Closed Bug 836586 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Anonymous user download/installs are properly not tracked.


(Marketplace Graveyard :: Statistics, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: wraithan, Assigned: alexis+bugs)



(Whiteboard: [u=dev c=mkt-statistics p=2])


(1 file)

Split from Because the unique_together of Installed ( ) anonymous users are only tracked if they are using a different client. I suggest we add a field anon_uuid or something of the sort. We set the uuid on the anon's session then if they try to install again we don't track them. Helps mitigate abuse potential and makes it so if a user actually does just reinstall it we don't end up tracking that.
I'm loathe to use the Installed table for extra data. For monolith we were thinking of storing the data in a temporary table and then pulling it out. Hashing the session is a fine idea. This could be the start of that code. So cc'ing Alexis.
Currently, for monolith, we're reading the data from the stats_* tables, and we don't care for now who is putting the data there, or how. We where thinking about putting this data to a temporary table at some point, but we'll not do that for now, so I suggest you just add this field, and I'll consider it when retrieving the data on the monolith-aggregator side.
What's the plan on this bug guys? I'd imagine a good chunk of our downloads are anonymous so missing those makes the statistics we have now rather useless.
OS: Mac OS X → All
Hardware: x86 → All
I filtered my log to keep the "install" from the mozilla marketplace. If someone create an account, we redirect it (302), so I left only the status code "200", that is viewed when we got the first visite from a firefox marketplace app user.
What I see in my console does not reflect what I get in my iis log file.
I think Wraithan is currently adding support for this directly in the zamboni code, and we will get it from here to feed the information in the monolith db. I don't know if wraithan already has a patch for this?
I don't have a patch for this, got pulled for some other stuff. I am at a work week but I can find some time in the evening to fix this.
Assignee: nobody → xwraithanx
Depends on: 839148
Depends on: 839150
Give Wraithan some points for this - feel free to downgrade to a 1 point, if you think this is easier than I think it is ;)
Whiteboard: [u=dev c=mkt-statistics p=2]
Alexis is working on the temporary tables and API.
Assignee: xwraithanx → nobody
Assignee: nobody → alexis+bugs
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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