Closed Bug 836746 Opened 12 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Click To Play HTML bit not recognized by all screen readers


(Core Graveyard :: Plug-ins, defect)

Windows 7
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: MarcoZ, Unassigned)



(Keywords: access, Whiteboard: [CtPDefault:P2])

The HTML snippet that gets inserted in place of the Flash or other plugin object needs an ARIA attribute of role="button" to be recognizable and/or clickable by all assistive technologies. Right now, the HTML that is used registers with some screen readers for the blind as clickable, but not others, and not all are able to activate it, like performing a standard action or emuating a mouse click. Either a real button element, or keeping the current element and adding role="button" to its set of attributes, should be changed/added to rectify this situation. Changing the element to a real button would also make it immediately accessible to keyboard-only users, e. g., by making it tabable without having to tinker around with tabindex values.
What is the keyboard-only way of invoking click-to-play?
This may be fixed by my upcoming patch in bug 831921. Currently can you reach the "close" button via screenreader/keyboard?
(In reply to Benjamin Smedberg [:bsmedberg] from comment #2) > This may be fixed by my upcoming patch in bug 831921. Currently can you > reach the "close" button via screenreader/keyboard? Yes I can reach the close button via the keyboard.
(In reply to David Bolter [:davidb] from comment #1) > What is the keyboard-only way of invoking click-to-play? At the moment, tabbing to the plugin icon in the urlbar (left of the globe/lock), opening the popup with space, tabbing to the desired button, and using space to activate it.
The normal way to discover this for a blind user, however, is when they browse through the page and encounter the snippet that says "click to activate Flash plugin". It would be a massive drawback if they had to leave their place in the page, go to the URL bar, tab around to find that button, activate the menu etc. Same goes for keyboard users, whose focus will normally be on the content rather than the URL bar. So making this snippet properly accessible and keyboad navigable is, IMO, the right thing to do for our users.
(In reply to Marco Zehe (:MarcoZ) from comment #5) > So making this snippet > properly accessible and keyboad navigable is, IMO, the right thing to do for > our users. Absolutely - I was just explaining a workaround using the current setup.
Depends on: 831921
Can you please check with the current nightly to see whether the new button layout is appropriately accessible?
Flags: needinfo?(marco.zehe)
In today's nightly build, the text of the HTML snippet has changed, but it is still semantically not correct. 1. It still is neither a link nor a button, but only some indiscernible "clickable" div or span. 2. It is still not keyboard focusable. Tab skips right over it.
Flags: needinfo?(marco.zehe)
There should be two buttons now: the close button and the activate button. Both of these are <html:button> elements and should be in the keyboard tabindex. They currently don't have any extra metadata information associated with them, which seems unfortunate. What needs to change on those elements to make them usable from a screen reader?
Whiteboard: [CtPDefault:P2]
Using windows and the Inspect (a11y) tool when hovering the mouse over what is visually the play button and the 'x' close button I can confirm that the role exposed is push button for both. I am not yet sure where these buttons are in the tab navigation order since I haven't been able to tab to them. Benjamin this is probably a special overlay right?
Hmmm I was just able to tab to them on this test page: Marco, note the clickable non-descript thing is the area outside the buttons (but over the video).
OK I can in fact tab to the buttons on you tube as well. Now we just need to give them good names I think. Marco is the screen reader getting in the way perhaps?
OK, now that I used Davidb's test page, I see two unlabeled buttons. Since Youtube also has some unlabeled buttons in the vicinity of the video, having to do with the stupid Guide feature, I didn't see where our control actually starts. I see two buttons that don't have proper labels, and the text "Click to activate Flash" right below that.
Resolving old bugs which are likely not relevant any more, since NPAPI plugins are deprecated.
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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