Closed Bug 832807 Opened 12 years ago Closed 11 years ago

[ja] Translate 2013 Firefox Flicks website


(Websites :: Firefox Flicks, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bugzilla, Unassigned)




(2 files, 1 obsolete file)

+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #831308 +++ This bug is for the translation of the updated "Firefox Flicks" site for 2013. The Firefox Flicks site is a video contest targetting talented filmmakers wishing to create fun videos about Mozilla and Firefox. This is the third iteration of this contest, the first contest was in 2006, the second contest was in 2012 and this year contest will focus on Mobile and Firefox OS promotion. Here is the url on the development server: We are at stage one in which we announce the contest and make a call for participation to this contest. The translation format for this project is .po files that you are on svn but also available through the Verbatim Web translation tool: This is a 5750 words site but if you did the project last year, 3750 are reused, which means a translation of about 2000 words. Some of the strings similar to strings last year are also marked as fuzzy. Please also note that there is one special string that is actually a set of about 20 strings that will nor be used in the site but will be inserted into a downloadable PDF for the Creative brief, this brief is actually a presentation with just a few words on each slide. In this special string, each slide change is indicated by an html line break (<br>) and if the same sentence is meant to be split in two slides, there will be an ellipsis indicating it, ex: With Firefox OS, we're making smartphones more accessible...<br> ...while empowering more users in more ways. This way we will be able to provide a localized Creative Brief and not just one in English. if you can, please prioritize the translation of the brief over the other strings, this way our engagement team will be able to create the pdf's for your language while you are translating the rest of the site. We will of course provide you the pdfs so as that you can give feedback. We are targetting a launch of the site with the announcement for January 22, there will also be further updates later this year to put the competing videos online and announce who the winners are. Thanks!
OS: Linux → All
Hardware: x86 → All
No longer depends on: 831308
Hi, this is Yumi from Mozilla Japan.Attached please find the translated text of Flicks 2013 HP in Japanese. If you have any question please let me know. Thanks!
Committed in r112528 Yumi, the file was not syntactically correct, since you are editing offlune, may I suggets that you use poedit to translate the file while keeping the right format? There are still missing strings in your file or strings marked as "fuzzy".
Sorry to late - we made some correction in the file. Please see the attached. Thank you !
Attachment #706282 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Committed in r112628, but please check your strings, several of them are old ones with wrong variables for href attributes.
It works for me locally, but we are waiting for the Dev server to pick up the update and check that it is ok. The wikipedia link should be:
mkelly, this locale is ready to go on production. Could you put a message in this bug when it is done so as that Mozilla Japan can issue a press release about it? Thanks
Flicks site now includes ja locale (bug 835979 is resolved). But I've got some more feedback for ja locale site and updated: mkelly, could you update
Thanks, the site for phase 1 is released in Japanese, I am closing your bug at least for now, I may reopen it or open a separate one fot the second phase of the site next week.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
On p.27 of creative brief it misses some words in Japanese words at the beginning and end. Please refer to below, and would you kindly correct it? Now)ちが力を合わせれば、Web の可能性をより多くの場所でより 多くの人々に 実現するこ Correct) 私たちが力を合わせれば、Web の可能性をより多くの場所でより多く の人々に実現することができます。
Not second phase but need to finish/fix creative brief PDF file. -> REOPENED line 1805~1808 of messages.po file: "に応じて自由にご利用ください。<br>ダウンロードはこちらから: {URL TBD}<br>私た" "ちが力を合わせれば、Web の可能性をより多くの場所でより 多くの人々に実現するこ" "とができます。<br>ビデオ制作の準備をしましょう。 <br>創造力を発揮しましょう。" "<br>そして、モバイル化しましょう。<br>" As Yumi wrote, current creative brief PDF: Page 27 contain only strings in line 1806 of message.po file: "ちが力を合わせれば、Web の可能性をより多くの場所でより 多くの人々に実現するこ" Please contain strings contained before/after the line: " ... <br>私た" ~~~~ "ちが力を合わせれば、Web の可能性をより多くの場所でより 多くの人々に実現するこ" "とができます。<br> ... " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Pushed ja updates to production. The creative brief has been activated and fixed. Let me know if the creative brief has any more errors. :D
Closed: 12 years ago12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
We've updated translation file but is not updated yet. Please update message.po file used in the production site. # or tell us when it will be updated
Resolution: FIXED → ---
We pushed a string update to Flicks yesterday to fix a formatting character issue, and it seems to have picked up the changes from SVN. There are a few strings that are still showing in English on because they are marked as fuzzy in SVN, like Once those strings are fixed I can push Flicks again to pull them in.
We've updated the translation file to fix fuzzy translations. Please update message.po file used in the production site.
We've got a push scheduled for tomorrow, will update once it's up.
The updated strings were pushed yesterday. A single string had to be modified: It was translated as "views" instead of votes, and changed the variable name, causing the page to error out. We're going to be doing a few more pushes over the next few weeks, so it should hit production soon after it gets translated; if not, feel free to ping me and ask for an l10n push. Thanks!
Closed: 12 years ago11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Attached file 0815messages.po
I added some translation in ja file. Please reflect it to the site.
Site has been updated.
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