 92102. However, it is not the problem that was reported originally. Sorry for nitpicking but this isn't the first time I've seen this happen.
I am verifying this bug. I am not seeing this problem anymore on trunk build 02-21.
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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