Closed Bug 840257 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Dialer not launched on incoming call when under memory pressure (failing MW4)


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia, defect)

Not set


(blocking-b2g:tef+, firefox19 wontfix, firefox20 wontfix, firefox21 fixed, b2g18 fixed, b2g18-v1.0.0 wontfix, b2g18-v1.0.1 verified)

B2G C4 (2jan on)
blocking-b2g tef+
Tracking Status
firefox19 --- wontfix
firefox20 --- wontfix
firefox21 --- fixed
b2g18 --- fixed
b2g18-v1.0.0 --- wontfix
b2g18-v1.0.1 --- verified


(Reporter: cjones, Assigned: gsvelto)



(Keywords: regression)

I also noticed a behavior where we go into super slow mode if we are low on memory and the call shows up 30sec after I dropped it from the other phone.
Blocking for now based on current understanding of acceptance criteria. We will review this tomorrow in a partner triage session to confirm if it will remain blocking.
blocking-b2g: tef? → tef+
Assignee: nobody → 21
Chris is it a duplicate of bug 836654 ? Or a more specific version?
Flags: needinfo?(jones.chris.g)
This is a symptom of a problem that bug 836654 should fix.
Depends on: 836654
Flags: needinfo?(jones.chris.g)
Takin' this. I'll try to reproduce it with the patches from bug 836654 applied to see if it gets fixed for good.
Assignee: 21 → gsvelto
Don't forget the Gaia patch and also the bugs which block bug 836654.
(In reply to Justin Lebar [:jlebar] from comment #6) > Don't forget the Gaia patch and also the bugs which block bug 836654. I reproduced the issue on mozilla-b2g then tried out the latest central which has your patches for bug 836654 with the gaia part too. With your patches the problem's fixed and I can see the call showing up immediately while reproducing the steps that cause the issue. How hard would it be to backport your fix and its dependencies to mozilla-b2g18? I've tried applying the patches there and succeeded with some manual adjustments but I haven't tried compiling yet.
> How hard would it be to backport your fix and its dependencies to mozilla-b2g18? I just pushed. :)
(In reply to Justin Lebar [:jlebar] from comment #8) > I just pushed. :) Great! \o/ I'll re-test on b2g18 and if the problem's fixed I think we can safely close this (as a duplicate maybe?).
I'm hitting this issue when trying to compile the latest mozilla-b2g18: /home/gsvelto/projects/mozilla-b2g18/hal/HalWakeLock.cpp: In function 'void mozilla::hal_impl::GetWakeLockInfo(const nsAString_internal&, mozilla::hal::WakeLockInformation*)': /home/gsvelto/projects/mozilla-b2g18/hal/HalWakeLock.cpp:265: error: no match for 'operator=' in 'aWakeLockInfo->mozilla::hal::WakeLockInformation::lockingProcesses() = totalCount.mozilla::hal_impl::<unnamed>::LockCount::processes' ../dist/include/nsTArray.h:1289: note: candidates are: InfallibleTArray<long long unsigned int>& InfallibleTArray<long long unsigned int>::operator=(const InfallibleTArray<long long unsigned int>&) make: *** [HalWakeLock.o] Error 1 I've clobbered the objdir-gecko directory but to no avail.
Since the two types are an InfallibleTArray<> and a regular nsTArray<> I think it's because we're missing this change from central on b2g18:
Right; I just pushed a fix (there are a few more compile errors after that).
(In reply to Justin Lebar [:jlebar] from comment #12) > Right; I just pushed a fix (there are a few more compile errors after that). I just re-run the test with the last fix you pushed and everything's working fine. I can run the "Bust processes" operation and still receive calls afterwards. Should this be verified by QA before we close?
> Should this be verified by QA before we close? QA can come back and move from resolved to verified if they want, but I'm happy with your testing, myself.
Target Milestone: --- → B2G C4 (2jan on)
Verifying fix - issue does not reproduce anymore - The dialer is launched successfully, incoming call is not dropped by unagi after busting system memory (link was used for testing) tested with the following builds: V1.1.0 Build ID 2013-03-28-0702024 Gecko Gaia 6dbf0b68622aa80d079fee2af660ddc47f7cd7df V1.0.1 Build ID 2013-03-28-070202 Gecko Gaia d40dcdd112f12e2a5a0d1de46451670918fd4369
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