Open Bug 832671 Opened 12 years ago Updated 12 years ago

Option to allow saving cookies permanently only if passwords are also saved


(SeaMonkey :: Passwords & Permissions, enhancement)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter:, Unassigned)


Most sites that leave cookies do so for tracking and advertising purposes.  However, some sites save cookies so that I do not have to log in every time I visit the site.

I would like to have an option where I can tell Seamonkey, "For any web site where I do not save passwords, store all cookies as session-only (at the longest)."

In other words, if I go to a site like, where I've asked Seamonkey to save a password, then it's okay to save all cookies as-is.  However, if I visit another website, like where I do not have an account, then I do not want any cookies to be saved when I close my browser.  Every time I open the browser and visit, I want the web site to think I've never been visited before.

This is a variant of bug 75915, but here the process is automatic rather than manual.
Summary: Option to allow saving cookies permanently only if passwords is also saved → Option to allow saving cookies permanently only if passwords are also saved
Component: General → Passwords & Permissions
Version: unspecified → Trunk
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